How to add a custom set property as field on Mac version? - ms-word

File > Properties > Custom
I am then trying to insert the variable ('variable') as a field.
'variable' is not listed, nor do any = Formulas seem to work.
In previous windows versions, selecting DOCPROPERTY would allow a custom variable to be selected and inserted. But selecting DOCPROPERTY only causes an Error! No property name supplied.
I am trying to insert a custom field, which would be inserted in multiple places on the document, which could be updated in one place. Such as 'version 1.1'


Difference between UserProperties.Add and UserProperties.Set functionality in FlurrySDK

I'm using Flurry Analytics in my Unity game and I want to use Flurry UserProperties.
My question is about the difference between the functionality of UserProperties.Add and UserProperties.Set methods in FlurrySDK.
In the documents there is following description :
Set :
Sets and replaces (if any exist) the value(s) for the property.
Add :
Adds a User Property value(s). Adding values already included in the state has no effect and does not error.
Can I just use Flurry.UserProperties.Add whenever I need to set/add an UserProperty for a user and ignore Flurry.UserProperties.Set?
or I need to first define every property with Flurry.UserProperties.Add to be added in Flurry's panel and then use Flurry.UserProperties.Set to set them for a specific user?
Add adds to existing values, while Set removes existing values and then adds the new one
To create your custom you do it in the Admin Panel of Flurry.
Set, clean your property and set with your last value you send.
Add , preserve the old values and add a new value to your property.

TCA configuration: Value of field should be copied to translated record

I am adding a field to the pages table (is a relation to a file) and would like the value of the field in the pages record to be copied to the translated record by default.
Currently, the copied field is empty (default value), which is probably a good idea in most cases.
I am thinking of something that behaves like l10n_mode = prefixLangTitle without the prefix.
Depending on the TYPO3 version this should be possible with one of the following behaviours for the inline field:
Sine the localizeChildrenWithParentLocalization feature is broken with pages and pages_language_overlay though, I guess the only working versions would be CMS 8 or 9 with properly configured language synchronization.
['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] => true
if the translated record will use the value from the default field by
default (will effectively be copied), but it should be possible to change
this later.
See as example.
When "Custom value" is selected, the value can be overridden.
Alternativively, use
l10n_mode = exclude
if the field should always have the value of the default language and you
should not be able to change it in the translated record.

Access Copy Value of Textbox on text change

I've a form in MS access that holds a subform showing records from a table. I've got a textbox whichs content is based on the selected record form the subset. If i select a record with id 2 then the value of the textbox is set to 2.
I want to copy the value of the textbox to another textbox of the form each time the value is changed.
The onChange eventhandler on the textbox bound to the subform does not trigger, neither does any other event when i select a record in the subform.
I'd either write some vba code to copy the text or use a makro.
It probably is triggering if you change the field manually, e.g., this code works for me:
Private Sub Text0_Change()
Text2.Value = Text0.Text
End Sub
(note value and text, as what you see in the field while you are editing it is not that same as the value of the field)
but not if you update it through VBA
Setting the value of a control by using a macro or Visual Basic doesn't trigger this event for the control. You must type the data directly into the control, or set the control's Text property.
If the fields were named like in my example, I'd have whatever VB that updates Text0 also update Text2

Crystal 2013 - Is field in field possible?

i am creating a template for an invoice-document. There are some text-blocks i want to include from external via DB-Field so that i can manipulate the text without changing the RPT-File. As some of the Text-Block also inlude VARS i was wondering if there is a chance to also include the VAR itself into the text-block, meaning we have a Field including a Field.
Is this possible? My first tests failed as the Name of the Var is interpreted as text and just printed but not changed into the VAR-Value.
--- Edit ---
Database-Field: {Table1.Value} -> 4.00
Database-Field: {Table1.Text} -> 'The value is {Table1.Value}'
If i now add {Table1.Text} into the report, it should show as "The value is 4.00"
Yes this is possible. Create a regular text box and set its text. Then drag a database field or a formula from the field explorer on the text box.

How to translate a label of a custom field in SugarCRM

I have created a custom field in Opportunities, but I also have to translate its label into Russian and there is no option for it in the "Edit labels" menu.
I prefer to create translated labels without Studio.
Main idea is that module string label is a value of *$mod_strings* array key which is defined in language file(s) located in modules//language/ , custom/modules//language/ and/or custom/modules/Accounts/Ext/Language/*.lang.ext.php
Thus to have an existing string in English translated into your native language manually you should do the following:
Copy your English string to be translated in browser (e.g. "Description")
Use your IDE or OS find/search function to find needed $mod_strings key that has value of the string above (e.g. *$mod_strings['LBL_DESCRIPTION']*)
Copy that key name
Change to custom/Extension/modules//Ext/Language (so called Master Directory) and create new (or append to existing) file named (in your case) ru_ru.custom.lang.php
Add a line like
$mod_strings['LBL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Описание';
Make Quick Repair and Rebuild
Go to
Studio » Contacts » Labels,
then you can see that label and then select
'US English' or 'Russian'
from the language drop down.