How to Place the background image scroll upwards while editing (adjustPan/adjustResize) - android-softkeyboard

I have Struggled with the following issue..
I need an Activity Which have an editbox and a chekbox below it..These are placed at the bottom of the screen...I have a background image for this total screen..I need scrolling of the totalview(background image along with edit and check boxes) while with presence of softkeyboard...
At start It was looks good..But at the time of editing the image is Resize(shrink)/the image is overlapped by the edit & check boxes with adjustResize in manifest option...with adjustPan I could get something of requirement but the check box was still behind the Keyboard...I much tried with Scrollviews and include layout options but couldn't get the required....
Could anyone Suggest me anything regarding this..

At last I found some trick to get out of this....what I did was instead of using scrollviews...etc...just I scroll the Parent layout (ScrollTo(x,y)) to some extent upwards...Which works fine with me...


When adding an image to TinyMCE is there a way to get the editing area to expand down automatically?

When I add an image to TinyMCE the image gets added ok, but it is severely cut off in editing view until you manually expand the editing window by dragging the bottom-right.
Is there a way to get TinyMCE to automatically expand as needed when adding images?
I found the autoresize plugin docs and tried it and it works for my purpose now, because when editing the area initializes to show the entire content. I see there are other options for this as well here:

Unity Text Component can't show all the text, how can this happened?

I use Unity to create a game and use Text to show some message,but there was a bug not appear every time, that is, the Text only show some of the context, and I set the horizontal overflow as wrap, the bellow picture is the bug:
the good one, the text show "下注倒计时:"
the bug one, the text show "下 :","注倒计时" these three words just disapeared!
and the bug only appeared on android.
I think the problem is on the setting of the text... please see the image below. :)
check this image some of the text is not visible. the image below show the text completely..
check the best fit so that. the text will fit the width and height... check the image below... hopefully this help. :D
This can be a font issue, Do you get this issue with the normal English font.
Are you using Unity UI or NGUI or any other plugin?

Tinyscrollbar not working with drag

I use the tinyscrollbar plugin on a site in a couple of sections.
So far, it was working great. But now for some reason, the scroll is avaible with the mousewheel but not with the drag/drop slider..
The resolution i'm using is 1360x768, but I test it in a 1920x1080 and the drag WORKS!
I check with firebug if the problem is an overlapping element over the slider but I can't see anything..
I didn't post any code, because I didn't make any changes on tinyscrollbar.js..
If you upgraded to windows 8 there is a bug where it only registers screen touch instead of both the screen and mouse... so you will need to address that
Check the z-index of the scroll bar element places it ontop of everything else (an arbitarily high z-index is fine for this purpose) as this can sometimes end up behind the custom scroll viewport meaning that when you go to drag the scroll bar you click on the wrong element.

How to build a USAToday type app? Horizontal and Vertical scroll control

I am trying to build an app similar to USAToday i.e. each "article" is a mix of images and text that the user scrolls vertically to read if it covers more than than the size of the screen. Scrolling horizontally brings up the next article and so on.
Each article should have "paging enabled" so that the content moves as if you are turning a page in a book whether you are moving vertically or horizontally.
I must have looked at every tutorial for Scroll and Page navigation, but I am drawing a blank. Any help is much appreciated.
BTW: I have down loaded this tutorial....
... but (a) it builds ok but simulator only shows a featureless black screen, and I cannot work out how to correct it, and (b) it only scrolls horizontally.
The sample code that you reference is old so I think something has changed in the SDK since then. I was able to at least get the code to run by changing the MainWindow.xib file. I opened that file in Interface Builder and then selected the Window and then in the Window Attributes Inspector I ticked "Visible at Launch". Then the tutorial would at least run and show the colors. I think you might find that there are more issues with it though.
When you are wanting to page something, the real trick is setting the content size of the scroll view.
This StackOverflow question has some good information that might help you get going.

How the Text readjusts when an image appears?

In some news applications when it loads it shows a list of articles. When we click on an article, it goes to its detailed page. In the detailed page 1st there will be only the text related to the article. But suddenly an image comes(related to the article) on the top left corner and the text re-aligns itself to contain the image.
Wht are they doing here? Are they still using UILabel? If i am just adding a UIImageView inside a UILabel, the text will be be adjusted even before the image appears.How can I replicate this myself?
I might be wrong, but i think what they are doing probably similar to the following steps:
User clicks on Article
Article description is being loaded, async download of image is being initiated
once the article description is downloaded the detailsview gets added on top of the navigationstack and appears.
user reads the text....
at some point the download of the image finishes, the viewcontroller gets notified in some way and does a re-layout of the detailsview.
the re-layouting (or however you want to call it) will do two things (probably in an animated fashion)
As I'm not aware how to wrap text around images within a UILabel (keen to get ahold of that knowlegde tough) I would suggest, that what they do is simply creating a second label with the Imageview in place and then fading the first one (text only) out while fading the second one (containing text and image) at the same time..
not sure if this helps you, but I hope so.
TGiF sam
Use UIWebView, the readjustment you are talking about is html basic property, download your content in html format or make a html file programmatic once you download text and image and show them in UIWebView.