How can I link my Facebook App Profile Page to a Facebook Page? [closed] - photo

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We have a Facebook App which is launching tomorrow at 9am. The App Profile Page is here:
There's a banner on it which says these pages are deprecated, and I should migrate. I would love to. However, there's no link that I can find which will allow us to migrate, either on that page or in the App's settings.
We have a page which meets the requirements (same name, and is a Product/App category) here:
When our App publishes to FB (it's a Camera app), and the resulting photo says "via Camera Awesome" the 'Camera Awesome' link that FB is generating still links to the deprecated App Profile Page:
Already read and tried:
Would love to know how we can properly get this fixed so that FB is linking to the App Page rather than the deprecated App Profile Page.
Any ideas?

Your official Facebook Page may not be getting all the fans it deserves because users are accidentally Liking unofficial duplicate versions of your Page you’ve created. These missing fans cost you news feed impressions and clicks and ad targeting opportunities, or require you to waste time managing multiple duplicate Pages. Fortunately, Facebook now offers the “Merge duplicate pages” tool to allow you to roll fans from duplicate versions of Pages into your official Page.
Instructions for Merging Duplicate Pages
Go to your Page and click “Edit Page”, then click the “Resources” tab, and then select “Merge duplicate pages”. You’ll then see a list of any duplicate Pages that are eligible to be rolled into your Page. [Update: We've determined that currently, duplicate Pages must be under your control to be eligible for a merge. Those looking to gain control of community Pages or unofficial fan-controlled Pages that represent the same thing as their official Page should use the "Is this your business?" link or "Report: duplicate" link beneath the duplicate Page's profile picture.]
To qualify, you must be an admin of the duplicate Page, and it must have an identical name to the official Page. If you don’t see any eligible Pages, check back in a few weeks as Facebook may expand eligibility to similar but not identical Pages.
Reporting Non-Identical Duplicate Pages
The merge tool only works for Pages you control with exactly the same name as the official Page. Therefore, you may not find the duplicates you were hoping to merge with in the tool. Admins have two sensible options in this situation:
Report the Pages as Duplicates
Wait and hope that Facebook will allow non-identical duplicate Pages or those not under your control to be merged in the future.
Note: This merge pages tool is currently working erratically. It may or may not show up for you when it should even if the pages are both biz pages and in the same category and have an exact name match. Unfortunately this is a FB problem and I encourage you to contact them about the bug in their merge pages tool. If it is present for you it works well, if it’s not present you may be out of luck


Monetization in a facebook app for websites [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a gaming website which also has a facebook app for connecting through facebook.
I have offers and virtual currency for purchase, not with FB credits.
When the app is opened from facebook, it's connecting to the site but shows it in a canvas, as an ifram in Facebook.
I read that it is not allowed to monetize in with anything other than FB credits, but i see sites like that have the same problem, but keep the monetization as it is, and you can buy things from them, while in the canvas/iframe.
Did break the FB law, or is there any workaround that they implemented so it'll work.
Also, redirects immediately to their site when openning the app. it does not appear in the canvas. I read this is against the rules too. is it because it is opened in a new tab?
There are a few questions here, I'll try to address them all separately.
The rules around monetization and FB Credits are (for now) different for games and non-game apps, so Zoosk is not a useful point of comparison for you.
Currently it's possible to send a user to a separate site, but this is changing soon (see and - starting Dec. 5, not only are you no longer allowed to promote alternative (off-site) payment options from within FB, you won't even be allowed to use the same app ID for the game displayed on & off FB. So, you should probably consider offering FB credits as an option in the future, and in the meantime you might want to make a concerted effort to ensure your users are aware of the other payment options.
I'm not 100% sure on the latest rules w/ redirects like you say GameDuell uses, you'll have to research that more if you're unsure. I'd just add that unexpected redirects are harmful to the user experience, but only you can decide if doing it makes sense for your case.

