IPython auto-completion emacs24 doesn't work - emacs

I'm using emacs24.0.92 with IPython 12.
I took ipython.el file from IPython repository and also tried this patch however auto-completion still does not work for me.
Can someone give any hint about it ?

That's an old question but since I was looking for it:
1- python-mode.el
A quick search lead me to this working solution: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PythonProgrammingInEmacs#toc5
2- jedi
You still can use the completion given by jedi.el:
Install with packages.el and call M-x jedi:setup. Now the completion fires at the third character. We still can not inspect an object with TAB like in a terminal, but with the 1st solution we can.
edit: false, it's just a matter of configuration: http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/released/#configuration (use jedi:complete-on-dot to complete as soon as we enter a dot).


When I edit a file with EMACS I get a strange error. How do I fix this?

This is what I am doing:
Make a file or use an existing file.
Emacs filename.txt.
Type some new text into the file.
Save file.
After step 2, I receive an error after the emacs editor window pops up.
Here is the error:
2022-01-19 22:11:53.935 Emacs-x86_64-10_14[33893:994906] It's not
legal to call -layoutSubtreeIfNeeded on a view which is already being
laid out. If you are implementing the view's -layout method, you can
call -[super layout] instead. Break on void
_NSDetectedLayoutRecursion(void) to debug. This will be logged only once. This may break in the future.
I have already tried updating emacs and that didn't help, and googling didn't give me an answer. Currently, I have GNU Emacs 27.1 version.
How do I fix this error?
As far as I know you shouldn't need to "fix" the error at all and it won't cause any problems while you're actually running Emacs. In fact I'm somewhat surprised you see it at all.
I was only able to see the error (in both Emacs 27 and in pretest-28.0.90) only by running the Emacs binary (eg. ./Emacs-27.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs) directly from a terminal, which isn't the normal way of starting Emacs on macOS. If you just run Emacs by starting it from Finder, the Dock, or via the "open" utility then you shouldn't see the error at all, and it shouldn't cause any problems.
The whole point of keyboard interaction (and emacs in particular) is that there's no need to touch the mouse. It's possible to log in (using e.g. ssh) and edit remotely, with no gui (so no way to drag and drop), and this is the 'normal' way of invoking emacs. Run 'emacs --help' from the command line to see a bunch of options. In particular see 'emacs --no-window-system' which uses a raw terminal even when a gui is available (no error message appears when it's run this way).
The gui however adds font and image support, which can be useful if you're sitting at the machine. The error message you get when you invoke 'emacs' from the command line in its default mode, with no arguments, is a diagnostic describing a bug in the mac gui implementation.
The error's still there if you start emacs through the finder; you can see that by running (e.g.)
$ open /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs-x86_64-10_14
which both opens an emacs gui and a terminal window containing the program's text output.
As it says in the message, 'this may break in the future'; it's not helpful to say 'you're using it wrong.'

What does `workbench.action.terminal.switchTerminal` do?

Tried this command, seems to be doing nothing 🤔, does anyone know the purpose of it?
It's now been removed from the command palette:
Thanks for the report and for digging into this stuff 🙂. This command isn't meant to be exposed in the command palette as its only purpose is to drive the terminal dropdown behind the scenes.
There was a bug caused by this action that prevented users from pasting into a terminal since the key binding for pasting was set to this command as well as the paste command - so I am wondering as part of the fix for the pasting issue, they've made this command in the meantime not work.
Another user couldn't tell what this action does either and I can't myself. Perhaps that is why the default settings for it are unbound.

how to show all methods that i can choose in ipython notebook?

I'm new to ipython notebook. When typing a code line, it should show all methods or attributes that I can choose. However, it didn't, and I'm not sure why.
It should look like this:
Does anyone know how I can get this to work?
Type the library name
Type period symbol .
Press tab
At this point you will see drop down menu (showing all the methods)
This works for both python 2 and python 3
That should be a new feature of IPython 6.0.
But as mentioned in the official release post, is still just for command line users, and they are working to port it to all other users.

IPython's partial up-arrow search not working; Ctrl-P is fine

Our sysadmin recently updated us to OpenSUSE Leap 42.1. I immediately noticed that IPython's history search behaviour changed. Previously, if I typed part of a command then pressed Up, I could scroll through those commands in the history matching the part that I'd entered. This no longer works: Up just scrolls through the history one line at a time.
Using Ctrl-P to do the same thing still works perfectly but I'd like to restore that behaviour to Up if possible.
I didn't have a ~/.inputrc file, and I tried creating one with the contents
# arrow up
# arrow down
but that only added similar behavior to bash. Also, it means the ~/.inputrc suggested here doesn't work.
I'm using IPython version 3.2.2 and Python 2.7.9, if relevant. The Python readline package appears to be installed but I don't know what the install order was.

Eclipse vrapper undo

I use Eclipse for programming in almost any language. I also like the vim shortcuts for quick editing so I installed vrapper.
The problem is when I write a lot of code, and I just want to undo some little things. It undos a lot of chunks of code back, instead of 2 or 3 little things.
I've found some threads which seem to resolve my issue by using "set noati", but it does nothing. It doesn't matter if I use "Ctrl+Z" or "u" from vim command mode.
Can someone please help me to resolve this issue ?
The set noati seems to be the solution for that (at least was for me and other people in vrapper forums)... simply to update to the latest version of vrapper then you either specific the set noati (no ":" here!) in the ".vrapperrc" (this config file should be placed in your home directory) or you simply run the :set noati command from Eclipse vrapper.
Here are two things that might help you.
1) Stay out of insert mode.
The way undo works is in terms of vim commands. So if you change to insert mode and type a hundred words, that counts as a single command. On the other hand, if you press escape every once in a while to get out of insert mode, undo will behave much more pleasantly.
Once you get more familiar with vim, you will want to do less and less in a single insert. So the undo problem will likely be reduced as well.
2) Temporarily disable vrapper via the toolbar icon.
This is an alternative if you absolutely need the default undo behaviour of Eclipse.