How to use prettyPhoto plugin with ASP.NET MVC 2 -

I'm a total newbie in jQuery and JavaScript and need help in integrating prettyPhoto plugin into a MVC 2 application.
What I have is a view (View1) with a link "Full Screen" and a partial view rendering a galleryview plugin (PartialView1). The link "Full Screen" is calling an action method in the controller to get all the photos for a gallery. It is then returning a partial view (PartialView2) and passing the list of photos as a model. This PartialView2 is supposed to show the gallery in prettyPhoto plugin upon load.
What code do I need to put into PartialView2 to achieve this?
I've looked at prettyPhoto docs but I don't understand what I need to do. Unfortunately, I can't put this up anywhere for you guys to see. Any help would be much appreciated.

Ok, I figured it out. I needed a strongly typed view (using a ViewModel) and I loop through my model to load the photos.


How would one implement a sliding 2 button menu like this from Lift?
Can't post the image on the site but there it is.
I have been trying to find if this is a template or a separate nib file ala the page turn animation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That is called a UIActionSheet. It is created entirely in code, so it's limited to some pretty simple stuff (i.e. a few buttons, one of which is the cancel button, and one of which can be marked "destructive"). Just consult the documentation for the UIActionSheet class; it tells you all there is to know about it.
Also, here's the discussion in my book:

Javascript and objective c

I want to show a popover view on top of a webview. And the popover should be shown on selecting any UI element in webview. I am able to capture the touch event in a Javascript code . Can anyone help me.. Is it possible to post a notification event from the Javascript..? Is there any other way of achieving this..?
This is exactly what PhoneGap does. The idea behind it is that in response to the touch, your JavaScript loads a particular URL, possibly with a custom scheme. The web view delegate's -webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method is called before the web view actually makes the request. If the implementation of that method recognizes the URL, it can then take whatever action it likes, such as displaying a popover view.
You can easily call your scripts (with in the sandbox) from your objective-c methods. Thw Web kit has the methods for evaluating Script codes [webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"myJavascriptFunction()"];Check this tutorials to learn dig deeper Tutorial-1 and Tutorial-2.. hope this helps you...

The best way to create an "instruction view" for my app?

Im planning on adding a instructions view to my app. Whats the best way to do it? Load a PDF into a webview or..?
Please suggest anything I might find helpful.
I also want it to look good for the user, not to plain.
You might want to consider using a UIWebView to load content that resides on your web server. The downside is that the user needs network connectivity to see the instructions and you need to know your way around at least some web development. However, you'll be able to use HTML+CSS+Javascript to create interesting content and you'll be able to change/update/correct that content without going through the hassle of releasing the app again.
I've seen a few apps put screenshots into a scrollview with a paging control. I really like that design, and there are plenty of tutorials online that explain how to do this.
You can implement instruction view different ways:
1) Just put textview and make scroll. (very simple)
2) Design the HTML instruction, and load it to the webview. (medium in look vise)
3) Create attractive design for instruction pages and implement scroll view with pages. (very attractive)
Please review above point and let me know in case of query.
I would use a info button (the lowercase "i" button, can be accessed by inserting "Round Rect Button" and changing type to one of the "Info" buttons or in code you could init a button with type: "UIButtonTypeInfoDark" or "UIButtonTypeInfoLight") on your main or first view controller. Inside that view you could put an UITextView with editing OFF and that would contain all your instructions that the user could scroll through and get to quickly, easily, and intuitively

Three20-Popup a detail view controller and add new item to data source

I am new to three20 and iphone development. I want to achieve a real simple function. I have a TTTableViewController which binds to TTListDataSource. I also have an add(+) button on top right corner. When that add button is pressed, I want to pop up a detail view for the user to enter the information. Then after the user navigate away from the detailed view by saving, the TTListDataSource will be updated with user entered data.
I looked over the examples provided by Three20 library, and didn't find a good example for this. Can anyone provide some clue on how to achieve this functionality?
If you're new to the ios development, I suggest you start with some basic & coredata tutorials before jumping into the three20 framework. Three20 is mostly about UI elements and easier to manage controllers navigation.
I believe Three20 doesn't has any storage / database framework, so you will have to use the standard core data apple provide. Here's a good example project with a table view & add feature:
After you have good understanding of the core data framework, it will easier to implement using three20.

How to reproduce Three20 Slide Up To Refresh feature?

I would like to add this to a projet, but I don't want to add the full Three20 framework for a simple feature. How the framework does to always hide the first row, and to detect when it's sliding up ? After that, I suppose a callback url can just be called to refresh the table view.
Thanks !
Try one of the standalone implementations, like EGOTableViewPullRefresh.
Credit noted in this StackOverflow post also; which is where I first learned of it.