AutoFocus in iPhone 4S front camera:- adjustingFocus observer not being invoked - iphone

For the Key **adjustingFocus**
observer notifies me when i am using the back camera
and does not do anything if using the front camera.
Any ideas on why this is happening ?
I am testing this on iPhone 4S, iOS 7 latest beta ,using GPUImage

The front facing camera on the iPhone 4S is a fixed focus camera, so the adjustingFocus observer will never notify you.
You can demonstrate this for yourself by opening the camera app to the front facing camera and checking out a couple things. Try putting a finger close to the camera and noticing that it won't try to pull focus on it. You can also tap around the screen and see the exposure and white balance adjust, but the focus never changing.


Scene freezes but game continues at back

I'm using 2020.3.15f2 at my project. Not regularly, but sometimes game freezes visually on mobile phone. I mean that moment is always on the scene even you change to different scene. You can click everywhere, also ads are coming too. There is no sign of error on profiler or XCode.
I've tried canvas with screen space camera, and I'm just rendering a changing text with a camera. It still doesn't change. So rendering is not the main problem here I guess. I did'nt find any release notes about it. Do you know what is the issue or what is the version with fix to that problem?

iPhone front camera - tap to focus?

I'm trying to figure out if tap-to-focus is possible via the front facing camera device. I've seen on the iPhone4 wikipedia that it supports focus, but not much more detail. When I call isFocusPointOfInterestSupported on the front facing camera it returns NO, so...I would assume that it isn't supported. However, the apple camera app seems to have some tap support on the front facing camera - is this focus or is it adjusting exposure at the tap point?
To what capacity is focus supported on the front facing camera?
Thanks in advance for any response.
You can check on the Device Capture Settings of this page (documentation) that it doesn't support focus
and you can see it with your actual phone, even if you move it back and forth it wont change the focus unlike the back camera.

Website-Navigation disabled on iOS

I have a very rare problem on iOS (iphone).
i developed the site with a videoclip which also runs on ios. but it plays in the background because on top is the navigation with z-index. but it is not accessible from ios. kind of disabled because of the videoclip. you may want to try it with an iphone and you see you cant click through the siteā€¦
how to solve this? i want to keep the navigation above the video
I think this has something to do with how iOS deals with the videoclip, so I am not sure that you can do anything about it directly.
Why don't you make the div containing the flash player (id player) smaller on the iphone?
In fact, on the iphone your flash video is not shown in place, there is anyway a change of view, so there is no need of having it full screen either. Of course, you should make your flash player div smaller only for iOS, not other browsers, where it is fine that it is full screen...

Problem in camera activities in ios4

hi so far i have used UIImagePickerController for camera activities in IOS3. But in IOS4 the ImagePickerController is not working properly. When i tried to capture image it shows either a white image or else the app gets crashed often.
So i started using the AVCapture device for my camera activities. In this too i started facing new problems. When i capture the image in landscape the image preview shows the image to be portrait and vice versa. And some times it shows memory level warning.
Both the UIImagePickerController and the AVCapture are making problems. I want to know how to solve these problems. Else is there any other way to handle camera activities in IOS4.
Please help me friends.....
If you just want to enable the user to take photos, UIImagePickerController is the way to go. AVFoundation is quite low level and requires you to handle a lot of things yourself (e.g. compensating for the device orientation).
I've used UIImagePickerController extensively on iOS 4 and it works just fine for me. I suspect the white image/crashing problems are due to something else in your code. If you post a few code snippets we can try to figure out what's going on.

Touch events with Magic Mouse and iPhone Simulator

I observe that with the iMac magic mouse, while using the iPhone simulator, if:
a) the active view has an object in the center of the iPhone screen which is capable of generating touch events, and
b) the iMac operator accidentally or otherwise drags their finger(s) across the magic mouse surface in a way which would normally be used for scrolling, that
the object in the center generates (bogus) mouse down and drag events.
If there is no such object in the center of the screen, there is no issue.
Is there a way to programmatically or otherwise disable this feature?
This is actually an issue with all Mac input devices with scroll functionality. If you do a two-fingered scroll up and down on a Macbook touch pad the same thing happens.
I believe this is more or less "intended", though it appears the touch up event is lost - so sometimes the interface gets stuck after a scroll gesture. I don't know of a way to programmatically disable this feature, unfortunately :-/
Gesture-based scrolling the iOS simulator was disabled sometime around iOS 4 or the iPad, I believe. It would have conflicted with the giant, scrolling window of the iOS simulator running on smaller screens.