Unable to view all the information in the window on viewport - popup

I've Tabpanel in viewport layout, In tabpanel panel I want to display Extjs Window. This popup window may contains large data.If the popup height exceeds the viewport height I'm unable to view all the information in the window. So when the popup height is more then the viewport height I should view the popup content by viewport scrolling(not by popup window scrolling).
Check these screens shots to understand my issues.
A. When the popup information is less it looks like this
B. When the popup information is too large it looks like this
Sample popup code
var my_popup = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
autoHeight: true,
//id: 'my_popup ',
closeAction: 'hide',
y: 50,
frame: false,
border: false,
modal: true,
bodyPadding: 10,
plain: true,
layout: 'fit',
maximizable: true,
items: content_form
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Have you tried giving that center panel (area to the right of the tree) a layout of it's own, other than the default viewport layout? Something like anchor layout with an anchorSize config specified.
If that wont work you could always make the center an iframe which does not contain a viewport. And then make your pop-up show from the iframe page - as long as using iframes doesn't rest too heavily on your conscience.


Horizontal scrolling when the width of browser's window is less than body/container (minWidth) in Flutter

I am struggling how to set minWidth for some container/body/widget to show horizontal scroll when the width of browser window is less than container/body/widget (minWidth). Fo example Google has this feature:

Beautiful and responsive "dropdown menu" / "pop-up" flutter

Please see the photos attached for the feature, or simply head to https://www.chrislorenzomusic.com and resize the window until you see the dropdown menu in top right corner appears and click on the menu to see the effect.
I'm not sure what this effect or feature is called, but was wondering what it's called and if it was possible to make something similar in flutter?
Before resizing the window
After resizing window the menu at top right corner appears
When clicking on the menu
When an app or widget behaves differently depending on the screen size or orientation it is considered responsive or has a responsive layout.
The Menu itself can be created using a Scaffold with an AppBar and a Drawer. You can configure the AppBar to have the menu icon or the links depending on the size using LayoutBuilder and MediaQuery.of.

Modal bottom sheet on flutter with interactive background

I want to dim (gray) the background when the bottom sheet opens, like a modal bottom sheet, but still be able to interact with the rest of the UI while the bottom sheet is open - like a regular bottom sheet.
Any ideas?
Even though, I won't recommend creating such an effect as it is not very understandable from the user perspective.
You can achieve this by using the IgnorePointer, Stack and setState((){})
1- Add a field bool showOverlay = false;
2- Align some Container to with Alignment.bottom to represent ur bottom sheet
3- Put some overlay Container with some background color and opacity and wrap it with IgnorePointer(ignoring: true, ...) which will let it not interfere with your widgets below.
I think you got it from here.

Scrollbar + any scroll widget bug on scrolling in web

I need to use Scrollbar widget for web as it enables scrollbar always on AND the ability to edit its size and width. I also have to use it with a child that is scrollable (singlechildescrollview, listview, etc), but after updating to flutter 2.2, I've seen that 2 scrollbars appear on screen and keeps buging the experience (can be seen when changing the size of the scrollbar in the parent).
I've tryed to disable the scrolling in the child, but its scrollbar still shows. I cant use the default scrollbar in the child, as its more geared towards mobile.
Fixed using rawascrollbar. It removes any padding when pressing on the side of the screen, and gives the ability to change the color of scrollbar (that way hides the child scroll). Better then the Scrollbar widget.

scroll bar in popup panel in GWT

I have a popup panel which opens on a button click event. Popup panel height should be fixed and if contents of popup panel exceeds the height of popup panel, then a vertical scroll bar needs to be attached to it, and i should be able to scroll it to see the contents. I am displaying a flex table in the pop up and the flex table rows and columns vary for different kinds of inputs. so, if the flex table size is bigger than pop up, scroll bar should appear to pop up. I tried with overflow:scroll in my css, but it didn't work. is it because of the flex table? How to achieve this when i have different widgets place in my pop up? Can any body please help?
Try adding a ScrollPanel into your PopupPanel and then a FlexTable into your ScrollPanel.
You can find doc - http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ScrollPanel.html
Example - http://examples.roughian.com/index.htm#Panels~ScrollPanel