iPhone front camera - tap to focus? - iphone

I'm trying to figure out if tap-to-focus is possible via the front facing camera device. I've seen on the iPhone4 wikipedia that it supports focus, but not much more detail. When I call isFocusPointOfInterestSupported on the front facing camera it returns NO, so...I would assume that it isn't supported. However, the apple camera app seems to have some tap support on the front facing camera - is this focus or is it adjusting exposure at the tap point?
To what capacity is focus supported on the front facing camera?
Thanks in advance for any response.

You can check on the Device Capture Settings of this page (documentation) that it doesn't support focus
and you can see it with your actual phone, even if you move it back and forth it wont change the focus unlike the back camera.


Annotation for text selection goes away with device rotation for new pspdfKit 5.3.6

I am using pspdfKit for my app. Previously i was using 4.4.X version. Now I have upgrade it to 5.3.X.
After selecting text for annotation if i rotate the device the selection goes away. Previously it was staying. As far as user don't removes that by tapping on screen or somewhere else on screen. Same is happening with video after tapping on video if i rotate device it goes away.
PSPDFKit founder here. I just tried that with 5.3.8 and can't reproduce the selection vanishing issue. Can you open a ticket on https://pspdfkit.com/support/request with your license? We can help you much faster over there. Thanks!

AutoFocus in iPhone 4S front camera:- adjustingFocus observer not being invoked

For the Key **adjustingFocus**
observer notifies me when i am using the back camera
and does not do anything if using the front camera.
Any ideas on why this is happening ?
I am testing this on iPhone 4S, iOS 7 latest beta ,using GPUImage
The front facing camera on the iPhone 4S is a fixed focus camera, so the adjustingFocus observer will never notify you.
You can demonstrate this for yourself by opening the camera app to the front facing camera and checking out a couple things. Try putting a finger close to the camera and noticing that it won't try to pull focus on it. You can also tap around the screen and see the exposure and white balance adjust, but the focus never changing.

Website-Navigation disabled on iOS

I have a very rare problem on iOS (iphone).
i developed the site yolieva.de with a videoclip which also runs on ios. but it plays in the background because on top is the navigation with z-index. but it is not accessible from ios. kind of disabled because of the videoclip. you may want to try it with an iphone and you see you cant click through the siteā€¦
how to solve this? i want to keep the navigation above the video
I think this has something to do with how iOS deals with the videoclip, so I am not sure that you can do anything about it directly.
Why don't you make the div containing the flash player (id player) smaller on the iphone?
In fact, on the iphone your flash video is not shown in place, there is anyway a change of view, so there is no need of having it full screen either. Of course, you should make your flash player div smaller only for iOS, not other browsers, where it is fine that it is full screen...

AVFoundation Camera Preview Screen gives wrong zoom

I'm currently developing an app that has a camera functionality, with a custom camera screen, featuring a preview screen and an overlay.
I'm using the AVFoundation classes and methods as per the eradication of UIScreenCapture.
The problem I have is that the preview data I get from AVCaptureSession is too zoomed in. If i take a picture with that screen, and another with the iPhone's default camera app, without moving the iPhone, the difference in zoom is far too much.
I need the zoom of my app to be the same as is default for iPhone camera app.
I've tried changing the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.videoGravity, to any of it's 3 possible values, to no avail.
Please, any leads on this problem are truly appreciated.
Arcantos' solution was mostly correct. That will work assuming you're on an iPhone 3G (or any device with a camera that supports 640x480). An iPhone 4 may run into some issues there.
A more correct way would be to test for the availability of and apply this preset:
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto;
This will use the raw camera data, regardless of the native resolution.
Turned out to be a resolution issue.
It was fixed by using
myCaptureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480
Note that iPhone 3g does not support that, so you have to ask wheter the device supports it
[[AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] supportsAvCaptureSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480]
Is the aspect ratio of your preview pane identical to that of the camera capture data? If not, the OS may be changing the zoom to fit the data rect into your requested aspect ratio.

Can I prevent mobile safari from auto-rotating the screen on ipod touch or iphone?

We have an offline Safari application with UI designed for vertical use (pixel perfect). We would like the UI to stay vertical no matter what how the user rotates the ipod / iphone. Is it possible with offline Safari application?
This question is exactly the same as Can I prevent mobile safari from auto-rotating the screen on ipod touch or iphone? . Yet - the referenced question has no definite answer and has been prematurely accepted.
I'm not aware of any way to prevent the rotation if it needs to run in Safari rather than a native app with an embedded UIWebView.
While you can't prevent the rotation, you can compensate for it like this:
Detect the rotation using the updateorientation event
In your event handler, find the current orientation using window.orientation. (e.g. 0, 90, -90, 180)
Update the class of your element to reflect the current orientation, and use styles like -webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg) to rotate your UI in the opposite direction.
If necessary, use window.scrollTo(0, 1); to scroll the address bar off the screen.