Do we have .net SDK for iPhone? - iphone

is it possible to access iPhone file system from .net?
Do we have .net SDK for iPhone??
I am trying to write a program in .net to access the filesystem, basic operations like
switching off an iphone re-springing etc

MonoTouch is a commercial product that will allow you to use C# to target iOS devices.

The only thing available in this ilk for iPhone is MonoTouch.


Is it possible to convert iphone application to Windows Phone 7 application

Is it possible to convert iphone application which is build using Xcode to Windows Phone 7 application which is build using C#.?
Or is there any tool to convert.?
Can we build an application in HTML5 and deploy it on windows Phone 7.?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Regards,
As others have mentioned, there are cross platform development tools available, including tools from, and These are great solutions if you want to start on a greenfield project, or if you are embarking on a major new version across all platforms.
If you want/need to port an existing Objective-C app, however, then I don't believe there are any tools available for you. One thing that may helps is that Microsoft have produced some useful "how do I port" guides for iOS, for Android and for Qt - see:
It is not Possible to Convert the iphone sdk application which is written in objective c to C#.
But using Monotouch ,you can write code in C# which will be compatible for iPhone and can use it for other platForms also.
use PhoneGap library to build your App/Product
ship it with multiple environment
it is javascript library

visual studio desktop application for iphone/Android apps

i want to develop one desktop application using c# sql lite, this application i want to submit this app to Apple store in case of iphone/ likewise for Android. please let me know if it is feasible to do, if so please let me know the steps that need to be incorporated in order to achieve this.
No. You can't do this directly.
You need third party compilers to run C# code on iPhone (MonoTouch) or Android (MonoDroid).
Do keep in mind that, even if you use MonoTouch (or MonoDroid) you won't be using Windows Forms, WPF or any other Windows based GUI framework. You will be using different frameworks to support Apple and Google's platform capabilities. So if you were thinking to run existing C# applications on iPhone or Android, it won't be possible.

phonegap and used .html, .css, .javascript. (how my app works)

i am new developer here, write now i am develop application
using blackberry web/widget (eclipse) and the language i used is phonegap where phonegap support .html, .css, .javascript. so i want to know how my application work? is it
depend on os version or phone model or both?
You develop with phonegap.
This is a framework that let's you create mobile apps with access to phonefunctions by using web standards.
You will need to compile your app for each platform (OS). Seperatly.
Of course you will need to take in mind the different resolutions for each phone.

SilverLight and iPhone

I need to embed an silverlight or flash component in an iphone native application.
Can anyone tell me the compatibility for both in an iphone application.
Apple does not support flash on iPhones. I have a hard time believing that they would support Silverlight.
No compatibility for either.
Novell offers MonoTouch which will allow .NET code to be cross-compiled for the iPhone. Silverlight compatibility is on the roadmap

Building iPhone app on linux

Hi all is there way to build iPhone app on linux without using xcode.I want to make use of ant.
No, there is no way to build iPhone apps on anything other than Intel Mac's. Even third party app development kits like appcelerator require the iPhone SDK to be installed in the background
Another solution, but again is not possible to compile without a Mac, is Haxe:
You need to have a MAC to install iPhone SDK, even with tools such as MonoTouch (which lets you develop in C# instead of Objective C) you still need MAC for the SDK.
Right now the only way is using MonoTouch but is using C# and is not free software.
You can develop and write for the iPhone on linux, but there is no way to compile it to an iPhone app and/or check if your code is working properly.
You'll need a mac for that or MonoTouch as said above.
If you want to create games, you can use Unity 3D but that also is not free software.