Post to fb wall in my application - iphone

I made an iPhone app that represents my job offer site. I want the user to post him offers in his fb wall. How can I do that?

Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but a good site with various tutorials including one on FB posting


Is there any way I can display all post from facebook and not only mine?

I'm working on an app in which I intend to display the existing posts from my Facebook wall but in another design. I succeeded in getting my personal posts but for some reasons I cannot find the posts of the other users in my feed. Is there any way in which I can get all the post from my wall including my friends? Is this even possible? I could not find an answer yet, not even in the docs.

Get user's detailed newsfeed(wall) posts in Facebook

I would like to build a project to know users' behavior when they surf facebook website, especially the advertisements showing in their timeline wall. I have learned the basic idea of facebook graph api, knowing how to access the users' information and their feeds. However, I found that the feeds returned by facebook graph api is not "exactly" what user really see when they open facebook url in their browser. First, in graph api, it doesn't show the advertisements posted by sponsors. Second, the feeds returned by facebook api seem only regarding to my own posts(e.g. the photo tagging me, the posts tagging me). So, I would like to know how to access these information to rebuild a testbed that looks like exactly same as the real facebook website to record people reaction to it and continue my research?
Any idea is welcome ^^
This isn't really possible or rather I don't know any API (Facebook/Twitter/etc) that would do this to their third-party developers. The point of the API is to pull user data, not ads.
Also it sounds like you are using /me/posts or/me/feed instead of /me/home

Posting something that happened to Facebook through an HTML Button

I've looked through several tutorials on using the Facebook API, but none of them address what I'm trying to do.
I'm working on a website for a small college. When the user applies online, they would like it to redirect to a page with a link that will put a post on your Facebook wall that says, "Billy just applied to Awesome State College" with a link to apply and an image of some sort (probably the school's logo).
I guess it would be similar to the way Facebook games throw up posts, saying "Gertrude just clubbed 300 baby seals in 'Clubbing Baby Animals Pro'!" But I wouldn't need to create a whole new Facebook app for this, would I?
Posting on a user's wall requires an access token, which you can get with the help of
one of Facebook SDKs, which will need your app id.
Reference for posting on user's wall:
See section Publishing.
You can use Facebook Javascript SDk as the need is simple:

Is it possible to post to users' feed without posting on their wall?

I would like my Facebook app to post personalized updates to users on their feeds, without posting on their walls.
Per the facebook documentation the feed IS the wall.
feed The user's wall.
So the answer is "No".
There is actually no way to post something on a "Wall" but "Feed" in Facebook via API. They are practically the same place.
You can create post in feed and Facebook will decide if that post will appear in user's wall according to many aspects that wasn't clearly described (and possibly will never be due to Timeline).
There is also a bit old but interesting article Facebook’s Wall vs. News Feed Explained by Pixel Coaching that you may want to read.

Sharing links posted to a wall via an app

I've created an app which enables business to post links to their Facebook wall as the business (have proper business auth tokens, etc.).
However the links posted via the app do not have a share link, only comments and like. When a link is posted through the Facebook UI to the business wall it does contain a share link along with comments and like.
What am I missing to enable the link posted via my app to have a share link?
I am currently issuing a POST request to the following URL to create the posts:[profileId]/feed?message=[message]&link=[link]&...
this is a reported bug and have not been fixed yet. have a look (
I think you will need publish_stream permission for that and publish what they write. IMO Facebooks makes difference between feed and stream. Just my thoughts :)
that's the standard procedure when you have a user post via app. I don't think there's a way to have users post as themselves, as far as links are concerned. What you can do is have them post a status update and that one will be seen as posted by the user (no app information).
There's no other procedure I am aware of that can do that. I hope this helps