Delaunay() function MATLAB Purpose - matlab

I want to generate triangle meshes in MATLAB with the delaunay function in 2-D. So I declare
the X- and Y- values and set tri=delaunay(X,Y). Then I use triplot to plot it. However,
what does tri give me? Does it give each of my triangle a special designation number?
After reading through some of the MATLAB tutorials I still DON'T
understand it.

The delaunay function returns tri as an Mx3 matrix of triangle connectivity, where each of the M triangles is represented as an integer triplet that indexes into the X,Y vertex position arrays.
It's probably easier with a simple example:
%% a simple square box
X = [0.0; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0];
Y = [0.0; 0.0; 1.0; 1.0];
%% an example output from delaunay()
tri = [1,2,3 %% 1st triangle connects vertices 1,2,3
1,3,4 %% 2nd triangle connects vertices 1,3,4
The triangles are just numbered linearly - tri(1,:) is the first triangle, tri(n,:) is the nth triangle etc. If you wanted to re-order the list of traingles you could permute the array, but the indexing would always have to be linear - if there are M triangles the indexing must encompass 1:M.
Hope this helps.


How to create a 3D matrix in MATLAB by rotating 2D matrix around its center column or center row?

I have a 2D MATLAB matrix, which is symmetric with respect to its center column. I want to rotate this matrix around its center column to produce a 3D matrix representing an object with a cylindrical symmetry.
The same thing I want to do with a different matrix, which is symmetric with respect to its center row. (This time I want to rotate it around its center row to produce the 3D matrix).
What I had in mind is to generalize to 3D the idea given in the link:
How to create a 2D image by rotating 1D vector of numbers around its center element?
But not knowing MATLAB well enough it is not a so straight forward task for me.
Can someone help please?
I just modified the accepted answer to 3D:
% generate symetric matrix
A = zeros(11,31);
A(4:8,10:22) = repmat([1:7 6:-1:1],[5 1]);
% symmetric x axis
n = floor(size(A,2)/2);
% A vector of distance (measured in pixels) from the center of vector V to each element of V
[r,y] = meshgrid([n:-1:0, 1:n],1:size(A,1));
% Now find the distance of each element of a square 2D matrix from it's centre. #(x,y)(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)) is just the Euclidean distance function.
ri = sqrt( bsxfun( #(x,y)x.^2+y.^2,r,permute(r,[1 3 2]) ) );
yi = repmat(y,[1 1 size(A,2)]);
% Now use those distance matrices to interpole V
obj = interp2(r(:,1:n+1),y(:,1:n+1),A(:,1:n+1),ri,yi,'nearest');
obj(isnan(obj)) = 0;
% show
[xg,yg,zg] = meshgrid(1:size(obj,2),1:size(obj,1),1:size(obj,3));
axis equal
UPDATE - if you don't want to use interp2 you can do:
obj = interp1(r(1,1:n+1).',A(:,1:n+1).',ri(1,:,:),'nearest');
obj = permute(obj,[4,3,2,1]);
obj(isnan(obj)) = 0;

plot a 3D matrix of concentrations in matlab with slice

I have a 3D matrix C=51x51x11 dimensions, obtained from a function in a separate script, the x,y,z represent length, depth and height, and the value represent a concentration per x,y,z point. I want to create a slice crossing x and another crossing y showing the difference in concentration by color. I have tried using ngrid and meshgrid but didn't work. may i have some help with this please?
Use slice()
C = randi(1,[51,51,11]);
x= 25; y = 25; z = 5;
sl = slice(C,x,y,z);
Using slice inside a function to make it easy to view in 3d:
function eslice(V,sx,sy,sz)
shading interp
axis equal
axis vis3d
This is from my personal library, enjoy.

How to create a 2D image by rotating 1D vector of numbers around its center element?

