iPhone app icon size when validating builds in Xcode - iphone

I have a question when I am validating distribution build in Xcode.
I got the following error from Xcode
From this message, I guess my icon size is not right. However, I checked the image size several times, for the icon.png, the size is 57x57, while for the high resolution icon#2x.png, the size is 114x114.
So I also tried to make the icon again for several times, but I still get this message.
Is anyone know what happened here? Thanks!

Please select the targets and summary and set the app icon there.If it is iphone add 57*57 and ipad 72*72(size). I think this would solve the problem.


Extra margin in PWA - can't stretch full height

I built a PWA using Vue.js and https://www.pwabuilder.com/.
On IOS (Iphone 11) my app has extra margins on top and bottom that reduce the screen height, as shown on screenshot 1 below. On the Iphone 8 simulator it seems to go full-width. Probably because it is fixed ?
I thought it might be related to my JS code but debugging the app with Safari indicates that the extra margins are more likely linked to the XCode project, as they seem to apply outside my app view.
Has anyone any idea where that might come from ?
I am very unfamiliar with XCode so it might be just that my project has somewhere a max-height set.
Thanks for the help.
screenshot 1:
screenshot 2:
Anyone seeing this now and having the same error:
It was an issue of splash screens in Xcode. As some LaunchIcons were missing (typically the one from the test device) if defaulted to another smaller one and launched the app with a smaller height.

App launches in full screen in simulator, but not on device

This is an Xcode 6 Swift project. When choosing iPhone 5 or 5s in the simulator, the app launches at full screen height. However, when running the app on an actual device (an iPhone 5s), the screen is only iPhone 4 in height (i.e. black bars appear at the top and bottom of the screen).
The strange thing is that I've re-created this project from another test project - and in the original project I didn't have this problem.
I've performed a text-compare on the storyboard xml files for each, and both are mostly identical. I've also looked at the Build Settings for each, and can't see any obvious differences. Finally, the json files specified in the "Images.xcassets" directory for each are the same.
Managed to fix the problem. In the General settings for the target, under "App Icons and Launch Images" I clicked the "Use Asset Catalog" button and followed the options.
Place the Launch screen images for both iphone 5 and iphone 4 . Put the size of the default-568#2x image as 640 x 1136 .
May be you missed this size of splash screen in your project.
For me it was fixed after adding the images with all sizes
For me, this was because I'd saved the file in photoshop format, but with a PNG extension. The emulator loaded the file, but the actual device couldn't. Wasted 3 hours messing with asset catalogs before I figured it out!
Blog post on subject

iOS Launch Screen Asset Catalog not working

I believe I am making a silly mistake. But I cannot figure it out.
I have an image named Default.png that I have added to my project. Now when I go to General and then Launch Images I drag and drop this Default.png to the 2x window for my app. When I go to build the project and try it, I get this error:
"The launch image set named "LaunchImage" did not have any applicable content."
What's the problem here? I've also seen that simply dragging and dropping the Default.png should do it, but I think that's for older versions.
Any ideas?
Search for LaunchImage keyword in your .plist file and delete it. Then, try assigning the image again by dragging as you already did before...
This case raised in Xcode 5.0 + iOS 7.
Apple use Images.xcassets to group App Icons, App Launch (Default) Images in Xcode 5.0 + iOS 7.
For solving the problem of Asset Catalog Compiler Error
The launch image set named "LaunchImage" did not have any applicable content.
Putting suitable size of images into LaunchImage.
For example:
Should be 640x960 dimensioning in iPhone Portrait iOS7 2x.
Should be 640x1136 dimensioning in iPhone Portrait iOS 7 R2.
Reference from iOS App Programming Guide:
Create and Set iOS Launch Images
Launch images are displayed while your app is launching on iOS. A launch image matching the device resolution appears as soon as the user taps your app icon.
App Launch (Default) Images
Specify the launch images for your app in your Xcode project settings. In Xcode 5.0, specify these images on the General tab of your project settings; in older versions of Xcode, this tab may have a different name. Xcode places your launch image files at the top-level of the app bundle and configures other project settings as appropriate. Specifically, Xcode adds the UILaunchImages key to your app’s Info.plist file automatically if your app runs on iOS 7 or later. That key tells the system the name of your app’s launch image files. For earlier versions of iOS, the system uses the launch image filenames to decide which image to load.
The same error has been resolved by adding the exact sizes of launch images for different iOS devices.
I tried everything here, deleted the .app and rebuilt each time, and nothing worked. I finally got fed up and switched back to the old style of launcher image specification (Project Settings Window -> General -> Launch Images -> Source -> Don't use asset catalogs.) That worked!
I had this problem as well. Make sure of a couple of things:
Aspect Ratio is what Apple expects, in other words square
The sizes are correct, 60pt (for example) should be 60x60
60pt #2x should be 120x120
After I fixed the sizes the app compiled without errors but I think the most important thing is the aspect ratio.
In my case, with Xcode 7, the Images.xcassets was missing from the Build Phases, under Copy Bundle Resources. Then I just added it manually and the problem was gone.
Try looking at the code for "LaunchImage" and rename it to "Default"
Check and compare carefully if your image size matches the expected size. In my case I was using a wrong size, but when correcting the project built fine.
Check this attached image to see where you can compare them

