How to integrate unity application in a web application? - unity3d

I have a Unity application, where user can enter some parameters in text-boxes.
There is also an "export" button. When user clicks on it, based on the entered parameters, some calculations are made and a ".txt" file is generated and it's downloaded in the local computer (with "Save As" box).
I need to integrate this "Unity" project to be web-based. So I need to have a web-application and this same project to be accessible via in my web-application (not to be downloaded, instead to be directly integrated in the web-browser).
Considering that I do not have any experience with Unity, I was wondering, is this possible to be done? And if does, is it straight-forward process, or it's complicated to implement?
NOTE: The "Unity" software has an ability to export a file with "Save As..." dialog, but when integrating in the web, instead of saving us locally, I would want this ".txt" file in the very same time to saved on the server (where my web-app is hosted) as well. I guess that this will require some modifications in the "Unity" code, but my question is:
Does Unity has this support?


Unity Build - Standalone file

I have made a Unity build and would like to share it with colleagues.
But i dont want to share it as the standard "folder structure" -build.
So, I have made a single .exe file with an icon, using Winrar selfextracting file.
It works great....BUT Windows and antivirus apps screams bloody murder when they try and open it, thinking it is a potential virus of course.
That makes the file unusable for web sharing (Sharing on a USB drive there are no problems).
How can I make a single file build, for web download, that does not make Windows and Antivirus apps go crazy?
You need to pack(age) the build of the app.
(Note the boxing app in the linked tutorial is just an example. There are many ways to pack the game into an executable, and you don't need that specific one.)
Depending on platform, it's also either required or recommended that you sign (1)(2) the app and/or executable.
That's not that trivial since antivirus hate selfextracting exe files ;)
Either go with the usual folder structure and ship it as a .zip.
Or you could go the correct but more complex way and create a proper Installer that correctly asks for admin permissions and then is allowed to extract content into the usual program paths.
Or you can try and use this but it might underly the same issue as the selfextracting exe.

Eclipse shows login screen on start of an ABAP program

I have a question regarding ABAP in Eclipse.
I have the problem that if I want to start a program through Eclipse there is at the first time a SAP-Logon login screen.
Workflow is like:
Start Eclipse
Login into the SAP System
Run ABAP program (F8)
Login screen of SAP pop up WHY???
I don't enter any details here only click on the OK button and it works...
I know that other people in my company don't have this issue.
May you have an idea.
Thanks in advance.
ABAP Development Tools does not run programs, transactions, and classes by itself, in a native, Eclipse-managed view. It only opens a window as a frame for a SAP GUI connection, similar to pressing the button "Open SAP GUI (Ctrl+6)".
Opening a new SAP GUI connection always requires a new login. That's actually a feature, because you might want to switch clients and/or language.
Many features of the ABAP world are not (yet) natively available in the ABAP Development Tools. Instead of providing Eclipse-managed views for them, the environment will then resort to the nested SAP GUI display you observe here.
For example, a while back, opening a structure or table data type in the Data Dictionary would open the same kind of SAP GUI connection, start transaction SE11 inside, and display the data type there. Now there's a native view for that that will display you the data type in a textual, CDS-like format.

Creating a Box web app integration / callback that works only on folders?

I'm trying to create a web app integration for that is available from folders, like the "Send with Gmail" or "Send to Chatter" actions. It seems that integrations that we create from only work from files, and not from folders.
I did something similar to that in the past and I vaguely remember that the support team had to modify by action from their back-end to enable it; I compared integrations in my previous app with the new one I created and I see no visible difference in the configuration.
Has anyone done something similar recently and know the current procedure? I also tried opening a support case from their website and it hasn't been answered either.
The Box support team got back to me on this one and changed the configuration of my web app integration. It's now working the way I expect. They confirmed that they're the only one capables of doing this configuration change - it's not possible to do it from If anyone needs that - just open a support case on and they'll do it for you.

gmail script (stats report) deployment

I need to develop a simple gmail script that collects some stats. I've found an example, something like: go to GoogleDocs, create a new spreadsheet, go to Tools -> Script Editor, enter your script. That's fine and clear. But how to deploy it to my customers and how they can run it?
Is it possible to give them a link or a package from which they can simply install this script and a new button "Stats" will appear in their gmail account?
You can have only Contextual Gadgets or Sidebar gadgets in GMail app. You can't make a script or its result appear directly in GMail.
An apps script can be published to a gallery. See Sharing Your Scripts section. It'll have to wait for a Google review though. I tried submitting a script awhile back but it never got a confirmation that it was published at some point.
A couple of fast ways:
You send your customers the source code with instructions (e.g. "Go to Tools => Script Editor", "Paste my code", etc..)
Share the spreadsheet along with the script itself (you'll need to enabled script code sharing even if the spreadsheet is shared already) and tell them to make a copy, including the script.

Is there an API or any other method to automate the submission process?

I have a number of apps which are similar in functionality and UI. I create the user interface by picking up variables from a .plist file. For instance, I save the source of the API from where I pick up the data.
Creating a new app involves just changing the values in the .plist file and rebuilding the app, and finally submitting it to the App Store. Also, I need to create Ad-Hoc provision files and build test releases too.
I wish to automate this process. For this I need to:
Build the app through the command line interface.
Upload the binary and other required files/information (app icon, description, etc.) to iTunes Connect.
Any pointers where I should look?
It's 2016, and now we have the iTunesConnect Transporter command line tool with a quick start guide here.
Also, have a look at this OSS project that wraps the Transporter tools (and others) in a friendly way:
Building your Xcode projects can be automated by using the command line tool xcodebuild that Apple provides.
As far as automating the app creation process goes, Apple has not exposed this functionality outside of the Xcode GUI. You can still automate this and there are two options.
Use Automator to create a script
that replays all the actions a human
would perform to create a new
project. Parts of this replay
script like the project name etc.
can be customized and
programmatically fed to the script.
A disadvantage of this method is
that this will actually run on the
GUI and will be slow.
If you want to do it all through the
command line, you will have to
reverse engineer the contents of the
Xcode project file that has the
extension .xcodeproj. It's a
compressed file and contains a few
XML configuration files for the
entire project. There is no public
documentation on the contents of
these XML files.
For automating the submission process, you will need a script that talks to This is where you would submit your app to the App Store. Checkout this page for more info on iTunes Connect.
A browser automation tool will be helpful here though you could roll your custom script that talks to iTunes Connect over HTTP.
To summarize, the only thing that can be used readily out of the box is the xcodebuild tool. Everything else has to be reverse engineered.