How to translate a label of a custom field in SugarCRM - sugarcrm

I have created a custom field in Opportunities, but I also have to translate its label into Russian and there is no option for it in the "Edit labels" menu.

I prefer to create translated labels without Studio.
Main idea is that module string label is a value of *$mod_strings* array key which is defined in language file(s) located in modules//language/ , custom/modules//language/ and/or custom/modules/Accounts/Ext/Language/*.lang.ext.php
Thus to have an existing string in English translated into your native language manually you should do the following:
Copy your English string to be translated in browser (e.g. "Description")
Use your IDE or OS find/search function to find needed $mod_strings key that has value of the string above (e.g. *$mod_strings['LBL_DESCRIPTION']*)
Copy that key name
Change to custom/Extension/modules//Ext/Language (so called Master Directory) and create new (or append to existing) file named (in your case) ru_ru.custom.lang.php
Add a line like
$mod_strings['LBL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Описание';
Make Quick Repair and Rebuild

Go to
Studio » Contacts » Labels,
then you can see that label and then select
'US English' or 'Russian'
from the language drop down.


How to add a custom set property as field on Mac version?

File > Properties > Custom
I am then trying to insert the variable ('variable') as a field.
'variable' is not listed, nor do any = Formulas seem to work.
In previous windows versions, selecting DOCPROPERTY would allow a custom variable to be selected and inserted. But selecting DOCPROPERTY only causes an Error! No property name supplied.
I am trying to insert a custom field, which would be inserted in multiple places on the document, which could be updated in one place. Such as 'version 1.1'

Worklist template i18n <ObjectName>

Does the <ObjectName> refer to a variable which contains the name of the object? Or should I replace it manually with a suitable name?
The IDE generated #XTIT: Table view title worklistTableTitle=<ObjectName> in i18n.
The line which you have mentioned
#XTIT: Table view title worklistTableTitle=<ObjectName>
This is just a sort of comment in i18n file.
appDescription=<you can fill anything you can here> to reflect in your app.
When you use SAP WebIDE to create a template/application, it may create i18n files with placeholders for you to replace them with your own application specific texts. In your case, in the code below <ObjectName> represents a placeholder for your own text.
#XTIT: Table view title
It does not refer to any variable, you simple have to add you own text in that field. Something similar to this :
#XTIT: Table view title
worklistTableTitle=My Products List

How to define a function for use in an ODM decision table w/o changing the XOM?

I'm using ODM 8.5 (the JRules successor). In my Java domain, I have a three-character String field that represents a number, "000" to "999". I'd like to have a decision table that represents logic like:
if field is between "000" and "012" then set the result to "tiny"
if field is between "013" and "060" then set the result to "less tiny"
IBM's documentation on defining columns states - "A condition statement is an incomplete BAL predicate expression...". Is there anything in the BAL that does the kind of String comparison I want to do? If not, is it possible to call a function defined in the IRL from the BAL? If so, how? I'm also open to other suggestions on how to handle this simple problem in ODM (without changing the existing Java XOM). Right now, it looks to me that I can't use an ODM decision table, although the underlying logic seems well-suited to a decision table.
This answer is heavily based on Justin Phillips's nice answer to this question, updated for ODM 8.5. Please plus up his answer.
The main idea is to create a function in the Business Object Model (BOM) that can be called from your rules. To add a BOM function:
Right click the bom folder in the Eclipse rules project.
Select New -> BOM Entry from the menu.
Select the Create an empty BOM entry option and then click Finish.
Double click the new BOM entry to bring up the BOM editor view, and
then click New Class.
Enter the class name and then click Finish.
Double click the new BOM class from the list, then under
the Members section, click the New button.
In the New Member
dialog, select the Method option, enter a Name (isBetween),
return Type for the method (boolean), and add three String parameters (testee - the value being tested, min and max). Click the Finish button.
Double click the new method under the Members section, and select the Static and Final options.
Click the Create link under the "Member Verbalization" section and fill in the Template text box with {0} is between {1,min} to {2,max}
Under the BOM to XOM Mapping section, enter your Java code.
11. Go back to the class level BOM editor and set the Execution name to the value void in the "BOM to XOM Mapping" section. This indicates that the BOM class is not linked to a Java class (XOM).
The verbalization for the newly created member should now be accessible when filling out the Test in the Condition Column for the decision table.

Wicket Drop down choice to set default value

I want to replace "choose one" option in drop down choice with other String "successfully occured" and I dont want to show list item to set the default.
DropDownChoice<Person> customer = new DropDownChoice<Person>(
"customer", new PropertyModel<Person>(customermodel, "customer"),list, new ChoiceRenderer<Person>("name", "id"));
The best way to do this is to put the definition
customer.null=successfully occured
in a properties file associated with the form or page containing the choice.
The properties file can also be localized so that what's shown depends on the locale.
For me I had to do following to get this done.
Then created a file named "" (I added the drop down to HomePage)
set the null text in the .properties file as bellow.
nullValid=Choose one..

Add menu item to Windows context menu only for specific filetype

I've developed an application that load an image using the context menu of window (right click on the file) and for the moment is working, but the reg key is on
and it works with all files.
I want that the menu item on the context menu should be displayed only with .jpg files.
How can I do that? Which registry keys should I use?
Identify the file type (ProgID) for .jpg files
This can be done by checking the default value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.jpg. It could be anything based on what you've installed, but for the purposes of this example, we'll call it jpegfile, a common default.
Set the context menu item (verb) properties for that file type
You can set per-user context menu items in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\jpegfile\shell. This key has a list of verbs for the file type. There is a similar key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\jpegfile\shell, and these are the system defaults for the file type. You can put a verb key there too, but if the same key exists in HKCU, it will be overridden, so be advised.
Set the command value
The bare minimum key value that needs to be set to get it to work is the default value of the command subkey. You need to set that with the path to your application, like so: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\jpegfile\shell\open_with_myapp\command would be set to "c:\path\to\myapp.exe" "%1". Now a context menu for .jpg files will have a "open_with_myapp" item which will launch your app when clicked, and pass the file name of the selected file as a parameter. Of course, how your application processes parameters is up to you, so you'd need to set the parameter string to something your app can process.
Set other verb properties
I'd imagine you're probably going to want the context menu item to read something a little more friendly than the key name. You can have the context menu display whatever label you want for your item by setting the default value of that key (open_with_myapp).
That's your basic overview. Definitely check out my answer to this question about associating a file, which has a similar answer:
Create registry entry to associate file extension with application in C++
There's another key on the registry that works independently of user's default programs: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations. Since nobody mentioned it on this question... No need to check ProgID before adding the context menu item. Example:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Search subtitles..."
#="\"D:\\Tools\\subsearch.exe\" \"%1\""
Additional Considerations:
The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree can be written to but in general is a view formed by merging
file type registration visible to the current user only
globally register a file type on a particular computer
You can register to those classes instead/aswell
The (ProgID) defined verbs have priority over the same ones defined in ...\SystemFileAssociations\ , but are dependent on that particular Application, When that application uninstalls, it would normally delete its registry entry, along with what modifications/additions you may have done under that key. Or if the default (ProgID) is changed, your modifications will no longer be in effect.
The ...\SystemFileAssociations\ registrations are stable even when users change/uninstall the default programs.
Will publish my working solution derived from the previous answer (and one of its author's other answer).
It also adds an icon. I used it for all file types and didn't have administrator's privileges. The subitem * didn't exist in my registry, I created it myself.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Open with Notepad++"
#="\"C:\\portable\\npp.7.9\\notepad++.exe\" \"%1\""
Replace * with something like .svg and only for this extension the menu item will be shown.