IPython's partial up-arrow search not working; Ctrl-P is fine - ipython

Our sysadmin recently updated us to OpenSUSE Leap 42.1. I immediately noticed that IPython's history search behaviour changed. Previously, if I typed part of a command then pressed Up, I could scroll through those commands in the history matching the part that I'd entered. This no longer works: Up just scrolls through the history one line at a time.
Using Ctrl-P to do the same thing still works perfectly but I'd like to restore that behaviour to Up if possible.
I didn't have a ~/.inputrc file, and I tried creating one with the contents
# arrow up
# arrow down
but that only added similar behavior to bash. Also, it means the ~/.inputrc suggested here doesn't work.
I'm using IPython version 3.2.2 and Python 2.7.9, if relevant. The Python readline package appears to be installed but I don't know what the install order was.


How to fix newline indentation in recent version of vscode

I've been using VSCode (vscode) with the amVim extension for approximately 2+ years. I use vscode almost every day, and update it immediately every time it notifies me of a new version, which it checks for on startup. In the current and previous version I've had a new problem with indentation when I add a line to a source file. I've experienced this problem when editing *.go, *.vue, and *.css files, but mostly I've been working in Go files since the last two releases, so I've mostly seen it there. I did not notice this issue prior to the last two vscode releases.
When I add a newline with ENTER or SHIFT+o or any other means I've tried, it often adds the line with too little indentation. Whether this happens appears to depend on context, like how I recently moved the cursor, or where was the cursor when I added the newline, but I haven't figured out clear rules for when it will get the indentation right. I'd say it happens about half the time.
I haven't found a consistent workaround, so now when I add a newline I often have to hit tab until I reach the correct indentation. I can't predict whether this will happen, so when I add a newline I have to pause and look at the result instead of continuing to type. Alternatively, I write code at the wrong indentation and then hit save or auto-indent once it's syntactically complete to correct the indentation, but the code is harder to read and review until the indentation is right.
My current vscode version is 1.75.1, and amVim version is v1.34.0. I'm on Fedora 37 x64 (Linux). (My vscode Go extension is v0.37.1.)
I tried searching and browsing issues in both vscode and amVim Github repos and didn't see anything matching my issue, and I tried searching here as well without finding a match.

iterm annoying history window

I have recently changed my MAC and was setting my work environment from scratch. I have noticed that now I have a feature that I've never used before. When I press up arrow up a couple of times iterm basically chooses one of the previously used commands by itself and prompts the window with all the options I have used a specific command with. For instance I recently used ls with flags -lh -ls etc. I would like to get rid off this prompt as I cannot let's say press arrow up a couple of times to look for a different command I've previously used. Screenshot below for some clarification.
enter image description here

Prevent VS Code from overwriting my clipboard when clicking a link in the terminal

VS Code has a neat feature where if you search for something in the terminal grep/ack or similar tools, the resultant file links are clickable (with ctrl+click). I love that feature! Recently however I reinstalled VS Code with fresh settings, and a strange new default behavior has started that was definitely not present in my old install. Whenever I click links like that, in addition to opening the link, the name of the file is also copied into my clipboard, overwriting what I searched for.
My old work flow was copy search term, go to console, grep <paste>, click link, ctrl+f, . That doesn't work anymore, and I would prefer to restore the old mechanism, but due to the somewhat peculiar circumstances I'm not sure what I would search for to configure this behavior.
Any ideas ?

IPython auto-completion emacs24 doesn't work

I'm using emacs24.0.92 with IPython 12.
I took ipython.el file from IPython repository and also tried this patch however auto-completion still does not work for me.
Can someone give any hint about it ?
That's an old question but since I was looking for it:
1- python-mode.el
A quick search lead me to this working solution: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PythonProgrammingInEmacs#toc5
2- jedi
You still can use the completion given by jedi.el:
Install with packages.el and call M-x jedi:setup. Now the completion fires at the third character. We still can not inspect an object with TAB like in a terminal, but with the 1st solution we can.
edit: false, it's just a matter of configuration: http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/released/#configuration (use jedi:complete-on-dot to complete as soon as we enter a dot).

MacVIM on Lion - Command-T opens new tab instead of finding files

I have installed MacVim and I'm trying to learn it. But one of the most useful commands for me, the Command-T plugin, doesn't work correctly on Lion. If I type COMMAND-T, it opens a new tab on my macvim! Just like it opens a new tab on safari, terminal, etc!
I googled around, but it seems that I'm the only one with this problem.
I tried \t, but nothing happened as well.
The default for Command-T window list is <leader>t not <D>t (the "D" modifier is the Apple Command key) and the default leader for vim is \. So \t should work.
First see if you can execute
If that doesn't work check if your vim has support for ruby by running:
In the :version output be sure that you can see +ruby.
See Troubleshooting section of Command-T for more: http://amix.dk/blog/post/19501: