Tinyscrollbar not working with drag - screen-resolution

I use the tinyscrollbar plugin on a site in a couple of sections.
So far, it was working great. But now for some reason, the scroll is avaible with the mousewheel but not with the drag/drop slider..
The resolution i'm using is 1360x768, but I test it in a 1920x1080 and the drag WORKS!
I check with firebug if the problem is an overlapping element over the slider but I can't see anything..
I didn't post any code, because I didn't make any changes on tinyscrollbar.js..

If you upgraded to windows 8 there is a bug where it only registers screen touch instead of both the screen and mouse... so you will need to address that

Check the z-index of the scroll bar element places it ontop of everything else (an arbitarily high z-index is fine for this purpose) as this can sometimes end up behind the custom scroll viewport meaning that when you go to drag the scroll bar you click on the wrong element.


Bootstrap modal pop up issue on Iphone

I am using iframe-resizer for cross domain application, The Iframe loads fine in desktop and andriod devices but on my Iphone, I am facing below issue:
The bootstrap modal pop ups on Iframe app is hiding and flickering behind when I scroll on page.
I tried
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
on container of Iframe but that does not work.
Any help/suggestion will be highly appreciated.
We fixed the issue by using position:absolute instead of position:fixed
Position fixed and absolute are somewhat similar in behavior. Both use x,y positioning in the view port and both are outside of the DOM document flow so other content is not affected by the placement of containers. Both require zIndex positioning to determine vertical priority in the view stack.
Position fixed keeps the element pinned at whatever position you set it to regardless of the scroll position of the browser. This makes sense in some scenarios where you actually want to scroll the entire page but leave content in place. The key to remember is to not use it when you build have your own scrollable content on the page.
It turns out in my case I don’t really need position:fixed because I manage the position and size of the container and toolbar headers and footers myself anyway. I know where everything is positioned and keep the content area effectively wedged in the middle of the statically sized elements. By way of CSS and media queries I can force the header to the top and the footer on the bottom using fixed sizes which means I can safely use position:absolute.

How do you sort UI elements in Canvas?

I don't get how you sort UI elements Z-index in Unity inside a Canvas, is it by hierarchy order ?
I'm trying to do a settings screen like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qNo1jloR_k
It's quite simple, you click on the button and it set the whole panel as first sibling in the hierarchy.
But this is what I get:
Also, my gameplay panel had a red background, my graphics panel a green one, and my sound panel a yellow one.
I could avoid this problem by changing alpha on panels, but would like to make it work with z sorting... that I can't seem to understand on Unity.
Using unity 2017.1.2 and .NET 4.6 .
The child that is lower in the hierarchy is rendered on top of other ones.
Let's say there are 2 panels. panel1(red) and panel2(green).If the hierarchy is like this:
Then panel2 will be rendered on top of panel1. So, you'll see green panel.
Hope this answers your question.
Another suggestion, it is better to deactivate the unused panels and activate only the used panels. Because, if the unused panel is active, when it's not shown, it'll still take the processing power which is a waste. For example, if you have animation in the main menu, but currently you are showing the settings panel, your approach will keep the animations running in the main menu.

JQuery Mobile Custom Select Menu is visible when unselected

I was having the same problem as this question:
jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 Custom Select Menu - Placeholder Text not Visible
The above question solved my problem by telling me to use 'http://code.jquery.com/mobile/latest/jquery.mobile.min.js'. That solved my original problem but caused another.
The select menu is always displayed and doesn't center on the select item like it did before.
Does anyone know how to fix this. I think I might be able to hide and show the menu if that was the only problem that I was having, but even when selected it is not in the right position. It should be centered over the select element both horizontally and vertically (if given enough vertical space).
This is caused by the latest release of JQuery, but I also can't download 1.1.1 because it causes the original problem that I had which was solved in the other question.
Looks like the menu is displaying relative to the rest of the content - Try adding a css line on there
on the menu structure - Another good way to test this would be to load up your site in google chrome and use firebug to see why the menu is positioning lower than the "click point." Just on glance it appears that the menu is appearing relative.

How to Place the background image scroll upwards while editing (adjustPan/adjustResize)

I have Struggled with the following issue..
I need an Activity Which have an editbox and a chekbox below it..These are placed at the bottom of the screen...I have a background image for this total screen..I need scrolling of the totalview(background image along with edit and check boxes) while with presence of softkeyboard...
At start It was looks good..But at the time of editing the image is Resize(shrink)/the image is overlapped by the edit & check boxes with adjustResize in manifest option...with adjustPan I could get something of requirement but the check box was still behind the Keyboard...I much tried with Scrollviews and include layout options but couldn't get the required....
Could anyone Suggest me anything regarding this..
At last I found some trick to get out of this....what I did was instead of using scrollviews...etc...just I scroll the Parent layout (ScrollTo(x,y)) to some extent upwards...Which works fine with me...

How to build a USAToday type app? Horizontal and Vertical scroll control

I am trying to build an app similar to USAToday i.e. each "article" is a mix of images and text that the user scrolls vertically to read if it covers more than than the size of the screen. Scrolling horizontally brings up the next article and so on.
Each article should have "paging enabled" so that the content moves as if you are turning a page in a book whether you are moving vertically or horizontally.
I must have looked at every tutorial for Scroll and Page navigation, but I am drawing a blank. Any help is much appreciated.
BTW: I have down loaded this tutorial....
... but (a) it builds ok but simulator only shows a featureless black screen, and I cannot work out how to correct it, and (b) it only scrolls horizontally.
The sample code that you reference is old so I think something has changed in the SDK since then. I was able to at least get the code to run by changing the MainWindow.xib file. I opened that file in Interface Builder and then selected the Window and then in the Window Attributes Inspector I ticked "Visible at Launch". Then the tutorial would at least run and show the colors. I think you might find that there are more issues with it though.
When you are wanting to page something, the real trick is setting the content size of the scroll view.
This StackOverflow question has some good information that might help you get going.