Website-Navigation disabled on iOS - iphone

I have a very rare problem on iOS (iphone).
i developed the site with a videoclip which also runs on ios. but it plays in the background because on top is the navigation with z-index. but it is not accessible from ios. kind of disabled because of the videoclip. you may want to try it with an iphone and you see you cant click through the siteā€¦
how to solve this? i want to keep the navigation above the video

I think this has something to do with how iOS deals with the videoclip, so I am not sure that you can do anything about it directly.
Why don't you make the div containing the flash player (id player) smaller on the iphone?
In fact, on the iphone your flash video is not shown in place, there is anyway a change of view, so there is no need of having it full screen either. Of course, you should make your flash player div smaller only for iOS, not other browsers, where it is fine that it is full screen...


View doesn't take up full screen on iPad

Simply that. I'm working on an iPhone (iOS) game that loads without using .xib files. Window and view is created programmatically. It automatically detects resolution and retina display and adjusts accordingly.
However when run on and iPad (only have the simulator for iPad), it shows up in a mini window that same size as the iPhone resolution, with a little 2x button in the bottom-right corner. I want it to load fullscreen with full resolution (larger res than the phone). Everything will scale accordingly so it would look the same as on the phone, and look just as crisp.
Why does this happen? Why doesn't the window automatically take up the fullscreen like it does on iPhone?
After much searching, I've found this template:
which loads properly for me on both iPhone and iPad.
Looking at the code, however, it does nothing differant than what I am doing. All it does is check which device is being used, and loads the appropriate app delegate, which in this case contain the exact same code, albeit for background color. This is clearly aimed towards those who want to have a different view load on iPhone vs. iPad, while avoiding using nibs. I want the SAME view across all devices, so I have no need to use multiple delegates or the like.
How can I force the app delegate to use the fullscreen regardless of device?
In your Xcode project file, find your target, go to the Summary tab and make sure that Devices is set to Universal under iOS Application Target
Yup! In Xcode 6 the "Devices" option is now called "Deployment Target" and is located here:

Overlay on vimeo movie on iPad/iPhone not clickable

We have a embedded background movie on (if you click on a small movie, the whole movie starts)
On desktop everything works as expected (the topbar is overlapping the movie and the links are still clickable)
The problem is, the same functionality doesn't work on iPad/iPhone.
The links are clickable as long the movie didn't started. As soon the user pushs the playbutton the links are not clickable anymore.
Do someone know why? Should not be a z-index issue because the links are not behind the movie.
iOS does not allow interaction with any elements above a video when the native controls are used, which we do in the current version of our player. On the iPhone, when they hit play it will automatically go into full screen and there is no way to prevent that.

Videojs Poster Image Does not Display - Need Poster Image to Display when Device Doesn't allow Auto Play

I have a website with a video in the header that is set to auto play when the page loads. It works great on all web browsers except for iPhone and iPad. I recently discovered that the iPhone won't allow auto play, which explains why when I open it up on the iPhone there is a black box with a line through the play button where the video should be. I can't even get it to load on the iPad. I haven't been able to test on Android or the other mobile devices since I don't own any of them. Btw: I am using Video.js.
Here's what I'm trying to do and need some help: Since my video has to auto play, I want to have the poster image display rather than the video if a particular device like the iPhone won't allow auto play. Is this possible?? I tried, but I can't get the poster image to show though. Instead, it just shows that ugly black box with play button with a line through it. I need help getting the poster image to display instead. I thought this would happen automatically but it isn't. Does anyone know how to do this? I even wondered if there's a way to write a fallback statement that says something like this: "If no auto play then display image." I've seen fallback statements for Flash, so why not have one for a device that doesn't allow auto play. I'm trying to get the code right, but I'm not a php expert so I need some help. Your help is appreciated thank you.

Issue exiting video after playing(ios phonegap app)

I am currently using iwebkit and phonegap together. Once everything is compiled and tested on an idevice, I can click a video link and get it to play. It play full screen but it uses the ios web video player (the one that doesn't have the "done" button" and the top and has a bar that spans the bottom of the screen. I can then press the full screen button to have it use the regular ios media player but when i click done from that, it doesn't take me back to the part of the app before the video, it just takes me to the full screen video in the web player. I hope someone can help me solve this and I hope I was able to describe my problem in a clear way. I've spent 2 hours searching and have come up with nothing.
I'm having the same problem. iOS 4.3.x introduced this problem as far as I can tell. There's a few comments about it on Apple's developer site but so far I haven't found any solution. Part of the problem seems to be Phonegap because I experience the exact same thing you describe when running the compiled app. However, if I simply browse to the same HTML pages it seems to work fine. Note - I changed from directly linking to video files to using the HTML5 tag. Using the tag works better than direct linking in Phonegap -- the videos still open in the player but when you click the Done button it returns to where it was. Keep in mind that if you do this the video will be on the inline in the page and paused but when you click the play button it opens in the player. The only problem I've found with this solution is that it won't rotate when you change from portrait to landscape when running in the phonegap app but it does rotate when browsing to the video in mobile safari. Not sure if any of that helps. I would be interested in what you've been able to work out since you posted.

iAds mess up my screen drawing?

I have a universal iPhone/iPad app that I'm in the process of completing. This is a music listening app that connects to and allows you to listen to music off of a user composed music site.
Since the user base for this app will be very small I've decided to put iAds in to try and get a little recovery on the programming costs.
The app is xib-less meaning that I create all components and draw every view manually. I have all of the code in place to place the iAd on screen and off screen for its various states. My app supports all rotations of all devices and my screens correctly reposition all components for every possible orientation.
After digging deep in the documentation I found that Apple always displays tapped on iAds in portrait mode. If my device is in portrait mode (upright) then there is no problem. However if I'm in landscape or upside down (yes it makes sense for this app), then the iAd displays in portrait but when closed my app is a mess.
The best way I can describe it is that each of my display items has a frame which I manually set to position it where I want it for each orientation. This works perfectly until the user taps on an iAd. The modal iAd dialog comes up then after it is closed even if I force a reposition of my components nothing draws correctly.
I've checked the view frame coordinates before and after the ad and I see some minor shifting. But what is so strange is that my components even when forced to their frame locations I desire are just a mess.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the screen movie incase
embedding doesn't work: