I want to know in detail about HttpURLConnection. I mean how it works for a single connection, multiple connections and all. When I use multiple InputStream in a class and close the first InputStream, the second InputStream is not getting any response from server. That's the reason I want to know in detail about HttpURLConnection.
I will tell you this simple, it is just doing his work without to many logic inside. It will work on the thread you open it, and throw exceptions on this thread if it fails. If you want multi - download you just need to open more then one thread.
For some client side procedures, I implement remote logging to log the calling of the procedure. The log is printed several times with different thread id, even though the procedure is only called once. Some rpc requests are sent to the sever a few times which causes some database session problem. Is it normal? Is there anyway to avoid it?
This is not normal, and suggests there is a bug on your client causing it to send the same call more than once. Try adding logging on the client where you invoke the RPC call, and possibly add breakpoints to confirm why it is being called twice.
My best guess with no other information would be that you have more than one event handler wired up to the same button, or something like that.
More specifically, your servlet container starts multiple threads to handle incoming requests - if two requests come in close succession, they might be handled by different threads.
As you noted, this can cause problems with a database, where two simultaneous calls could be made to change the same data, especially if you have some checks to ensure that a servlet call cannot accidentally overwrite some newer data. This is almost certainly a bug in your client code, and debugging it should start there.
I need to send a stream of data to Play server. The length of the stream is unknown and I need to get a response every line break \n or for every several lines. Rather then wait for the whole data to be sent.
Think of the following usecase:
lets say i'm intended to write a console application, that when launched, connects to my web server, and all the user input are being sent to play on every line break, and gets responded asynchronously. All above should be performed on a single connection, i.e. I don't want to open a new connection on every request I send to Play (a good analog would be 2 processes communicating through 2 pipes).
What is the best way to achieve this?
And is it possible to achieve with a client that communicates with the server only via http (with a single http connection)?
my current thoughts on how to approach this are as follows:
i can define a new BodyParser[Future[String]] which is basically an Iteratee[Array[Byte],Future[String]]. while the parsing takes place, i can compute the result asynchronously and the action can return the result as ChunkedResult in the future's onComplete method.
does this sound like the right approach?
any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Maybe you should look at websockets.
Java: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1-RC3/JavaWebSockets
Scala: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.0/ScalaWebSockets
this is the procedure of requirement.
1) I make a request, which will make a connection. It might break, but should be notified to programmer by callback.
2) the data comes as a stream from endless page in chunks.
3) I want suggestion because normal NSURLConnection wont be handy as it will break in no time.
Input here is endless page from which stream comes.
Note: Endless stream might be empty and asynchronous.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
If your only problem is the timeout associated with NSURLConnection, you can change that timeout as described in this question.
Otherwise, you will have to write your own NSStream-based implementation. See this documentation for more information.
I'm trying to stream data between two iOS NSURLConenctions (one downloading, the other uploading), but can't seem to make it work.
I have two NSURLConnections running simultaneously.
One is downloading content from a url using a GET request.
The other is uploading the same content just received, to another url, in the request body of a PUT request.
In the upload connection I'm using setHTTPBodyStream to specify a custom NSInputStream whose read method returns data previously received from the other connection.
Both NSURLConnections are scheduled in the run loops of separate background threads, so that any (possibly blocking) delegate callbacks don't mess with each other (and neither with the main thread).
So I thought it would work like this:
The upload connection calls [read:maxLength] (which I have overridden) on the input stream.
Since there's no data available yet, the read call blocks.
On another thread, [connection:didReceiveData:] is called on the delegate of the download connection.
It puts the received data in a shared buffer, thus making it available for the input stream of the upload connection.
The upload stream's read call now isn't blocked anymore, it can return a chunk of data.
Unfortunately in practice, this does not work. After the upload stream's read method blocks, the download connection's delegate methods (eg. didReceiveData) don't get called anymore. (Note that if I disable the blocking on the upload side, then didReceiveData on the download side does get called all right.)
I suspect that this has to do something with the fact that the upload input stream's read method is called not on the thread where the connection and the stream objects were created, but on some other thread (apparently created by Cocoa). As if this was some shared thread used by both NSURLConnections, so once it's blocked, all other connections stop working as well. Or something like that.
Does anyone have an idea about what's really happening?
Also, is there a way to control on which thread the request body input stream's read method gets called?
I've not found a answer to this question anywhere, but this seems like a typical problem:
I would like to send some POST-Requests (with ASIHTTPRequest, what I already do), but if something goes wrong, ther user can decide to "Try Later", that means, the task should be put on a queue and this queue should be read next time the application starts. So, that's my question: how to "save" the queue, so that the app can read it next time it starts? Is it possible to "read" the queue and try sending this POST-Request again, let's say, 10 min later, even if the application is not running?
What kind of documentation should I read in order to be able to do this?
I would be very glad to hear any answers. Thanks in advance.
P.S.: Another Idea I have: as I just have to Upload Photos, I could have a folder with all the Photos that still need to be uploaded, and when the App starts, the app looks at this folder and try to send all the photos in this folder. Does it make sense?
My approach for this issue would be like this:
Whenever you fail to send details - write content of the array to a file using '[NSArray writeToFile:]' you can use serialization if array contain any data which is custom defined (if your array contain standard cocoa objects(NSString,NSData etc) they already implemented with serialization )
When app launches; load the content from file directly to an array object ('[NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:]')
then construct http request and try sending. In application the data(in your case array) is stored/serialized not the request, you need to reconstruct the http request when you want to try one more time.(don't try serializing ASIHTTPRequest, you have reconstruct it)
I'm going to assume you've already looked at NSOperationQueue and NSOperation. AFAIK there is no built-in support for serializing NSOperation, but you could very easily write your own serialization mechanism for an NSOperation subclass that you use for posting data and write the an NSOperationQueue's operations to disk if something goes wrong.
Without knowing too many details it's hard to give a precise answer. There are many ways to write data to disk and load it again later, the direction you take will be largely dependent on your situation.