I have 1D vector of numbers which represents a center cut of a circular symmetric object. The vector itself is symmetric around its center element. I want to create in MATLAB a 2D image of the original object by rotating the 1D vector around its center element.
I tried the following code (with a dummy original vector of numbers) , but the center cut I get from the generated 2D image does not match the original 1D vector, as can be seen if you run the code.
I'll appreciate any help !!!
close all; clc
my1D_vector=[ zeros(1,20) ones(1,15) zeros(1,20)]; % original vector
img=zeros(len, len);
thetaVec=0:0.1:179.9; % angles through which to rotate the original vector
% the coordinates of the original vector and the generated 2D image:
for ind_rotations=1:numRotations
cutContrib=interp1(x , my1D_vector , t_theta(:),'linear');
figure('name','original vector');plot(x,my1D_vector,'b.-')
figure('name','generated 2D image'); imagesc(x,y,img); colormap(gray) ;
figure('name','comparison between the original vector and a center cut from the generated 2D image');
hold on
legend('original 1D vector','a center cut from the generated 2D image')
I didn't follow your code but how about this:
V = [ zeros(1,20) ones(1,15) zeros(1,20)]; % Any symmetrical vector
n = floor(numel(V)/2);
r = [n:-1:0, 1:n]; % A vector of distance (measured in pixels) from the center of vector V to each element of V
% Now find the distance of each element of a square 2D matrix from it's centre. #(x,y)(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)) is just the Euclidean distance function.
ri = bsxfun(#(x,y)(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)),r,r');
% Now use those distance matrices to interpole V
img = interp1(r(1:n+1),V(1:n+1),ri);
% The corners will contain NaN because they are further than any point we had data for so we get rid of the NaNs
img(isnan(img)) = 0; % or instead of zero, whatever you want your background colour to be
So instead of interpolating on the angle, I interpolate on the radius. So r represents a vector of the distance from the centre of each of the elements of V, in 1D. ri then represents the distance from the centre in 2D and these are the values we want to interpolate to. I then only use half of r and V because they are symmetrical.
You might want to set all the NaNs to 0 afterwards because you can't interpolate the corners because their radius is larger than the radius of your furthest point in V.
Using your plotting code I get
The blue and magenta curves overlap exactly.
Imagine that your vector, V, was only a 1-by-5 vector. Then this diagram shows what r and ri would be:
I didn't mark it on the diagram but r' would be the middle column. Now from the code we have
ri = bsxfun(#(x,y)(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)),r,r');
and according to the diagram r = [2,1,0,1,2] so now for each pixel we have the euclidean distance from the centre so pixel (1,1) is going to be sqrt(r(1).^2+r(1).^2) which is sqrt(2.^2+2.^2) which is sqrt(8) as shown in the diagram.
Also you will notice that I have "greyed" out the corners pixels. These pixels are further from the centre than any point we have data for because the maximum radius (distance from the centre) of our data is 2 but sqrt(8) > sqrt(5) > 2 so you can't interpolate those data, you would have to extrapolate to get values for them. interp1 returns NaN for these points.
Why does the interpolation work? Think of the position of each pixel as referring to the centre of the pixel. Now in this diagram, the red circle is what happens when you rotate the outer elements (i.e. r==2) and the green is rotating the elements 1 further in (i.e. r==1). You'll see that the pixel that gets the distance of sqrt(2) (blue arrow) lies between these two radii when we rotate them and so we have to interpolate that distance between those two pixels.

Plot a grid of Gaussians with Matlab

With the following code I'm able to draw the plot of a single 2D-Gaussian function:
surf(x,y,z);shading interp
This is the produced plot:
However, I'd like to plot a grid having a specified number x of these 2D-Gaussians.
Think of the following picture as an above view of the plot I'd like to produce (where in particular the grid is made of 5x5 2D-Gaussians). Each Gaussian should be weighed by a coefficient such that if it's negative the Gaussian is pointing towards negative values of the z axis (black points in the grid below) and if it's positive it's as in the above image (white points in the grid below).
Let me provide some mathematical details. The grid corresponds to a mixture of 2D-Gaussians summed as in the following equation:
In which each Gaussian has its own mean and deviation.
Note that each Gaussian of the mixture should be put in a determined (X,Y) coordinate, in such a way that they are equally distant from each other. e.g think of the central Gaussian in (0,0) then the other ones should be in (-1,1) (0,1) (1,1) (-1,0) (1,0) (-1,-1) (0,-1) (1,-1) in the case of a grid with dimension 3x3.
Can you provide me (and explain to me) how can I do such a plot?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Indeed you said yourself, put (as an example just for the means)
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); % //mesh
g_centers = -3:3;
[x_g,y_g] = meshgrid(g_centers,g_centers); % //grid of centers (coarser)
mu = [x_g(:) , y_g(:)]; % // mesh of centers in column
z = zeros(size(X));
for i = 1:size(mu,1)
z= z + exp(-((X-mu(i,1)).^2+(Y-mu(i,2)).^2)/( 2* .001) );
surf(X,Y,z);shading interp

