Is it possible to post to users' feed without posting on their wall? - facebook

I would like my Facebook app to post personalized updates to users on their feeds, without posting on their walls.

Per the facebook documentation the feed IS the wall.
feed The user's wall.
So the answer is "No".

There is actually no way to post something on a "Wall" but "Feed" in Facebook via API. They are practically the same place.
You can create post in feed and Facebook will decide if that post will appear in user's wall according to many aspects that wasn't clearly described (and possibly will never be due to Timeline).
There is also a bit old but interesting article Facebook’s Wall vs. News Feed Explained by Pixel Coaching that you may want to read.


Is there any way I can display all post from facebook and not only mine?

I'm working on an app in which I intend to display the existing posts from my Facebook wall but in another design. I succeeded in getting my personal posts but for some reasons I cannot find the posts of the other users in my feed. Is there any way in which I can get all the post from my wall including my friends? Is this even possible? I could not find an answer yet, not even in the docs.

Posting to Friends wall using Facebook C# Sdk

I'm designing a WP7.1 App that publishes to other user's wall, using Facebook C# Sdk, without user interaction (i.e. in Background).
I searched for methods and discovered that a POST would do the things.
However, Facebook Roadmap Page and this Blog Post, mentions that the ability to post to other user's wall by Graph API has been removed and instead Feeds Dialog must be used.
My question is:
- Is this change going to affect the above POST Method.
- If Yes, then, is there a workaround to POST on other user's wall without User Interaction ( i.e. IN Background).
now to post on friends wall, either you must use feed dialog, that will prompt user.
but if you don't want to prompt user then you can post on your user wall with a tag to user's friend, assuming friend approve the tag it'll show up on tagged friends wall.

API call to Delete from facebook news feed (facebook.stackowerflow)

I'm sorry for the cross posting, but it seems that I posted question to the general stackoverflow (not to facebook one).
(API call to Delete from facebook news feed)
Could you please help?
When the user (let it be Arnold) posts some link to his friend's wall (to Chuck) via my app, the FB also makes a post in a Chuck's news feed (with the same link). The question is - is there any FB API ability to delete the message from the Chuck's news feed?
Once the Chuck clicks the link posted by Arnold on Chucks wall, the same link on the news feed becomes no longer valid. So I need to drop the news feed post (but not the wall post) as link is disposable, but in the news feed looks like "new".
In the FB documents ( under home section (This connection corresponds to the News Feed) I have not found any mentions about the ability to delete posts from news feed.
However there is an ability to delete a post. And somewhere on forums mentioned an ability to set is_hide=true to the news feed posts.
Dear guys, could you please suggest is there an ability to hide/delete news feed posts? Where I can find documentation about that?
You can delete any Facebook Graph object if you have the appropriate permissions using the http delete method (or you can append method=delete to your api call.

Post to fb wall in my application

I made an iPhone app that represents my job offer site. I want the user to post him offers in his fb wall. How can I do that?
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but a good site with various tutorials including one on FB posting

Facebook Comment Export to my Blog?

I have a blog and use Social RSS to send the feeds to facebook Fan page Wall. When some one comments on that. i want that to be captured and published on my blog. will that be possible ?
Can use graph api, keep checking the last comment time on that post, if its greater than the one on the blog, pull all the comments and publish on the blog.
Cant think of a way for real time update.