File Upload With Progress Bar in MVC - c#-3.0

I have done the file upload process in MVC, Now i want show a Progress bar as file upload takes pretty much time..
Please let me know how to implement progress bar using Jquery or something like UpdatePanel. and i want to implement it with the same existing code in MVC .

I suggest go with Uploadify:
I used it before for one MVC project, it's very convenient and it's more powerful than just a progress bar, only with few simple code and then you can make it happen.
Or you can try to do it yourself with this:


Simple Ajax script for iphone?

How do you use an ajax script on an iPhone app?
I have a jquery script on my webpage that i would like to be on the view controller for my new app.
Lets pretend the above is the jqueury code. How would i port this over to the iPhone view controller? Thanks sorry the question is so simple.
(all the code does is display a loading box that spins around and around and its quite pretty. Im probably going to put an image inside it )
Unless you're using a UIWebView in which case you simply embed a web page (including the JS code) into your app, jQuery (or rather Javascript and the DOM) is completely distinct from Objective-C and Cocoa Touch, so you can't use it, and the only option is to rewrite the same code in the new language and framework.

putting a navigation bar in blackberry browser field

How to put a navigation bar in the blackberry's browser field where we can put some buttons on the navigation bar?
Which phone/os are you intending to target with your app, there are several different approaches for different devices.
I personally like to recommend using a framework because they generally handle all your page navigation, loading/unloading document fragments, and make your life a lot easier as an app developer.
jQuery Mobile is one framework you might want to take a look at.
bbUI.js is my personal favourite, although it's not "officially" supported, it's out proof-of-concept toolkit which provides a native look and feel.
I had found out the solution for my own Question.This may help somebody who are in need of that.
Putting a Navigation bar in blackberry is very simple.
Create a HorizanalFieldManager and instantiate it. Then add that object to the ScreenTitle.
That was worked for me.The Code is as follows.
HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(USE_ALL_WIDTH);
ButtonField b1 = new ButtonField("back");
ButtonField b2 = new ButtonField("refresh");

How to use prettyPhoto plugin with ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm a total newbie in jQuery and JavaScript and need help in integrating prettyPhoto plugin into a MVC 2 application.
What I have is a view (View1) with a link "Full Screen" and a partial view rendering a galleryview plugin (PartialView1). The link "Full Screen" is calling an action method in the controller to get all the photos for a gallery. It is then returning a partial view (PartialView2) and passing the list of photos as a model. This PartialView2 is supposed to show the gallery in prettyPhoto plugin upon load.
What code do I need to put into PartialView2 to achieve this?
I've looked at prettyPhoto docs but I don't understand what I need to do. Unfortunately, I can't put this up anywhere for you guys to see. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ok, I figured it out. I needed a strongly typed view (using a ViewModel) and I loop through my model to load the photos.

Iphone: Event Creation using Kal

Hi i am in the process of making a tab bar application where one of the tabs is a calendar..
To make the calendar i am using the Kal open source framework
I am currently trying to add an event creation button to add events
(exactly like the "+" button on the original iphone calendar!)
Could someone please be kind enough to show how i should do this?
NOTE: In order to make my question as easy as possible, i am using the "NativeCal" example project that comes with the Kal framework, which does exactly what i want.

How can you have a page with a button that change views that is not a table view? (iPhone Developing)

I asked a similar question and someone gave me a tutorial link. But, the link made me use a table view and it looks bad with all the lines and stuff. So how do I just make a view with a button and background and stuff (Please write steps in 1.2.3.. format and it would be nice if you attached the code needed too.)???
It's really difficult to fit that kind of project into a comment field, and, in any case, the best way to learn is to get your hands dirty.
Take a look at the Utility sample project that is built into Xcode. Create a new project in Xcode, and under the iPhone Application templates, select Utility Application. This template project uses a button to switch between two views.