Connect points and compute area

thats my first post, so please be kind.
I have a matrix with 3~10 coordinates and I want to connect these points to become a polygone with maximum size.
I tried fill() [1] to generate a plot but how do I calculate the area of this plot? Is there a way of converting the plot back to an matrix?
What would you reccomend me?
Thank you in advance!
x1 = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ];
y1 = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ];
fill ( x1, y1, 'r' );
Thank you for your answer MatlabDoug, but I think I did not formulate my question clear enough. I want to connect all of these points to become a polygone with maximum size.
Any new ideas?
x1 = rand(1,10)
y1 = rand(1,10)
vi = convhull(x1,y1)
fill ( x1(vi), y1(vi), 'r' );
hold on
hold off
What is happening here is that CONVHULL is telling us which verticies (vi) are on the convex hull (the smallest polygon that encloses all the points). Knowing which ones are on the convex hull, we ask MATLAB for the area with POLYAREA.
Finally, we use your FILL command to draw the polygon, then PLOT to place the points on there for confirmation.
I second groovingandi's suggestion of trying all polygons; you just have to be sure to check the validity of the polygon (no self-intersections, etc).
Now, if you want to work with lots of points... As MatlabDoug pointed out, the convex hull is a good place to start. Notice that the convex hull gives a polygon whose area is the maximum possible. The problem, of course, is that there could be points in the interior of the hull that are not part of the polygon. I propose the following greedy algorithm, but I am not sure if it guarantees THE maximum area polygon.
The basic idea is to start with the convex hull as a candidate final polygon, and carve out triangles corresponding to the unused points until all the points belong to the final polygon. At each stage, the smallest possible triangle is removed.
Given: Points P = {p1, ... pN}, convex hull H = {h1, ..., hM}
where each h is a point that lies on the convex hull.
H is a subset of P, and it is also ordered such that adjacent
points in the list of H are edges of the convex hull, and the
first and last points form an edge.
Let Q = H
while(Q.size < P.size)
% For each point, compute minimum area triangle
T = empty heap of triangles with value of their area
For each P not in Q
For each edge E of Q
If triangle formed by P and E does not contain any other point
Add triangle(P,E) with value area(triangle(P,E))
% Modify the current polygon Q to carve out the triangle
Let t=(P,E) be the element of T with minimum area
Find the ordered pair of points that form the edge E within Q
(denote them Pa and Pb)
Replace the pair (Pa,Pb) with (Pa,E,Pb)
Now, in practice you don't need a heap for T, just append the data to four lists: one for P, one for Pa, one for Pb, and one for the area. To test if a point lies within a triangle, you only need to test each point against the lines forming the sides of the triangle, and you only need to test points not already in Q. Finally, to compute the area of the final polygon, you can triangulate it (like with the delaunay function, and sum up the areas of each triangle in the triangulation), or you can find the area of the convex hull, and subtract out the areas of the triangles as you carve them out.
Again, I don't know if this greedy algorithm is guaranteed to find the maximum area polygon, but I think it should work most of the time, and is interesting nonetheless.
You said you only have 3...10 points to connect. In this case, I suggest you just take all possible combinations, compute the areas with polyarea and take the biggest one.
Only if your number of points increases or if you have to compute it frequently so that compuation time matters, it's worth investing some time in a better algorithm. However I think it's difficult to come up with an algorithm and prove its completeness.
Finding the right order for the points is the hard part, as Amro commented. Does this function suffice?
function [idx] = Polyfy(x, y)
% [idx] = Polyfy(x, y)
% Given vectors x and y that contain pairs of points, find the order that
% joins them into a polygon. fill(x(idx),y(idx),'r') should show no holes.
%ensure column vectors
if (size(x,1) == 1)
x = x';
if (size(y,1) == 1)
y = y';
% vectors from centroid of points to each point
vx = x - mean(x);
vy = y - mean(y);
% unit vectors from centroid towards each point
v = (vx + 1i*vy)./abs(vx + 1i*vy);
vx = real(v);
vy = imag(v);
% rotate all unit vectors by first
rot = [vx(1) vy(1) ; -vy(1) vx(1)];
v = (rot*[vx vy]')';
% find angles from first vector to each vector
angles = atan2(v(:,2), v(:,1));
[angles, idx] = sort(angles);
The idea is to find the centroid of the points, then find vectors from the centroid to each point. You can think of these vectors as sides of triangles. The polygon is made up the set of triangles where each vector is used as the "left" and "right" only once, and no vectors are skipped. This boils down to ordering the vectors by angle around the centroid.
I chose to do this by normalizing the vectors to unit length, choosing one of them as a rotation vector, and rotating the rest. This allowed me to simply use atan2 to find the angles. There's probably a faster and/or more elegant way to do this, but I was confusing myself with trig identities. Finally, sorting those angles provides the correct order for the points to form the desired polygon.
This is the test function:
function [x, y] = TestPolyArea(N)
x = rand(N,1);
y = rand(N,1);
[indexes] = Polyfy(x, y);
x2 = x(indexes);
y2 = y(indexes);
a = polyarea(x2, y2);
fill(x2, y2, 'r');
hold on
plot(x2, y2, '.');
hold off
You can get some pretty wild pictures by passing N = 100 or so!