Maintaining persistent connection with HTTP server so as to get continuous stream - iphone

this is the procedure of requirement.
1) I make a request, which will make a connection. It might break, but should be notified to programmer by callback.
2) the data comes as a stream from endless page in chunks.
3) I want suggestion because normal NSURLConnection wont be handy as it will break in no time.
Input here is endless page from which stream comes.
Note: Endless stream might be empty and asynchronous.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

If your only problem is the timeout associated with NSURLConnection, you can change that timeout as described in this question.
Otherwise, you will have to write your own NSStream-based implementation. See this documentation for more information.


How to handle connectivity while posting data?

I'm trying to find a way to post data, while checking for internet connectivity. My problem is, if I have 50 photos to send to my server, say it takes 15secondes, how do I handle the case where I have a bad connection, or where I loose my connection in the middle of the process ? How do I wait until connectivity is back ? How do i try again in 10seconds ? And should I send the data all over again, or is it possible to keep where it stopped (when the connection was lost) ?
I already know of the connectivity plugin, i'm just trying to figure out if I should use a StreamBuilder, rxdart with a listener, etc... Is there a proper way to deal with it, or am I supposed to come up with my own solution ?
If you know of any articles or videos talking about this, thank you for letting me know ! I'm having a hard time finding these.
Ps : i'm not using Firebase, Firestore, etc...
Thanks !
Instead of posting all photos at once, break them down one-by-one. You can put them into a queue of Future or using [StreamQueue][1].
In queue object model, you can add an extra field to determine whether it succeeds or fails. If the result of posting a specific photo is failure, put it into queue again.

Alamofire global queue with pause between requests

I'm working with an API which only permits a maximum of 5 requests per second. If this limit is exceeded the API returns a 429 server error.
My intuition says that to handle this, I should put all requests into some form of serial queue, and enforce a delay of 0.21s between requests, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this. I'm also not sure if using a serial queue is a good idea, as then I'll lose the ability to have multiple requests running at the same time.
I am using adapter and retrier objects to handle refreshing my OAuth session token, so I guess this may be a good place to put my logic.
Has anyone done something like this before, or have any ideas?
Actually I'd probably go a different direction, rather than trying to throttle all requests, I'd look at the response from each request and if it's a 429, I'd re-queue the request via an async closure with a 1 second time delay.
This means that as long as requests are coming in slowly they are executed immediately. But when you try the 6th request, it's shifted into the next second.
The only problem you're going to have to consider (regardless of solution) is what happens if requests keep coming in faster than the API will allow. ie. what happens if you get 6, or 7 or 100 requests per second, for every second? How are you going to deal with the extra requests that will never get executed.
At some point your code is going to have to start failing requests. Alternatively you need to push the server people to run up more servers or give you more bandwidth.

iOS. Best way to pull data from a server (dynamic intervals) for HTTP chat client?

I am working on a chat client. To get new messages (or post new one) I have to perform GET (or POST) request. All new messages are stored via core data. At the moment I don't know how to implement it in most optimal way.
My thoughts:
On view controller init stage create background thread which will periodically checks for new messages (if conversation is active - with short period, if not - with period about 60 secs). If there are new messages, we store them in DB and signal delegate that there are new messages to display.
Friend suggested to use performSelector afterDelay, but I don't understand how to use it in my app.
Something else?
Thanks in advance.
Don't use performSelector afterDelay. Using NSTimer is much better (as the trigger for starting the next download). Also, use NSOperationQueue to manage your background tasks. Create yourself a custom NSOperation that you can instantiate and it will complete your request process. When you create a new operation to check for new messages, check if one is already in progress (there is no point having multiple requests in progress at the same time).
Other notes:
Make sure you consider the threading with regards to the Core Data store (having the operation call back to the main thread with the results will probably be easiest as the result data will always be relatively small).
If you have lots of messages being sent and you want to show constant status (like Skype does, showing you when someone is typing) you would need to use sockets to keep the connection alive the whole time (the cost of new connections each time would be prohibitive).

