Calling Mono libraries from native iPhone App - iphone

how can I call Mono libraries right from a native iPhone App? It is written in Objective-C, so MonoTouch is no option.
Thanks in advance,

You probably want to take a look at Mono's embedding API. You can find more info here:


Is there an App like "Codea", but for MonoTouch?

Is there an App like "Codea" ( ), but for MonoTouch?
I need a way to write and compile my MonoTouch code directly on the iPad.
I thought about writing my own realtime c# MonoTouch compiler for iPad, but I fear that this is a daunting task. But maybe there are some open source resources already out there.
Any help is appreciated,
In short, no there isn't. MonoTouch was designed explicitly to allow developers who are using Apple's XCode development environment to embed the Monotouch engine into their IOS applications. As the commenter mentioned, there is no C# interpreter for IOS.
Learn Lua, it's good for you :)

What is the best strategy for keeping an android and iphone version of the same app

I'm must build the same application for android and iphone.
I tryed rhodes, that is great, but some native ui features are missing...
I would like to know, is there a strategy, sdk, framework, or something for building native applications for android and iphone that somehow reduce the rework?
Or any suggestion of other framework, like rhodes...
Phone Gap is the place for you. You should have a look at this
Appcelerator Titanium
Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!
Have a well written PDR and stick to it.
there is another approach which is to use a tool that generates both simultaneously like: phonegap or corona SDK.
Design for some level of resolution independence. Try to code as much as you appropriately can in HTML rather than native controls. And wrap common API calls so you have 1 method to change rather than 100 different calls all over the place.
You could consider using monotouch and monodroid.
You may also want to see Reusing Monotouch code in Monodroid app

Using XML-RPC in iPhone apps

Is it possible to use XML-RPC calls in iPhone application (what approaches are the best)?
Are there any constraints with XML-RPC?
Thank you,
I have recently come across this library, take a look at the description at the end.
Hope you find it useful.
You might be interested in the WordPress for iOS app. It's completely open source and uses an XML-RPC library.

Does anyone know of a wrapper for the Addressbook framework for iphone?

Anyone know of a wrapper for the AddressBook framework that makes it a bit friendlier to use?
Yes, Erica Sadun has developed an awesome Objective-C AddressBook wrapper framework.
I've personally used it in my projects, and I can attest that it works very well.
Check it out at Github.
I recently completed a comprehensive iOS / iPhone wrapper framework that is available on GitHub.
I know of two but have not used them.
Google Toolbox for Mac
I currently use iPhoneContacts and it works fine.

iPhone OSC Library

I know there are some iPhone Apps out there that use OSC and i'm wondering now if someone of them released a nice library for it. I googled a loot around but didn't found anything. Maybe someone knows how to google better then me :)
I'm currently trying to get OSCKit to work on the iPhone, but i'm not that good in iPhone development.
Thanks for your answers.
TouchOSC is using oscpack
It's implemented in C++ which might be awkward to use in an iPhone (I personally don't mind)
There's a pure Objective-C OSC framework called "VVOSC" which is easy to configure and use in an iPhone SDK context:
OSC-Kit was replaced by WOscLib
Sounds like you're looking for dsmi
Don't be put off by that "DS", it works on the iPhone too.
Also, if you are using PhoneGap, I implemented OSC for javascript (client-side) in my KievII library. Here's the code.