Posting to Friends wall using Facebook C# Sdk - facebook

I'm designing a WP7.1 App that publishes to other user's wall, using Facebook C# Sdk, without user interaction (i.e. in Background).
I searched for methods and discovered that a POST would do the things.
However, Facebook Roadmap Page and this Blog Post, mentions that the ability to post to other user's wall by Graph API has been removed and instead Feeds Dialog must be used.
My question is:
- Is this change going to affect the above POST Method.
- If Yes, then, is there a workaround to POST on other user's wall without User Interaction ( i.e. IN Background).

now to post on friends wall, either you must use feed dialog, that will prompt user.
but if you don't want to prompt user then you can post on your user wall with a tag to user's friend, assuming friend approve the tag it'll show up on tagged friends wall.


Since Feb. 6th, can I post to friends' timeline by Graph API call directly?

My question is,
if I am the user using an authorized web application, can I post something to my friends' timeline at once, and without any interactions with me?
I've read this topic and other relative posts on stackoverflow, and I understand that facebook had made some changes.
But when I read Feed Dialog document, I find out that it said:
Your application can also publish directly to a profile's timeline without interaction on the part of someone using your app. To accomplish this, use the corresponding Graph API call
while "Graph API call" is an unavailable link. And I can't figure out what the corresponding graph api call is.
You cannot Post to User's Friends timelines through the Graph API, as simple as that. You can only Post to the authorized User's wall through the Graph API.
The only way to achieve the similar functionality, as the blog post that you have checked suggests is,
If you want to allow people to post to their friend’s timeline from your app, you can invoke the feed dialog. Stories that include friends via user mentions tagging or action tagging will show up on the friend’s timeline (assuming the friend approves the tag).

How do I use the Facebook API to query whether posting is permitted on a user's wall?

I'm designing a web app that allows people to post on peoples wall using the Facebook Graph API. Basically my app users will be able to search for people by name, then write a message and finally post it to their wall.
The problem is that in certain cases people on Facebook block the option for others to post on their wall. So when sending the post from my app Facebook will return an error.
My question is whether the Facebook API returns a parameter that states whether or not it's possible to post to somebody's wall based on their permission on Facebook.
The FQL user table has a field called can_post:
can_post | bool | Whether or not the viewer can post to the user's Wall.

Notifications on feed post

I have a web site where a user authenticates using Facebook and based on an action of the user in my site I post to a friend's wall.
To post on the friend's wall I use the graph api, posting to "/userid/feed". And the posts show correctly on the friend's wall.
The problem I'm having is that if the post has a link on it (using the "link" argument) it won't be displayed in the notifications section of the friend's Facebook (i.e. the globe icon on top). If I just post some message and a picture to the wall it does show on the notifications, but links won't show.
Is this the expected behavior or is it a bug in the API?
In any case, how can I do something that assures me that my user's friend gets a notification in their Facebook?
Thanks for the help!
Yes this is expected behavior. There isn't really any way around this. You can send an app request that links to the post, but it will only manifest as an app notification, which does increment certain counters, but not the globe at the top.

How to make wall posts made by users on app's facebook page

Is there anything I need to do to make posts users make on their wall via a custom ios application using it's own facebook app id, also appear on app's (facebook app it uses I mean) own facebook page?
I would expect this to appear automatically but it doesn't seem to be the case.
In order to read one's Facebook wall, you need the access token to authenticate reading. This will give you access to all non-public wall posts. From this, you can pass the newly posted content to your page through the feed action.
Enjoy and good luck!

Facebook stream publish to app's wall, user's news feed AND user's wall

below is my FB api call in PHP5, which successfully publishes my feed to the App's Wall and the user's news feed.
$facebook->api_client->stream_publish($message, $attachment, $action_links, APP_ID, $facebook_uid);
I'd like to know if there's a way to publish the same feed to the app's wall, user's news feed AND user's own wall - all three places in one publish.
I could send the stream twice (once for the app and once for user's wall) but it gets hard to manage the comments/likes later on.
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Posting to a user's feed will also have that Post appear in the users' friends' News Feeds - so two of the things you're asking for are already there via one publish.
Posting to the app's wall is something you probably shouldn't be doing from a user's perspective, as it won't be seen by anyone except people browsing the app's profile page's wall. If you do need to do this for some reason, just make a second publish call and change the target_id parameter to the page ID (old REST API) or Post to /<app page id>/feed if using the Graph API