How to define a function for use in an ODM decision table w/o changing the XOM? - jrules

I'm using ODM 8.5 (the JRules successor). In my Java domain, I have a three-character String field that represents a number, "000" to "999". I'd like to have a decision table that represents logic like:
if field is between "000" and "012" then set the result to "tiny"
if field is between "013" and "060" then set the result to "less tiny"
IBM's documentation on defining columns states - "A condition statement is an incomplete BAL predicate expression...". Is there anything in the BAL that does the kind of String comparison I want to do? If not, is it possible to call a function defined in the IRL from the BAL? If so, how? I'm also open to other suggestions on how to handle this simple problem in ODM (without changing the existing Java XOM). Right now, it looks to me that I can't use an ODM decision table, although the underlying logic seems well-suited to a decision table.

This answer is heavily based on Justin Phillips's nice answer to this question, updated for ODM 8.5. Please plus up his answer.
The main idea is to create a function in the Business Object Model (BOM) that can be called from your rules. To add a BOM function:
Right click the bom folder in the Eclipse rules project.
Select New -> BOM Entry from the menu.
Select the Create an empty BOM entry option and then click Finish.
Double click the new BOM entry to bring up the BOM editor view, and
then click New Class.
Enter the class name and then click Finish.
Double click the new BOM class from the list, then under
the Members section, click the New button.
In the New Member
dialog, select the Method option, enter a Name (isBetween),
return Type for the method (boolean), and add three String parameters (testee - the value being tested, min and max). Click the Finish button.
Double click the new method under the Members section, and select the Static and Final options.
Click the Create link under the "Member Verbalization" section and fill in the Template text box with {0} is between {1,min} to {2,max}
Under the BOM to XOM Mapping section, enter your Java code.
11. Go back to the class level BOM editor and set the Execution name to the value void in the "BOM to XOM Mapping" section. This indicates that the BOM class is not linked to a Java class (XOM).
The verbalization for the newly created member should now be accessible when filling out the Test in the Condition Column for the decision table.


How to customize email template in crm 2016 by code

I am using CRM 2016, and trying to customize email template by adding a dynamic data. I know that CRM allows to use only specific vanilla entities, but when I explorer an old code I found an option to use {0}, {1} etc' for injecting data from non vanilla entities (by code) - unfortunately that code cannot be tested...
Have someone heard or know about that way? is it possible? what to google for?
You can do this by manually typing similar marker what CRM is using. Note that this is not documented in SDK.
Dynamic Values For Custom Entities In Email Templates
In the template, where you want the value to appear, type within 2 brackets an exclamation point followed by the entity logical name. After the entity name, add a colon, and then the field logical name, ending it with a semi colon. If you’d like a default value if nothing was found, after the semi colon add the default value.
{!<entitylogicalname>: <fieldlogicalname>; <Default Text>}
More in part 2:
The Global Template Type is what you’d want to use for custom
entities, or any other entity not listed in the template type drop
down menu. And just to reiterate, regardless of the way you insert
values, whether you use the out of the box insert method or you
manually type it in, you can only insert values from one record.
Dynamic Values For Email Templates - Part 2
Dynamics' email templates are flawed. You either can't use custom entities or you have no translation. I use this workflow instead. It can do everything :

How to dynamically change dialog with select field

I'm new to Magnolia, and I'm making my own module.
I have a dialog box when adding a component and I want to change next fields below dynamically using a select field.
Select field with {"type 1", "type 2", ...}
IF "type 1" is selected
->show a text field below
->show a basicUpload field below
Thanks in advance.
I believe same was already discussed here and few other places if you look over questions tagged "magnolia".
Long story short, fields are atomic, independent entities. They do not know about each other. So the only way to create such dynamic connection is over "parent" form. You need to extend form presenter and field factory (if you want select that would be SelectFieldFactory) and in there, when field is created, attach value changed or similar listener to it so when value is changed in the field, you can inform presenter to make some other field visible or hide it.
IIRC you can see example of that done in External Forms module (if you have access to enterprise code). Not sure if any of the community modules show the same.

