How to ensure a place is part of the Google Places autocompletion - autocomplete

We got a customer looking after an event called Floriade placed in the city of venlo in the Netherlands. This point of interest is sometimes shown on the autocompletion under Floriade 2012. I say sometimes shown as we used to see it, then it disappeared, now it is back again.
1-How can I be sure that the autocompletion (through Google Places API) is showing this point of interest ?
2- What is enabling a point to be in this autocompletion or not ?

If a place has a Google Places page, e.g it is guaranteed to be returned by a Places Autocomplete API.
You may have experienced a bug in the API. If it occurs again please report it on the issue tracker:
Another way to guarantee that your application will show a place is to perform a 'Place Report Request' using the Google Places API with your API Key. This will instantly add a place and make it available to your API Key, then if the place is approved by Google if will be available to anyone.


accessing XHR within google sheets

I've been using import functions a lot in my sports modeling, but I've never been able to figure out how to get past the issue of pulling information that is dynamically imported from another source.
For example, i'm trying to use importxml to pull the money line values in this link here:
I can get the information in the left columns up until "PINNACLE", and after research i now understand I can't get the rest of the information because it's not static on the page and I need to go to the source... how do I find the source of this information so I can pull it from there?
I tried inspecting the page, clicking on "network", clicking on "XHR", refreshing the page and previewing the results, but nothing seemed to match.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
The page uses websockets to download the data, so I don't think you could simulate it in Google spreadsheets using formulas (maybe it could be possible in a script). However in this particular case there is a 'classic view' variant of the page which includes all the data in its source:

Bing maps REST API does not work

I am trying to show routes using BING maps REST service , but the map image with routes does not show up sometimes (shows blank map) , but after refreshing the html page it shows up.
I have contructed below URL,,,Charleston,29407-7593&wp.1=1000%20Fort%20Johnson%20Road,,,Charleston,29412-8898&wp.2=1525%20Avenue%20B%20South,,,North%20Charleston,29405-2328&mapVersion=v1&mapSize=800,600&zoomLevel=10&key="my bing map key"
I've taken a look at this. I was able to reproduce the error with your URL. I tried modifying it by removing the extra comma's and the removing the last part of the zip codes (zip+4) since those are not supported. After doing that I was still able to reproduce this issue, but much less frequently. I suspect that there may be a couple servers that are out of sync on Bing Maps side, thus the inconsistency. I'll notify the engineering team so they can look into this.

Like Box "data-height" Display Error

Has there been a recent change to the functionality of the Like Box "data-height" parameter functionality? This designation used to allow developers to set the height of the feed regardless of the usage of the other features such as "show faces." It appears that now this parameter will only respond to allow for more faces to be shown, rather than actual postings.
My company has built a few sites that utilize this functionality, and up until last month, the widgets' "data-height" specification was working fine. Now there is no response from this unless "show faces=true." The display of several other client webpages is now being compromised, and will require attention unless this issue can be resolved.
Is there a current work around for this? Is this a bug? If not, is there a timetable to when the previous functionality will be restored?

Rest Console for Chrome won't let me input any info

I installed the Rest Console extension onto Chrome. I can't use this Rest Console for anything, because the only fields that accept text are 'Request URL' and 'Request Method'.
I ask here as there is no resources or community accessible for even simple instructions on how this extension works, and there are likely members of this community who have used this extension.
Use the Postman - REST Client it works perfectly!
your_url_to_post: Fill the URL
your_json_param: The name of the param that you'll pass you json
your_json_data: The json content
Don't forget to select x-www-form-urlencoded if you'll do a post
You should be able to enter text in the other field if you tick the checkbox associated to the field first.
I started having a similar issue myself (Forms wouldnt let me input data I could click them but thats as far as it went) across a lot of web pages to include my own php game and I know the form code hasnt changed at all before this issue started. I came across a article of someone else having a similar issue themselves that I was having and someone said that they needed position: relative on their forms that are not given specific instructions on positioning when dealing with google chrome. I have since made this change myself at and the issue has stopped on that site but still continues on many others so its pretty safe to say that is the issue.
Its only happening on the dev build of chrome for me atleast and I hope this isnt something they plan on implementing on live or this will mess up alot of websites.
Also try turning off auto fill from chrome if its on, while I was looking for this bug I found alot of similar bugs but they delt with auto fill being on.

How does the Google adsense works?

can you tell me, how does the Google Ad sense works?
please explain me in brief..
There's quite a bit of information available from Google on the subject.
You want to know how to "use" it? or its algorithms? For the first one, they have a page for that, for the later one, I don't think you will even be able to figure it out:)
You place a javascript code in your site, and whenever someone visits your site, Google puts an ad in place. If the user clicks the add, you get money for it.
I assume your question is orientated around Google's contextual targeting.
In brief: Google sends a bot to read each page of your website. It looks at all the terms on the page and discards common words and instead tries to understand themes. Google also looks at adgroups of AdWords advertisers and looks to build an understanding of the themes of the keywords. Another algorithm pairs the two together so that relevant ads appear on a webpage.