iSpeech iPhone SDK for monotouch? - iphone

Is there a way to use the iSpeech SDK for iPhone in my monotouch project?

This looks like an ObjectiveC library. The way to use this inside a MonoTouch project is to create .NET bindings for the library.
There's one reference of this already? existing in their forums but I could not google it. You might want to ask them (iSpeech) if they are aware of it before starting your own bindings.


Is there an App like "Codea", but for MonoTouch?

Is there an App like "Codea" ( ), but for MonoTouch?
I need a way to write and compile my MonoTouch code directly on the iPad.
I thought about writing my own realtime c# MonoTouch compiler for iPad, but I fear that this is a daunting task. But maybe there are some open source resources already out there.
Any help is appreciated,
In short, no there isn't. MonoTouch was designed explicitly to allow developers who are using Apple's XCode development environment to embed the Monotouch engine into their IOS applications. As the commenter mentioned, there is no C# interpreter for IOS.
Learn Lua, it's good for you :)

Do we have .net SDK for iPhone?

is it possible to access iPhone file system from .net?
Do we have .net SDK for iPhone??
I am trying to write a program in .net to access the filesystem, basic operations like
switching off an iphone re-springing etc
MonoTouch is a commercial product that will allow you to use C# to target iOS devices.
The only thing available in this ilk for iPhone is MonoTouch.

Calling Mono libraries from native iPhone App

how can I call Mono libraries right from a native iPhone App? It is written in Objective-C, so MonoTouch is no option.
Thanks in advance,
You probably want to take a look at Mono's embedding API. You can find more info here:

Recommended way to support backward/forward compatibility in iPhone app?

I'm in the early stages of an iPhone app and I have a question. I did some searching but did not find what I was looking for.
There are features in iPhone OS4 that I would like to take advantage of, but I would like for my app to also run on 3.X.
It looks like I want to develop against the 4.0 SDK and do the following:
Create a "weak link" to any new (4.0) frameworks
Call respondsToSelector: for any
new method in an existing framework
or any method in a new framework
before making that call
Am I close? What's recommended?
Pointers to similar questions welcome.
Just as a note - if you are trying to check for a new framework, you're best chance is to call respondsToSelector: on a class method against the class object instead of using an instance method.
Yes, that's exactly how you do it!
The only other trick I can think of that you have not already mentioned is that you build against the latest SDK (i.e., 4.0 in this case) and set the target to be the earliest you want to support (3.0 in this case).
You might like to try using the 3.2 SDK to create a universal (iPhone/iPad) app. This is an Apple template that uses this same method to work with two different APIs.

Reference a library in Xcode for iPhone App

I am used to Visual studio, I have class library projects that I reference in my web sites or windows applications. Using class libraries allows me to create common functionalities, utilities once and use them over and over again.
How do I do this with Xcode and iPhone App development?
I am looking for some details on how to create the library, where to stores the files and how to reference in my App. That is if it is possible.
I am very very new to Mac and Xcode.
Creating a Static Library for iPhone App
On the iPhone, you need to create a 'static library' target. This will build your code into a .a file which will then be integrated directly into your iPhone application.
This way has worked for me. If you need to use xibs or other non-compilable resource files in the framework, look at the embedded framework section.