Iphone: Event Creation using Kal - iphone

Hi i am in the process of making a tab bar application where one of the tabs is a calendar..
To make the calendar i am using the Kal open source framework
I am currently trying to add an event creation button to add events
(exactly like the "+" button on the original iphone calendar!)
Could someone please be kind enough to show how i should do this?
NOTE: In order to make my question as easy as possible, i am using the "NativeCal" example project that comes with the Kal framework, which does exactly what i want.


Implement swipe gestures in apple watch using watchOS2.0

Hi I need to implement a functionality in my apple watch where when user swipes down will move from one module(InterfaceController1) to another module(InterfaceController2).And when user force touch menu should pop up and tapping on any button in the menu should present a model.
I am able to implement forceTouch menu option. But where as with swipe down to move to second module, i am not able to get any doc about this.
Please let me know if someone is aware of it.
Short Answer:
No, You can't.
Long Answer:
All WKInterface objects are proxy objects(aka Remote UI) that allows you to send queries to real UI Objects.
Reminds that the bundle that contains storyboard is separated with extension bundle. In sand-box concept, Your code that running on extension bundle can't access real UI Objects directly.
So there is no way to react against of user actions except that are available with interface builder(aka sentAction).

Three20-Popup a detail view controller and add new item to data source

I am new to three20 and iphone development. I want to achieve a real simple function. I have a TTTableViewController which binds to TTListDataSource. I also have an add(+) button on top right corner. When that add button is pressed, I want to pop up a detail view for the user to enter the information. Then after the user navigate away from the detailed view by saving, the TTListDataSource will be updated with user entered data.
I looked over the examples provided by Three20 library, and didn't find a good example for this. Can anyone provide some clue on how to achieve this functionality?
If you're new to the ios development, I suggest you start with some basic & coredata tutorials before jumping into the three20 framework. Three20 is mostly about UI elements and easier to manage controllers navigation.
I believe Three20 doesn't has any storage / database framework, so you will have to use the standard core data apple provide. Here's a good example project with a table view & add feature:
After you have good understanding of the core data framework, it will easier to implement using three20.

Iphone Calendar without marking etc just basic calendar

Could someone possibly show me how to do a basic calendar display that gets the date from date selected in a calendar? The Kal examples and code does way more than I need and is not set for the type of app im making. All I really need is a calendar with the dates, and then from there something to retrieve the date so i can pass it to my other functions. I feel like the UIDatePicker is trashy looking and would like the calendar view if its possible.
Hii Casey,
For simplest / Easy Calender Integration - use Tapku Library
Its simple than compared to Kal.
Tapku Calendar is a solid calendar implementation, I've used it in past iPhone projects. You can check out a blog post I wrote about it earlier this year here: http://developinginthedark.com/posts/iphone-tapku-calendar-markers
I've recently updated it to include example code showing it's integration into a Tab Bar application. Scroll down the bottom of the post to get that Tab Bar application code. If you run into any difficulties, let me know.

How can you have a page with a button that change views that is not a table view? (iPhone Developing)

I asked a similar question and someone gave me a tutorial link. But, the link made me use a table view and it looks bad with all the lines and stuff. So how do I just make a view with a button and background and stuff (Please write steps in 1.2.3.. format and it would be nice if you attached the code needed too.)???
It's really difficult to fit that kind of project into a comment field, and, in any case, the best way to learn is to get your hands dirty.
Take a look at the Utility sample project that is built into Xcode. Create a new project in Xcode, and under the iPhone Application templates, select Utility Application. This template project uses a button to switch between two views.

iphone : customize the calendar pick up date

My client would like that the user could pick up a date in an iphone app.
He wants that all the days of the month appear. Moreover he would like to switch to the next or previous month. How would it possible to do that ?
Moreover he would like that in the calendar some days of the month (for ex. the 1rst, the 9th and the 15th) appear in a different color.
If it's possible, how could this be done ?
Thank you in advance for your help
Currently there isn't a calendar object exposed in the 3.x iPhone SDK.
You can however implement your own. One way would be to implement your own UIView object and handle the painting and reaction to touching manually. Another way would be to implement a calendar as an HTML page and either create a full web application or embed a UIWebView.