Is it legal use a friend's photos an a derivative image and repost it back to FB? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I ask at SO because the top google links to similar question lead here. There are those that say contracts are programming, so...
Is it allowed, using the FB connect, to browse a user's friends photos (published by them) add them to a collage and then republish the derivative image?
Intuitively it would seem that you cannot, however the TOS is vague on the issue section 2, point 4
and there are apps that do it.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
According to the TOSs I guess that if the users give you permissions to access the pictures and also give you publishing permissions it's allowed to do what you want.
Section 4, point 3 says:
If a user grants you a publishing permission, actions you take on the
user's behalf must be expected by the user and consistent with the
user's actions within your app.
Section 7, point 2 says:
By "Facebook social channel" we mean Application Info Section, Page
Tab, Feed, Requests (including invites), inbox attachments, Chat,
Cover, Bookmarks, or any other feature of a user profile or Facebook
communication channel in which or through which an application can
provide, display, or deliver content directed at, on behalf of, or by
permission of a user.
Making that collage available to the user is okay, as the user could have accessed those photos himself anyway. There are existing applications that do so and as per hectorg87's answer, I think it is permitted.
You also said you were thinking of posting the photos to a public domain
that anyone can browse.
But, even if it is allowed by the Facebook Privacy Policy, I'd still recommend that you not post it to a public domain. That is a violation of privacy of the user's friends, from whom you did NOT obtain explicit permission to use their content and that data is not yours to post.
As hectorg87 pointed out, Section 2 Point 2 or the policy clearly states you do not own that data, so publishing it will be illegal.

Can't add new app, can't join Facebook community [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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From a previous FB SO question, I worked out that the Create New App button is probably missing because I created the fan page without a proper FB account and I think they want something more concrete to verify me or something. So I created a proper FB account, as me, and now I'm stuck.
I can't join the developer community. The first time I clicked to join, it said "Cancel Request" for a few hours before reverting to Join, so I clicked it again and its been pending ever since - there's no email confirmation, it's all a bit mysterious.
I need to join because I don't think this (SO) is the right place to ask questions about the problems I'm having just setting up a new app, or linking my new account to the fan page.
I'm stuck - my company is blocked to add new features.
You do need to register, then log in to FB, and accept their permissions to become a developer. I created a very nice step by step guide that takes you through everything, including registering with FB, setting up a Java WebService, Persistence, and registering for FREE web hosting, resulting in a completed demo App with some sample FB calls. Goes from absolute 0 to fully functioning FB app with this 3 part blog series (part 1 starts here):
I'm going to supply an official answer. I needed to create a proper Facebook account as me, with friends, and then set this account as an administrator of the Facebook page. Then wait for their servers to propagate changes.
Bottom line: if you created your page using a page account (i.e. an account representing your brand and not a person), you can't make apps, and Facebook doesn't give error messages, it just hides options or redirects you round in circles.

How do I submit my app to appear in Facebook app

I have developed a Facebook app and associated with the page. I don't have the 'sandbox' checked. However I don't see the app in the Search-box. Do I have to wait certain days for the app to appear in 'search'? I scoured the documentation but I didn't find an answer (the link the document mentions is not present!). Also, I don't see a 'Submit' button mentioned by other questions either. Any input appreciated.
Facebook now indexes apps automatically once they have 10 users, the search index is rebuilt every 2-4 weeks, this was announced here:

how to add facebook feed to our website [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to add a facebook feed to a website and for some reason it does not show any activity.
This is the page:
And this is the facebook page that has the activity:
I have gone into the facebook account, copied over the script from the Social Media section and pasted it into the page.
But when I look at the page it says no activity to display.
Can anyone suggest where we have gone wrong.
I would have though that this would have been an easy thing to do.
The activity feed is to display activity to Facebook on your website, such as when people like or share one of your pages. If you want to display activity from your Facebook fan page wall you need a different plugin, maybe the like box
If you can't display posts from your Facebook page then it's most likely because you have restrictions (either age or location) on the page. You can remove any restrictions by going to your page settings in Facebook and making sure that the page isn't restricted to a certain country or age range. Once you've removed the restrictions then check out the Custom Facebook Feed plugin.
You have no activity on your wall for it to report.
Please read what an activity feed does here
Perhaps you are looking for something instead to display your wall posts?
You can use neosmart STREAM. It's a Social Media Plugin to add Facebook and Twitter walls to a website. neosmart STREAM lite is free and can be downloaded here: