Extra margin in PWA - can't stretch full height - swift

I built a PWA using Vue.js and https://www.pwabuilder.com/.
On IOS (Iphone 11) my app has extra margins on top and bottom that reduce the screen height, as shown on screenshot 1 below. On the Iphone 8 simulator it seems to go full-width. Probably because it is fixed ?
I thought it might be related to my JS code but debugging the app with Safari indicates that the extra margins are more likely linked to the XCode project, as they seem to apply outside my app view.
Has anyone any idea where that might come from ?
I am very unfamiliar with XCode so it might be just that my project has somewhere a max-height set.
Thanks for the help.
screenshot 1:
screenshot 2:

Anyone seeing this now and having the same error:
It was an issue of splash screens in Xcode. As some LaunchIcons were missing (typically the one from the test device) if defaulted to another smaller one and launched the app with a smaller height.


margins for ios app icons

I have an icon for my iOS app that seems to be missing some margins that other icons have. This creates an irregular, unwanted border around the icon when it is selected in Springboard (as the darkened selection overlay is smaller than the actual icon), as visible in this image:
When another app is selected (Safari, for example), there is no extra border:
I've tried this out with "Prerendered" setting (in the Xcode Target Summary page) on and off with no visible difference. I've also noticed other apps icons that have this issue. When I look at the icon for an app that doesn't have this issue, I do notice margins of a few pixels on every side.
I couldn't find any values listed online for the margins of different icon sizes. Does someone happen to know the values for the margins, or a program that can create the images with the correct margins? Or is there something else I may be missing?
(Note that the icons are not parallel due to the wiggling icons do in the app-deletion mode of Springboard. The 72#2x visible on the icon is--I assume--a separate issue.)
UPDATE: I myself have verified this on both a iPod Touch 4 (iOS 5) and iPhone 4 (iOS 6). (If it matters, both devices are jailbroken.) The project contains the following icons: Icon (57x57), Icon#2x (114x114), Icon-72 (72x72) and Icon-72#2x (144x144).
UPDATE 2: Since I'm developing an app for Cydia, the automatic icon rounding done by Springboard for regular App Store apps doesn't seem to be a possibility (see comments in #Vojtech Vrbka's answer).
UPDATE 3: Posted my solution to this problem (also removed the linked question in the last paragraph before the updates).
If you are making round corners manually, don't. Use square icon and the round corners will be added automatically.
Here is list of all sizes, that you should include in your app: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines
It turns out the main problem I had was not knowing what margins to use, but that my app did not get the automatic rounded corners (and margins) from Springboard which regularly installed apps would get (as my app is for Cydia, meaning it's basically a System App, and I was installing it manually to /Applications).
I found a similar question here, which had two useful answers, one which provides a potential way to prepare the icons manually, and another which names a useful app in Cydia which can create the icons correctly: http://cydia.saurik.com/package/org.thebigboss.iconmaker (most likely using the method from the other answer).

Not all custom button photos are showing up in Xcode simulator or device

I have been working on making home screen button link images for my app to take the user to different pages. When I was finally done with making all of the custom photos (all same resolution), only two of them show up on my device/simulator and I can not for the life of me figure out why. You can view what the storyboard vs the simulator looks like here. It looks the exact same on my iPhone 4, and I adjusted all of the view controllers in my storyboard to be compatible with retina 3.5 inch only. If anyone knows whats going on, I would be more than happy to hear your feedback. Thank you.
1)just strech more that means just try to increase the width & height of your images just by pulling or streching them.
2)be sure images has correct Named
3)be sure that images are added in project