How to accomplish drop-down lists in KIE workbench?

I'm new to JBPM and am trying to wrap my head around a new project, and recently noticed that while trying to define some user task forms I couldn't find a form option for a drop-down list
At this point my knowledge of the technology is pretty small, and this seems like a strange limitation at first glance, which should have an easy work-around, but I'm having difficulty finding a quick and dirty solution.
Is this something I'd have to code in Eclipse, or something else?
The answer that #cego provides is correct for "hard-coded" values, if you want to load dynamic values (from a database for example) you can use the Select Box field type and configure it to use a SelectValuesProvider that calculates the combo values.
To create a SelectValuesProvider you should create a java project with a mvn dependency to:
Once you did that you can create your class that implements org.jbpm.formModeler.core.config.SelectValuesProvider. This interface provides two methods:
String getIdentifier(): should return a unique String that identifies this provider. This String will be shown on the Select Box configuration popup.
Map getSelectOptions(Field field, String value, FormRenderContext renderContext, Locale locale): This method have to return a Map containting the key, text that are going to be load on the Select box. The received parameters are:
Field field: the configuration of the field that is going to be evaluated.
String Value: the current value of the field
FormRenderContext renderContext: a class that contains all the information about the form that is rendered at that moment.
Locale locale: the locale in which is being rendered the form.
Once you've created this provider, you must compile your project and put the jar on the server classpath and restart it. After doing that you'll be able to create a form (or edit an existing one), add a Select Box field and choose your provider on the "Data provider" combo box.
Hope it helps, if you have any doubt please ask and I'll try to create an example.
Ok, for old versions you can do it turning a textbox to a combobox using a RangeProvider. This is a very similar solution to the previous one.
First you should create java project with a mvn dependency to:
After that you have to create your RangeProvider class that implements org.jbpm.formModeler.api.model.RangeProvider and implement it's methods. As the SelectValuesProvider on the previous example this interface provides two methods:
- String getType(): A unique String to identify the provider
- Map getRangesMap(String namespace): This method have to return a Map containting the key, text that are going to be load on the combo box. It only receives a String parameter, it is an identifier that allows you to get all the information about the form that is being rendered.
Also you have to create a META-INF/beans.xml file to allow to lookup your provider via CDI (I missed this step on the previous example, sorry).
As the previous example, once you've created the provider you must compile your project and put the jar on the server classpath and restart it.
When the server is started you have to create a new form (or open an existing one), add a TextBox field, edit it's properties and write the string returned by your RangeProvider's getType method on the "Range value" property.
Save the field properties and if everything is fine the field would be rendered as a combobox showing the values returned by your provider.
To create a select element(drop-down list) look for "Setting a Range Formula" in this part of the documentation:

transfer netbeans made component to lwuit's "Resource Editor"

I tried to use "table" Component in a Form with "Resource Editor" in lwuit, but I could not add/edit the rows items. so I end up with this question:
Is it possible to create/edit the table component in the generated "StateMachine" class in Netbeans and see the result in "Resource Editor"?
And if it's not possible, how can I hack the .res file in order to make the "table" as it should be?
There is support for live embedding in the resource editor but its deprecated and obtuse.
I suggest you just add a label where you want the custom component to be, give it a unique name and override the method createComponentInstance which is invoked internally with the name of the label (name it something unique).
You can then just return the instance of your custom made component and it will appear where the label is in the GUI builder.

Eclipse PDT: show every call of function

Is there an option in Eclipse PDT to show every call of chosen function.
I now if you select some kind of function and hit F3 key you will see a definition of selected function.
Open the Search Menu, Choose 'Search...', and navigate to the PHP tab, then
Enter the method name in the search string text box;
Select Method in the Search for group;
Select References in the Limit to group.
Find method usages
We have a plugin for that... nWire for PHP. It's a comprehensive PHP code analyzer which represents all your code associations, invocations included in one quick and easy to use view. It can also represent the associations graphically.