Creating square iPhone photo - iphone

I would like to require that all photos taken with my iPhone app are square, similar to the way Instagram handles their photos, but without the filters. I can obviously enable editing which would allow users to crop photos to a square but how do I set up my image picker so the user is REQUIRED to create a square photo?

You can't force it to take a square photo.
You would have to trim the UIImage yourself as part of your delegate method from the image picker.


How to set the cover for custom album in iOS Photos?

This article is a great tutorial for creating custom photo album. However, it only sets the first photo as the album cover. I would like to set the latest saved photo as cover, just like the Camera Roll. Is there any API to do that?
There is no custom method to do that. The album cover is set automatically and represents the last photo assigned to the album.
Go into the iOS album you want to set the cover picture. Long press on the image you want to set as cover and slide it (move it) to make it the first picture of the album. That first picture is going to be the cover picture of the album.

Continuous image transition like in default iPhone album

I am taking pictures from my custom UIImagePicker camera and saving the images inside the app Document Directory.
Now, when I display the images when a user Swipes over my image he should see the next/prev image. As of now I have keep the transition discrete(the image doesn't move with the finger; it changes immediately). But I would love the transition be smooth like the one in default iPhone album (smooth and along with the finger).
Can you tell how to achieve this ?
Thnx in advance
If u want to scroll images only than u can used Paging technic:
try this link:

UIscrollView with image rotation

I want to make application like image album.
like the user scroll horizontally and set the new image at center. image size is only 130*130 size and images are received through web service. at a time there are 3 images seen on screen. when user scroll next image set the next image as a middle image......
when user scroll horizontally the UIlabel exactly at the bottom display the name of image which is store in array.
i want make it look like iphone coverflow type application.
Your question is a little confusing, but if as you say you want to make it 'look like an iphone coverflow type application' why not consider one of the several open source components that exist already? Here are two good options:

How to get part of image in iPhone

I need to perform to operations:
Allow user see all available albums and pick a picture from one of them.
Select specific area of the picture of a specific size.
I do know how to pick an image using UIImagePicker, but i can't see all albums and can't crop specific area.
Setting the sourceType on your UIImagePickerController to UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary allows for selecting from all the images on the device (I don't remember if they will be divided by album or displayed in one huge list).
You can have UIImagePickerController provide a cropping interface by setting allowsEditing.

What user interface element would I use to take and crop a photo on the iPhone?

I'd like to be able to take a photo from the iPhone's camera, select a polygon within that photo, crop the photo to match, and then fit the resulting image to the screen.
What user interface element would you suggest for me to start doing this?
I'm a Java programmer and just getting started with the iPhone, so I'm not sure what to use.
You should start by looking at sample code from Apple for UIImagePickerController to start getting the image. When you are comfortable with that you can start thinking about how to crop the image.