scroll bar in popup panel in GWT - gwt

I have a popup panel which opens on a button click event. Popup panel height should be fixed and if contents of popup panel exceeds the height of popup panel, then a vertical scroll bar needs to be attached to it, and i should be able to scroll it to see the contents. I am displaying a flex table in the pop up and the flex table rows and columns vary for different kinds of inputs. so, if the flex table size is bigger than pop up, scroll bar should appear to pop up. I tried with overflow:scroll in my css, but it didn't work. is it because of the flex table? How to achieve this when i have different widgets place in my pop up? Can any body please help?

Try adding a ScrollPanel into your PopupPanel and then a FlexTable into your ScrollPanel.
You can find doc -
Example -


Flutter: Custom pain on bottom of the page with TextField

I am trying to create a user interface with a custom paint on the bottom and with two text fields on the bottom too.
The problem is when the keyboard is shown, the TextFormFields go up while the bottom paint does not go anywhere.
You can see what I mean in the pictures below:
Any ideas about what goes wrong?

Beautiful and responsive "dropdown menu" / "pop-up" flutter

Please see the photos attached for the feature, or simply head to and resize the window until you see the dropdown menu in top right corner appears and click on the menu to see the effect.
I'm not sure what this effect or feature is called, but was wondering what it's called and if it was possible to make something similar in flutter?
Before resizing the window
After resizing window the menu at top right corner appears
When clicking on the menu
When an app or widget behaves differently depending on the screen size or orientation it is considered responsive or has a responsive layout.
The Menu itself can be created using a Scaffold with an AppBar and a Drawer. You can configure the AppBar to have the menu icon or the links depending on the size using LayoutBuilder and MediaQuery.of.

Flutter: SingleChildScrollView is not able to scroll to bottom within Expanded

I have programmed a modal buttom sheet which with this package (using a showCupertinoModalBottomSheet). This modal has a "header" which shows the heading and a close button on the left so the user knows what the modal is about and has a "footer" with two buttons to either apply the filter or reset it.
Between the header and the footer is a a Expanded component with a SingleChildScrollView inside in order to scroll inside the modal. This is needed because there are more filter options available than space! I am very happy that I found a solution without a SizedBox component which has a given height because the height of smartphones vary.
However, now I am facing one last problem: Sadly I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my SingleChildScrollView. This problem also occurs when removing the "footer" with the two buttons. Means, the SingleChildScrollView goes beyond the screen height (which is fine) but which is useless when I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my list. At the end of this post I have added an image so you can see the problem.
Here you can find my dartpad without the modal buttom sheet which is not supported yet on dartpart. However, because dartpad presents the web view instead of the mobile view I am not able to recreate the problem 100%. When using the mouse wheel to scrol you can scroll to the end of the list. But as you can see in the image below in the mobile version is does not work!
Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this?
I already have tried adding Containers with padding and margin to the bottom but this sadly doesn't work or leads to rendering issues.
There is also a stackoverflow post which seems to solve this problem but that leads to an rendering issue for me:
Kind regards and thank you!

Flutter Not able to achieve PageView like Swipeable Tabs inside Parent ListView

This is a Flutter Specific Query.
I Want to achieve the Layout Referenced in the Image above. Two Tabs
Below a Container.
The Tabs can be switched using Swipe Animation like that in a
Page View.
The Tabs Contain Dynamically Generated Widgets from Provider.
The Entire Page along with the Fixed Container must be
When Switching between the Tabs the fixed container should stay
in place and only tab Content(Column of Widgets) should swipe
left and right.
What I've Tried :
Using a Parent List View and Nesting the Fixed Container Child
and Using Tab Bar to switch the Widget using Animated Switcher and
Slide Animation. Here the Problem is i cannot swipe left and right
and create the Page View like Effect. I also tried Nesting Page-View
inside List-View but since the Page-View does not have a fixed height
( because the tab contents are dynamically generated ).
A few many more concepts i tried to tackle but the issue every time was
that the tab contents are not having a fixed height.
I really want to achieve this Layout and i want to know if there's any way.

Hiding widgets when the keyboard is active

How do you hide certain widgets when the keyboard is activated? I have an app that overflows when a textfield is activated and instead of just compressing everything I would like to hide several of the widgets that are not necessary when filling out the fields.
I'd first suggest to use SingleChildScrollView as parent. It allows you to show the whole view and make it scrollable when keyboard appears.
If you still want to hide elements, you can know if keyboard is on screen by checking if MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom > 100.