Missing Localized Screenshots Error on itunes

I have selected Default Language as "Australian English" as Default language. When I am submitting the binary it showing as rejected"Red Icon" with status "Missing Localized Screenshots". The application is in only single language. I have added screen shots also the application is only for iphone.
When I am looking binary information that is showing as:
Localizations : ( "en-AU" )
Please suggest me where I am making mistake.
Check if you have screenshots for iPhone 5. I had this same error, when screenshots for iP5 were missing.
Basically the error telling you that you need to upload the iPhone5 device screen shot(at least one screen shot).
So solution of the problem:
1.Either you can upload the screen shots for iPhone5 Device . OR
2.You can just removed the Default-568h.png from your binary , in this case your application just run in the "letterbox" mode on iPhone5 Device.
So which ever is easy for you just adopt it .
I adopted the second one when i face the problem.
Just make sure to upload iPhone 5's screen shots .My app wasn't made for iphone 5 but I ran it on iphone 5 simulator and took screen shots and uploaded and every thing went ok.
All above answers seems right, but this can happen too if you have NO screenshots for 3.5" - RETINA, beware.
If you already have screenshots for 3-in & 4-in, add a single screenshot for iPad and that should fix your problem. The iPad shot is compulsory.
Issue has been solved still posting may be it help someone. Please follow below steps:
1- Upload 5.5 inch display screenshots.
2- Click on "Device Manager".
3- Here you will have list of screen sizes with the options to expand on left side and a check box on right hand side "Use 5.5-Inch Display","Use 4.7-Inch Display".... and so on. Click on these checkboxes if you don't want to use different images than 5.5 inch display screenshots else upload new images here with correct dimensions.
4- Click save.
In my case, I had the iPhone 5 (4" display) screenshots, but it also wanted 3.5" retina screenshots.
I added these, and the app went into 'Waiting for Review' state without further action.
I had the same problem, my solution was to change "Devices" in Development target only to iPhone (bacause i insert screens only for iPhone):
There is nothing wrong with your app - you need to add the screenshots from the iTunes Connect metadata and uploads section.
Once I'd added these in all went through and the app won't automatically flagged as missing localized screenshots.
Not the best of messages, but not wildly inaccurate.
I had this problem and mine was a Universal iOS app made in GameSalad Creator, you need screenshots for all the relevant screens even if it lets you progress without them.
I had changed the name of the app in the previous version and it choked on that. I changed the name of the app back to what it was and it went through fine..

iPhone 5 not displaying app properly

I am testing some old apps on the iPhone 5 simulator. Most of the apps display properly, that is the display centered, maintaining the original iPhone aspect with blank space on the top and bottom.
One of my apps acts differently. It stretches the launch image (an old 2:3 aspect launch image) to the full height top to bottom of the iPhone 5 simulator. Then it snaps the app to the top of the window, as opposed to centering it.
I suspected this had something to do with auto-layout, but as far as I can tell, being new to the concept, it is disabled. As I checked in the file inspector and "use auto layout" is unselected.
Any thoughts? Thanks for reading!
Removing Default-568h#2x.png from the project should solve the problem. It seems like several people have been having a problem with Xcode auto-creating this launch image.
From my experience it looks like when you open a project in XCode 4.5 it automatically adds a flag to each view saying "Autoresize subviews" and by default this is set to true. When I disable this flag for all my views, they no longer stretch. Interestingly though, I don't get the letterboxing in the simulator, instead a get a white band at the bottom.
I ended up manually setting up the views for the iPhone 5 because I could not locate or fix the issue. Setting up the views specifically for the iPhone 5 was relatively easy, but frustrating to not know why it was necessary in this case.
I detected the iPhone 5 using the code below found in this stack overflow answer: How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?
#define IS_IPHONE_5 ( [ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height > 500)
if (IS_IPHONE_5 ) {
//set up views
Remove the Default-568h#2x.png from the project, and also, you must manually remove the app from the simulator before running it again from Xcode. It looks like ios6 saves some kind of a flag for the installed apps that makes it think it should stretch it.
Simply removing the Default-568h#2x.png did not solve my problem.
First I deleted this file, than I drag a 640x1136 image to the "Launch images - Retina (4-inch)" of "iPhone Deployment Info" section in Xcode.
In iOS 7 Sdk if your are not added launch image in your project you need to
Add launch image (640 X 1136 and 640 X 960)into your project, Then go to General Tab and set both launch image (Retina, Retina 4 inch) then remove app from simulator and run again should solve the problem

iPhone app icon size when validating builds in Xcode

I have a question when I am validating distribution build in Xcode.
I got the following error from Xcode
From this message, I guess my icon size is not right. However, I checked the image size several times, for the icon.png, the size is 57x57, while for the high resolution icon#2x.png, the size is 114x114.
So I also tried to make the icon again for several times, but I still get this message.
Is anyone know what happened here? Thanks!
Please select the targets and summary and set the app icon there.If it is iphone add 57*57 and ipad 72*72(size). I think this would solve the problem.