UIscrollView with image rotation - iphone

I want to make application like image album.
like the user scroll horizontally and set the new image at center. image size is only 130*130 size and images are received through web service. at a time there are 3 images seen on screen. when user scroll next image set the next image as a middle image......
when user scroll horizontally the UIlabel exactly at the bottom display the name of image which is store in array.
i want make it look like iphone coverflow type application.

Your question is a little confusing, but if as you say you want to make it 'look like an iphone coverflow type application' why not consider one of the several open source components that exist already? Here are two good options:


Is this possible using Flutter streams

I have a Flutter screen is suppose to implement a photo-gallery which has a main big image and a grid view of many small images. When the screen is first displayed it displays the first image in the grid normally and shows it in the big picture and has the other small images at a darker color filter to show they are not the one currently selected. When the user taps on a different one the main photo is changed to a large version of the small image and which ever small image that was previously selected goes dark and the selected image is displayed normally.
This list of images also contain YouTube videos which are indicated by showing a translucent play icon in the middle of them. When the user taps on one of these it plays the video.
To implement this I made a base class called media and inherited the image and YouTube classes from media. I would like to have both classes have the same behavior in terms of highlighting and perform differently in terms of how they display and what happens when you tap on one. So far I can send a message from the images to the main screen to tell the main image to change but I am not sure how to get main screen to send a message to the previously highlighted small image and the to the be highlighted small image in order to change their highlighting.
I tried global keys but I could not get that to work. So, I was thinking of using a stream but I am new to Flutter and Dart so not sure how to get that to work. What can I try next?

Submitting an app only for iPhone 5/5s/5c

I've worked on my application for a couple of months, I hired a designer to do the UI and every screen in the app is based on 3 main elements - top bar, bottom bar and content.
I tried to use auto-layout and setting the top and the bottom bar was a piece of cake, but the image I use for a background in the content view shouldn't be resized (it's based on circles and they turn into ellipses).
Is there a way for me to submit the app only for the iPhone 5/5s/5c?
You can't specify device types within the iPhone category. Your best bet is either to design a layout that can work for both screen sizes, re-design the layout so it automatically displays a "4S version" and a "5 version" depending on the user's device, set it to a ScrollView so the user just scrolls up and down to see the full page, or design it so the individual elements can be cropped (or squeezed together) on the smaller screen without actually resizing the individual pieces.

Continuous image transition like in default iPhone album

I am taking pictures from my custom UIImagePicker camera and saving the images inside the app Document Directory.
Now, when I display the images when a user Swipes over my image he should see the next/prev image. As of now I have keep the transition discrete(the image doesn't move with the finger; it changes immediately). But I would love the transition be smooth like the one in default iPhone album (smooth and along with the finger).
Can you tell how to achieve this ?
Thnx in advance
If u want to scroll images only than u can used Paging technic:
try this link:

Thumbnail Image in Info View of Maps app is UIImageView or MKMapView or Something else?

The thumbnail image shown in the info view of Maps app is UIImageView or MKMapView? Or it is something else? I have posted the screen shot marking the thumbnail with red circle.
Screen Shot (Taken from the Maps app):
I want to display a thumbnail image like this when a pin is selected in a map view of my app.
How can I do this?
I noticed the following things about this thumbnail:
Considering it as an Image: I set the map view type to "Satellite" and opened the info view using the pin. But the thumbnail is still showing in the "Default" type (as in the screen shot) as always. So I guess the thumbnail is not taken from the map using renderInContext: method. So where does it come from?
Considering it as a map view: While the Info view is opening I noticed that the thumbnail is loading like how a map view loads. I mean, I can see the empty grids before the actual thumbnail is displayed(loaded?). So I guess this can be a small map view.
Note: I Implemented this using MKMapView with the frame size 64x64. But the "Google" watermark is displayed on the map.
What is it actually? I want to implement this in a right way. I need your guidance.
It could be an MKMapView but clipped to a smaller superview. I'm sure Apple was able to get permission from Google to use that thumbnail without the Google logo (probably because the main map view shows the watermark prominently).
The official Twitter app for iPhone (formerly Tweetie) also shows a static map thumbnail sans Google logo when viewing a tweet with a location. Tapping on the map shows you a full-screen map that does show the logo. Maybe they also got special permission, or maybe it's ok because the full-screen map shows the logo. But I am not a lawyer.
Finally, as an alternative to MKMapView, it's possible to get a map image directly from Google using the Google Static Maps API. But that also requires showing the Google logo (in this case it's even more prominent).
It's most likely an internal API that we don't have access to. Even if you were able to somehow take the watermark out of the thumbnail, Apple would reject it. Check out this post:
This person got his app rejected because his image of a map did not have a google watermark.

how to draw square after load the application in iphone(graphics)?

how to draw square after load the application in iphone(graphics) ?(I know how to draw shapes but i exactly want to show draw shape after my app. launch what can i do) and also want to fill color after app. launch ?
If I am understanding your question correctly then you are asking about splash screen of iPhone app, i.e. Loading screen, if so, then you can do it very easily.
You just need to prepare a 320x460 (if no status bar in the app then 320x480) image, save it with "Default.png" name, and include in project using Xcode(add in resource folder). This image will be shown on iPhone screen as soon as your app is launched and will remain in the screen until you get callback at "applicationDidFinishLaunching"
but if you were asking something different then please elaborate more about your question...