XFBML like button disappear after like - facebook

I create some like buton with xfbml. It's working for a week, but yesterday fortuitously stop working. I don't change the code.
The issue:
When I click the like button everything is ok. After I refresh the site, then those like buttons which were clicked they are disappeared.
This is not a css problem, the like div is empty.
The iframe embed is working.
Test site
Please help!

Having same issue only on new blog posts i bring online. Older posts that already have LIKES seems to be unaffected. Just noticed this Monday.


Facebook Like Button not shown when not being logged in

I have the following problem: I created via this link a facebook like button to my fanpage.
Now the problem is that when I log out of facebook the button is not shown on my website.
I checked all the restrictions like age or country. I allow everything.
Any ideas why that is?
Ok, stupid one! I finally got it!
My fanpage was still set to hidden. When I change the visibility the like button is shown.

Facebook Like button not displaying/showing in any browser

We are having an issue with the Facebook like button not showing/displaying, on this page:
It appears that the span and iframe that are generated have an inline style of width:0px and height:0px , I have tried overriding this to no avail.
The button is not showing in any browser.
This is the code we're using on the page (from AddThis) to generate the button.
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count" addthis:url="http://www.facebook.com/PowerText"></a>
I also tried inserting the Facebook like button using Facebook's own button generator, but the same problem occurs (which would indicate its not an AddThis issue)
Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same problem, tried everything until I figured out that was something really stupid.
If your facebook page has any restriction, like Country restrictions or Age restrictions, facebook does not show the like button if you are not logged in.
I think it is a Facebook bug causing the issue.
Removing the defined URL addthis:url="http://www.facebook.com/PowerText" and using the site domain instead, fixed the issue.
So I think there is some sort of FB bug where defining the URL as a Facebook page causes it to not display, as it works fine without it.
Try this facebook like code it should be work.
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count" fb:like:action="recommend" fb:like:width="135"></a>
Had the same problem yesterday. I then played around with the widget on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button a while. Turned out this only happened with Facebook Page URLs (the URL to like). Even https://facebook.com/facebook itself didn't work correctly anymore. Simply rendered with 0px. All other URL worked as expected. Tried to reach FB on Twitter and they sent this link to the filed issue. Which says bug is known and fixed now.
So we simply had to wait. After one night the next morning all Like buttons with Facebook Page URLs rendered correctly again.

facebook like buttons strange behaviour

We're using fb like buttons, which worked just fine. Lately it looks like clicking on it gives no indication after it was clicked (the button looks like it wasn't clicked, counter remains 0), though the operation is posted to the user facebook timeline as it suppose to.
I've test my page with facebook linter page and the page looks just fine.
I've test it with the facebook js test page and got the exact same behavior http://developers.facebook.com/tools/console/ (go to examples and choose the "does-like" example, then run it and you'll get an error that doesn't say nothing much).
Does anyone faced this problem lately?
We have same problem here so I think it might be facebook bug or their some recent changes. Clicking on like button generated with http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ gives no indication. If it is checked it won't uncheck, if it is unchecked it won't check. Facebook debug tool shows no errors or even warnings.
Button properties: Send button: unchecked, Layout Style: button_count, Show Faces: false
We use iframe code to place it on page.
Here you can find sample code we use:
I tested for XFBML instead of iframe and it seems to work. So this might be solution. On other hand I don't want change all iframe buttons that worked in previous week to XFBML in
all my apps.

Facebook XFBML Like Button Disappear After Unlike

Similar to a problem I have read here, but slightly different. I have added the XFBML version of the like button to a page I am working on in a development environment. It appeared just fine to begin with. I clicked like, viewed my Facebook profile, saw that it was shared on my timeline, I then clicked 'unlike' (which I had done before using the iframe version and experienced no problems).
After clicking 'unlike', the button completely disappeared from my page. Although the markup that was generated is still present.
To make this problem even stranger, when placing the like button on a different page I do not experience the same issue. On a separate (3rd) page, I do.
I feel like this is a long shot, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
edit: said 'screw this' and decided to use AddThis for all my buttons. The facebook like button provided through AddThis also does not appear. So confused.
Could you change the href attribute of the Facebook iframe and see if the button appears?

Facebook Like button doesn't increment count if user includes a comment

I've been working on this for two days straight now. I'm using Rails 3.1.
My setup is like the one Lopez42 spelled out at the bottom of the page at Facebook I like button not working all the time
Unlike the other posts here, my like buttons appear fine, my comment box pops up and my AJAX calls return success.
The problem:
If I click the Like button and leave the comment blank, everything seems to work fine. The like count is updated (I verified at https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select+url,total_count,like_count,comment_count,share_count,click_count+from+link_stat+where+url=my_url&format=json)
The post to the wall says "so-and-so Liked a link".
If, however, I enter a comment, the post to Wall says "so-and-so Shared a link" and no counts get updated (as per same test URL from above).
One other thing. I have quite a few Like buttons on the same page, each with their own URL. I've tried using both HTML5 div fb-like and the fbml tag fb:like.
Also, the facebook debug lint page gives good reports on all og tags, etc.
Anyone have any ideas?
TIA, Dan