Missing Localized Screenshots Error on itunes

I have selected Default Language as "Australian English" as Default language. When I am submitting the binary it showing as rejected"Red Icon" with status "Missing Localized Screenshots". The application is in only single language. I have added screen shots also the application is only for iphone.
When I am looking binary information that is showing as:
Localizations : ( "en-AU" )
Please suggest me where I am making mistake.
Check if you have screenshots for iPhone 5. I had this same error, when screenshots for iP5 were missing.
Basically the error telling you that you need to upload the iPhone5 device screen shot(at least one screen shot).
So solution of the problem:
1.Either you can upload the screen shots for iPhone5 Device . OR
2.You can just removed the Default-568h.png from your binary , in this case your application just run in the "letterbox" mode on iPhone5 Device.
So which ever is easy for you just adopt it .
I adopted the second one when i face the problem.
Just make sure to upload iPhone 5's screen shots .My app wasn't made for iphone 5 but I ran it on iphone 5 simulator and took screen shots and uploaded and every thing went ok.
All above answers seems right, but this can happen too if you have NO screenshots for 3.5" - RETINA, beware.
If you already have screenshots for 3-in & 4-in, add a single screenshot for iPad and that should fix your problem. The iPad shot is compulsory.
Issue has been solved still posting may be it help someone. Please follow below steps:
1- Upload 5.5 inch display screenshots.
2- Click on "Device Manager".
3- Here you will have list of screen sizes with the options to expand on left side and a check box on right hand side "Use 5.5-Inch Display","Use 4.7-Inch Display".... and so on. Click on these checkboxes if you don't want to use different images than 5.5 inch display screenshots else upload new images here with correct dimensions.
4- Click save.
In my case, I had the iPhone 5 (4" display) screenshots, but it also wanted 3.5" retina screenshots.
I added these, and the app went into 'Waiting for Review' state without further action.
I had the same problem, my solution was to change "Devices" in Development target only to iPhone (bacause i insert screens only for iPhone):
There is nothing wrong with your app - you need to add the screenshots from the iTunes Connect metadata and uploads section.
Once I'd added these in all went through and the app won't automatically flagged as missing localized screenshots.
Not the best of messages, but not wildly inaccurate.
I had this problem and mine was a Universal iOS app made in GameSalad Creator, you need screenshots for all the relevant screens even if it lets you progress without them.
I had changed the name of the app in the previous version and it choked on that. I changed the name of the app back to what it was and it went through fine..

Settings slider images on iPad?

I've got a settings bundle in my app, with PSSliderSpecifiers in it.
What sizes should those images on either side of the slider be for iPad?
(I know that for the iPhone, they should be 21 pixels squared, but they are not showing up on the iPad.)
Edit: in developer preview of 4.2, my images are back! No mod needed. Weird!
The image size does not really matter but I took the habit of putting the pictures directly into the bundle instead of counting on Xcode to do the job.
Try opening the settings.bundle using the "Show Package Content" finder command, drag your pictures in there and try again. Don't forget to "clean all target" after modifying the bundle.
The solution works for both iPad & iPhone
It is actually possible to have different settings for iPhone and iPad. This is done by specifying SupportedUserInterfaceIdioms in the PSSliderSpecifier item. So if you are seeing different behavior on the different device types, try checking whether this is the reason.
Pretty sure they should be the same for the iPad. Are you sure you correctly added them to your project?