Multiple request with AFNetworking

I'm trying to do multiple request in background to download many jsons and check data from them but I don't know how to use AFNetworking in that case.
I tried to do like Wiki explaings but when it's going to download the second file then the app breaks. I want to do all the process in background.
AFNetworking will definitely handle this. We use it for exchanging data with a RESTful set of services. The things to keep in mind:
An operation (eg. AFHTTPRequestOperation) can only be used once.
An operation is asynchronous.
Put your operations in an NSOperationQueue, or use AFHTTPClient (suggested) to manage the operations for you.
When sending multiple requests, always assume that the responses will come back in a random sequence. There is no guarantee that you will get the responses in the same sequence as the requests.
Hope this helps to point you towards a solution to your problem. Without more detail in your question, it's difficult to give you a specific answer.
Check out AFHTTPClient's
enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations:progressBlock:completionBlock:, which lets you enqueue multiple requests operations at once with the added bonus of having a completion handler that is called when all of those requests have finished, as well as a block for tracking the progress. Also note, that every single operation can still have its own completion handler (useful if you have to process the results of a request, for example).
If you don't need to customize the request operation (and don't need individual completion blocks), you can also use enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperationsWithRequests:progressBlock:completionBlock:, which allows you to pass an array of NSURLRequest directly without having to build the operations yourself.

what exactly NSUrlConnection ASynchronous means?

i am getting confused what is the difference between Synchronous NSUrlConnection and ASynchronous NSUrlConnection?is there Synchronous or ASynchronous? if we use detachNewThreadSelector in connectionDidFinishLoading method,is it
ASynchronous NSUrlConnection? which is the best way?any tutorial ...
Synchronous means that you trigger your NSURLConnection request and wait for it to be done.
Asynchronous means that you can trigger the request and do other stuff while NSURLConnection downloads data.
Which is "best"?
Synchronous is very straightforward: you set it up, fire it, and wait for the data to come back. But your application sits there and does nothing until all the data is downloaded, some error occurs, or the request times out. If you're dealing with anything more than a small amount of data, your user will sit there waiting, which will not make for a good user experience.
Asynchronous requires just a little more work, but your user can do other stuff while the request does its thing, which is usually preferable. You set up some delegate methods that let you keep track of data as it comes in, which is useful for tracking download progress. This approach is probably better for most usage cases.
You can do both synchronous and asynchronous requests with NSURLConnection. Apple's documentation provides a clear explanation of the two approaches and delegate methods required for the latter approach.
It seems that you're conflating synchronous/asynchronous connections and threading. In my app I used asynchronous connections as an alternative to threading.
Let's say you want to download a big file without causing the UI to freeze. You have two basic options:
Asynchronous connection. You start with + connectionWithRequest:delegate: (or one of the other non-autorelease options) and it downloads bits of the file, calling your delegate when interesting thing happen. The runloop is still going, so your UI stays responsive. Of course you have to be careful that your delegate don't go out of scope.
Synchronous. You start the connection with + sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error: but the code waits until the download is complete. You'll really need to spawn a new thread (or one of the higher level threading operations that Cocoa supports) or the UI will block.
Which option is "best" or the least painful will depend on the architecture of your application and what you're trying to achieve. If you need to create a thread for a long running process anyway, you might go with the second option. In general I would say the first option is easiest.
It's all pretty well documented on Apple's Developer site.
Something which hasn't been mentioned in the other responses is the size of the request. If you're downloading a large file, for example, then using an asynchronous connection is better. Your delegate will receive blocks of data as they arrive. In comparison, the synchronous method will wait for all the data before making it available to you. The delegate can start processing the response sooner (better user experience), or save save it to a file instead of memory (better resource usage). You also have the option to stop the response without waiting for all the data.
Basically, the asynchronous method gives you more control over the connection but at the cost of complexity. The synchronous method is much simpler, but shouldn't be used on the main UI thread because it blocks.
In response to the other answers regarding the file size: I think file size doesn't matter. If the server responds really slowly and you're loading data synchronous your UI still freezes, even if you're loading a small amount of data, like 3k.
So I'd go for the asynchronous option in every situation, cause you never know what you're going to get with regards to file size, server responsiveness or network speeds.