How to set the cover for custom album in iOS Photos? - iphone

This article is a great tutorial for creating custom photo album. However, it only sets the first photo as the album cover. I would like to set the latest saved photo as cover, just like the Camera Roll. Is there any API to do that?

There is no custom method to do that. The album cover is set automatically and represents the last photo assigned to the album.

Go into the iOS album you want to set the cover picture. Long press on the image you want to set as cover and slide it (move it) to make it the first picture of the album. That first picture is going to be the cover picture of the album.


How to make cover photo from image?

My app has a cover photo feature and I have no idea on how to do it after taking a picture/upload from photo library.
How do I allow user to pick a portion of their photo to be their cover photo(example from the screenshot below)?

save multiple images in custom album in ios5 but not in camera roll?

save multiple images in custom album in ios5 but not in camera roll?
i am using ALAssetsLibrary+CustomPhotoAlbum example, but it can save only once in custom album and duplicate in camera roll.
i want to save only in custom album through my app.
Can any one help to solve it......
You can't do that. Albums are strictly "smart albums", meaning that they can only have pictures in them that are somewhere else in the library. You see the same behavior in the Photos app: if you add a picture from the camera roll to an album, you can't delete the picture from the camera roll without deleting it from that album as well.

How can I link an image in an app with a photo album image, so that likes in the app will like the image in the album?

I need to get a way to be able to have "Likes" from an image inside an app be equivalent to Likes on an album.
For example, if image1 is liked in the app, then the album containing image1 also gains that like.
Is this even possible?
you can use the plugin like button
here the link

It's possible to save image to app’s own photo album without duplicate in Camera Roll?

I am trying to save a photo taken from my app to app’s own photo album (solution here
But image is saved in the Camera Roll and then creates a link in my own album. It's possible to save image to app’s own photo album without duplicate in Camera Roll?
unfortunately this is not possible. The Photo-Library works in the way that every photo in an "own photo album" is only a reference to the actual photo that is saved to the Camera Roll.

Modify photos of the album photo

I'm trying to develop an application that modify photos of the album photo, (exactly adding tags to the photos).
It is possible to modify the content of the album photo from the application? (replace the photo with the tagged one)?
If it's possible, it is best to copy the picture in the sandbox, edit it, and send it back to the album photo or modify directly the photo without copying it in the application sandbox?
No you can't not change a photo in the photo album.
You can copy them, them edit them and add a new photo to the photo album.
You can use UIImagePickerController to allow the user to select an image from the photo library. Or use AssetsLibrary to roll your own image picker.
You will have to use UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to save the an UIImage to the photo library.