Unity Text Component can't show all the text, how can this happened? - unity3d

I use Unity to create a game and use Text to show some message,but there was a bug not appear every time, that is, the Text only show some of the context, and I set the horizontal overflow as wrap, the bellow picture is the bug:
the good one, the text show "下注倒计时:"
the bug one, the text show "下 :","注倒计时" these three words just disapeared!
and the bug only appeared on android.

I think the problem is on the setting of the text... please see the image below. :)
check this image some of the text is not visible. the image below show the text completely..
check the best fit so that. the text will fit the width and height... check the image below... hopefully this help. :D

This can be a font issue, Do you get this issue with the normal English font.
Are you using Unity UI or NGUI or any other plugin?


Display Unobstrusive message on macOS using Swift

I need to display a text message on screen.
Currently I am doing this with a Text view on a transparent window, so the text is overlayed on the screen, perfectly.
The issue is that if am working on a text editor, or Excel, the popup shows up it blocks the text editor by an invisible rectangle around the text, i am unable to send mouse clicks or text keys to the window that i was working on.
I know there are ways to do it, some applications already do it, I just need to know how.
Take a look at this question. It is in Objective-C but the API details you need are there, you just need to do the equivalent in Swift. Whereas that answer draws a transparent red border you will draw your text transparent.

How to highlight text in epub like ibooks app

I need to highlight text in epub book,when user selects the text,i can get the text,what the user has selected,but i need to highlight,the text permanently what user selected,thanks,any help will ne appreciated.
There's nothing built in to iOS that will do this. Some broad techniques that might work:
If you're showing the book in a web view, you might be able to wrap that area in a span and style it to create a highlight.
If you're using Core Text, you could draw the highlight in directly, either before or after drawing the text. (Your choice will decide how the highlight affects non-black text.)
You could add a transparent view over the text that draws in the highlight.
As for adding highlight-related items to the selection menu, see this Stack Overflow post. You probably won't be able to get icons in the menu like Apple does, though; that seems to be a private API. You could probably override the whole menu system if you want something closer to Apple's look, but that'll be quite a bit of work.

Combobox show text properly

I have a combo box that when I open it should show text like
However I get something like
with the scrollbar set to middle. Thing is sometimes for the same values it shows properly
and sometimes it shows from middle(for same value).
I want it to show properly like in the first image and I've tried a couple of things but with no succes.
... and other irelevand stuff ...
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks alot!
If I am not getting wrong, You want to set your scrollbar at particular position. FOr that you need to ovverride the css of that and try to set scrollbar position to 0. So that your problem will get solved.
The problem with any kind of selections box is, that the boxes display and behave completely different across browsers. The older the browser the worse it handles long texts in selection boxes (some just truncate the text). I suggest to keep the displayed text as short as possible. That way you can avoid this problem.
If you really need long description, you can try to add a tooltip to every entry. Or use a different widget to make the select from, e.g. some custom widget in a separate dialog...

How to Place the background image scroll upwards while editing (adjustPan/adjustResize)

I have Struggled with the following issue..
I need an Activity Which have an editbox and a chekbox below it..These are placed at the bottom of the screen...I have a background image for this total screen..I need scrolling of the totalview(background image along with edit and check boxes) while with presence of softkeyboard...
At start It was looks good..But at the time of editing the image is Resize(shrink)/the image is overlapped by the edit & check boxes with adjustResize in manifest option...with adjustPan I could get something of requirement but the check box was still behind the Keyboard...I much tried with Scrollviews and include layout options but couldn't get the required....
Could anyone Suggest me anything regarding this..
At last I found some trick to get out of this....what I did was instead of using scrollviews...etc...just I scroll the Parent layout (ScrollTo(x,y)) to some extent upwards...Which works fine with me...

Is CoreText just a draw/layout Framework for text?

Im using CoreText to display some text, creating framesetter, frames and so, and everything is fine. I can even format the text, but this all is done before I draw. Now the question that is driving me crazy:
CoreText is just to render text? I cannot get any reference to CTRuns or Glyphs to highlight them?
Another sub big question, the Pages App dont use CoreText, anyone knows? In Pages, you can select any already drawn styled text!
All I want is to draw the text and be able to let the user tap to select any text or doubleTap to select the paragraph.
Please, anyone, any light?
Thanks in advance.
CoreText is just to render text. Implementing user interaction is quite another matter. You need to implement UITextInput protocol, see here. It's a big job.
If you just want to input text and don't have a need for advanced typography, just use UITextView or UIWebView.
you can get image bounds of CTLines and CRRuns via core text here is little example i made for my app it's not perfect yet but you can get a little idea of how it works.