failed to load RSL textLayout - eclipse

I just installed gentoo linux amd64.
on that I installed eclipse 4.2M5 with FD5 for flex development.
after compiling my project, when I execute it i get the following in the log file:
Error #2046: The loaded file did not have a valid signature.
Failed to load RSL
Failing over to RSL textLayout_1.1.0.604.swz
Error #2046: The loaded file did not have a valid signature.
i use FD5 with Flex 4.1A.
any ideas why it happens ?
it seems that when I close and open my project I am able to execute my project once. the 2nd time that I execute the project on my browser I get the error and I need to close and reopen the browser to execute it again.

First of all thank you for all of your comments.
I finally was able to properly resolve the issue.
it seems that flash saves cache info at ~/.macromedia
(~ for home dir, for example if the user is ufk so it translates to /homeukf)
all I need to do is to delete that folder, since then I am able to refresh my app on the browser without any problems.


Click once application Deployment - Installation Error

I have created winform application using .Net Framework 4.5
I have created click once deployment package for it. But when i install it on server it gives me error as below
and the error upon clicking Details buttons shown as
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Users******\Downloads\Publish******.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading file:///C:/Users/******/Downloads/Publish/Application Files/********_1_0_0_3/*******.dll.deploy did not succeed.
+ Access to the path 'C:\Users**********\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Deployment\********.dll' is denied.
I have a similar problem on occasion. ...\Temp\2... seems to be a default folder for doing stuff. My clickonce deployment was getting blocked by a test run in Selenium using the same location to store its test logs.
Check if the location is being used by other processes to store files while they are working or see if you can clear the folder before starting the update (if you do an update in code vs just clicking the *.appref-ms file).
Also note that ...\Temp\2 can show up as a file instead of a folder thereby blocking any use of it as a folder.

Failed to load 'CrystalReport' from Crystl32.OCX

Whenever I try to run this application (I didn't write it) that uses Crystl32.OCX, I get the error...
Run-time error '372':
Failed to load control 'CrystalReport' from Crystl32.OCX. Your version of
Crystl32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the
control that was provided with your application.
For a long time, I was getting an error about Crystl32.OCX could not be found, but I ultimately managed to register it. However, it's not working properly now. Any ideas?
I solved this problem by reloading the Crystl32.ocx file and installing it in the path. C:\Windows\System\crystl32.ocx or C:\Windows\SysWow64\crystl32.ocx and you can download the update file this link --->

Scanning with Morena generates error: Failed to load twain_32.dll

I am working on a scan applet for browser. I use Morena 6.4.
Everything works on my local PC.
Sometimes this applet is started behind Citrix application server (4.5 version). Everything for image scanning is configured ok - some native applications can scan (this application uses TWAIN, like Morena).
When I try to scan with Morena, I get this error:
SK.gnome.twain.TwainExcaption: Failed to load twain_32.dll (error=126)
Image of the error:
According to your description, it seems be a permission issue, i.e. morena doesn't have enough permission to load twain_32.dll. What I used to verify it is to run the application as administrator, i.e. right click on the app, choose "run as admin".
In addition, please double check if the DLL (twain_32.dll) exists in C:\Windows. If not, you can download or copy one to this folder.
Hope my answer helps.

Type Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first

I have had all sorts of bizarre errors, like the one in the title, happen when I am using the Android SDK and AVD Manager with Eclipse. Generally I just unplug the phone and plug it back in or close and reopen Eclipse but it is frustrating. Apparently Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first doesn't allow me to compile my app, i think it is because I was trying to run the emulator with some suggestions from emulator is so slow to no avail. thought i should add im running eclipse 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 11.04
Just restart the eclipse and run the project. The error arises while installing a new target version. After completion of the installation it will get fix automatically. Else restart eclipse.
I met with the same error on my Macbook. I tried one of the methods explained at this link and solved the problem.
Put the following 2 lines in the eclipse.ini file:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin\javaw.exe
Please modify the 2nd line according to the actual situation.
If you have upgraded your SDK, and if you have not updated ADT plugin it will show this error. Please check it once by updating ADT plugin
I made a new installation of Eclipse in different folder(with the same SDK folder) and imported the code to the workspace & it started to work again.

Eclipse 3.5 Cache Problem

I am using eclipse 3.5 with google app engine + spring framework to develop application. My problem is when I change the code and build the project, the new code doesn't come in to effect. I even deleted the old file but at runtime, the old version gets display in the browser. Why?
Your description is not explicit, so following are my assumptions:
You are changing jsp/js or view related files
You have Google app engine plugin for eclipse to deploy the code
Following might be one of the reasons:
Your view files are cached in the browser, so try deleting the browser cache
Google app engine might have cached your files, so try deleting the temp folder
Eclipse IDE wouldn't have deployed your changed code, so check the timestamp, if it still shows the old timestamp, then find out how to configure eclipse to detect your changes.
I found 3 workarounds for similar issue (changes to a servlet (.java file) were not taking effect).
Before editing the .java file, stop the application. It seems that if you edit it while running, the issue occurs, even if you edit it, stop then re-start.
Delete items in Temp folder e.g, (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp), then stop and re-start the app.
I think the culprit folder in the Temp folder is this:Jetty_127_0_0_1_8888_war__.g0qk00
Right click in in the console area and select 'Remove All Terminated'. Sometimes that reveals there are other instances running, which need to be stopped by clicking the terminate button.
I got the similar issue and the problem was due to not stopping the running server.
What i was doing was running the server, editing the java file, saving and again running the server. This created two instances of the server running and when checking into the browsers the old code was executed from the first instances.
So, the solution is terminate and relaunch the server, and your new changes will be in effect.