gmail script (stats report) deployment - deployment

I need to develop a simple gmail script that collects some stats. I've found an example, something like: go to GoogleDocs, create a new spreadsheet, go to Tools -> Script Editor, enter your script. That's fine and clear. But how to deploy it to my customers and how they can run it?
Is it possible to give them a link or a package from which they can simply install this script and a new button "Stats" will appear in their gmail account?

You can have only Contextual Gadgets or Sidebar gadgets in GMail app. You can't make a script or its result appear directly in GMail.
An apps script can be published to a gallery. See Sharing Your Scripts section. It'll have to wait for a Google review though. I tried submitting a script awhile back but it never got a confirmation that it was published at some point.
A couple of fast ways:
You send your customers the source code with instructions (e.g. "Go to Tools => Script Editor", "Paste my code", etc..)
Share the spreadsheet along with the script itself (you'll need to enabled script code sharing even if the spreadsheet is shared already) and tell them to make a copy, including the script.


How to integrate unity application in a web application?

I have a Unity application, where user can enter some parameters in text-boxes.
There is also an "export" button. When user clicks on it, based on the entered parameters, some calculations are made and a ".txt" file is generated and it's downloaded in the local computer (with "Save As" box).
I need to integrate this "Unity" project to be web-based. So I need to have a web-application and this same project to be accessible via in my web-application (not to be downloaded, instead to be directly integrated in the web-browser).
Considering that I do not have any experience with Unity, I was wondering, is this possible to be done? And if does, is it straight-forward process, or it's complicated to implement?
NOTE: The "Unity" software has an ability to export a file with "Save As..." dialog, but when integrating in the web, instead of saving us locally, I would want this ".txt" file in the very same time to saved on the server (where my web-app is hosted) as well. I guess that this will require some modifications in the "Unity" code, but my question is:
Does Unity has this support?

Actions on Google - How to access

First time here (please be gentle). I've built and had an action approved. For the life of me, I cannot work out how to run it.
In simulation mode I got a test run to work on my google home. However, my invocation doesn't run it, and I can't seem to find a portal to download it or similar.
How do you people use it now that it has been approved? I've checked my directory but there is no data.
You will be able to use the same invocation phrases that you used for testing in the simulator.
Although it is "published", it does take time to be distributed to all of Google's servers and for it to be available on everyone's Assistant. There isn't any way you can rush this process - it usually takes a couple of days.
You can look at your Action Console, click on "Analytics" on the left, and then the "Directory" tab on top to see how it appears in the directory.
If you view the directory URL from a mobile device, you can also invoke the Action from the directory entry itself once it is available.
You will never "download" or "install" it on a Google Home. Think of it as a website and your Google Home as a browser.

Web UI Automation login and then submit form with Powershell/Curl equivalent

This is for a Windows environment: Windows 7-10 / Server 2008/2012.
I want to create a script which will automate login at a URL, navigate to a another page, and then submit a form on that page.
Open Internet Explorer, if not already opened
Login to (takes me to
Once logged in, go to
Enter values for fields and submit the form via button click
At first, I thought maybe I could use something like iMacro, a greasemonkey alternative, or even bookmarklets. But that'd all still require some user intervention. If there is a macro program which can replay all the steps, perhaps I'd be open to that. Otherwise, I think I may need to employ some kind of PowerShell or Curl-like program for Windows to handle UI automation.
At least with PowerShell, I don't think submitting a form should be too bad. If that's all I had to do, I wouldn't need any help. The problem is how do I log into a site, then navigate to a specific URL, on top of submitting a form, all in the same script?
I don't have to use PowerShell. I'd be open to alternatives to Curl on Windows, whatever those might be.
Thank you for your help in advance.
If your goal is to drive Internet Explorer, the most painless and robust way to accomplish this is probably to use Selenium WebDriver.
Many folks successfully use it on Windows via the Selenium C# bindings (although my favorite way to use Selenium on Windows is via the Selenium Python bindings).
If you're keen on using PowerShell, it should be possible to use Selenium from PS, although there are no official PS bindings from what I can tell.

Install App in Office 365 online

I'm trying to install an App from the Office Store in Office 365 Home Premium, specifically the online version accessed via OneDrive. Example of such an App would be Modern Trend for Excel. The documentation says click Insert > My Apps, but I don't find this menu option in the online Excel.
Can Apps be installed in the online version of Office? If so, how?
I doubt your question is suitable for SO as it seems you're asking about how to install an already made application as opposed to developing said applications.
In the event I'm incorrect...
Apparently not; that doesn't surprise me though. Also, notice the link you provided doesn't specify that it pertains to any of the online versions of mentioned programs.
I opened my account, created a blank worksheet, and tried to add an app. First thing to notice is that the ribbon is limited online. It doesn't even have the "Apps" section as shown in the link. So I proceeded to "open in Excel", which will open the file on your local machine. Yahtzee, I'm able to add the app.
Perhaps you should try adding the app at "home" and after opening the file online and see if the app is functional. Problem would be solved.
It looks like Microsoft currently has this feature on their development roadmap:

Is there an API or any other method to automate the submission process?

I have a number of apps which are similar in functionality and UI. I create the user interface by picking up variables from a .plist file. For instance, I save the source of the API from where I pick up the data.
Creating a new app involves just changing the values in the .plist file and rebuilding the app, and finally submitting it to the App Store. Also, I need to create Ad-Hoc provision files and build test releases too.
I wish to automate this process. For this I need to:
Build the app through the command line interface.
Upload the binary and other required files/information (app icon, description, etc.) to iTunes Connect.
Any pointers where I should look?
It's 2016, and now we have the iTunesConnect Transporter command line tool with a quick start guide here.
Also, have a look at this OSS project that wraps the Transporter tools (and others) in a friendly way:
Building your Xcode projects can be automated by using the command line tool xcodebuild that Apple provides.
As far as automating the app creation process goes, Apple has not exposed this functionality outside of the Xcode GUI. You can still automate this and there are two options.
Use Automator to create a script
that replays all the actions a human
would perform to create a new
project. Parts of this replay
script like the project name etc.
can be customized and
programmatically fed to the script.
A disadvantage of this method is
that this will actually run on the
GUI and will be slow.
If you want to do it all through the
command line, you will have to
reverse engineer the contents of the
Xcode project file that has the
extension .xcodeproj. It's a
compressed file and contains a few
XML configuration files for the
entire project. There is no public
documentation on the contents of
these XML files.
For automating the submission process, you will need a script that talks to This is where you would submit your app to the App Store. Checkout this page for more info on iTunes Connect.
A browser automation tool will be helpful here though you could roll your custom script that talks to iTunes Connect over HTTP.
To summarize, the only thing that can be used readily out of the box is the xcodebuild tool. Everything else has to be reverse engineered.