Facebook Like button doesn't increment count if user includes a comment - facebook

I've been working on this for two days straight now. I'm using Rails 3.1.
My setup is like the one Lopez42 spelled out at the bottom of the page at Facebook I like button not working all the time
Unlike the other posts here, my like buttons appear fine, my comment box pops up and my AJAX calls return success.
The problem:
If I click the Like button and leave the comment blank, everything seems to work fine. The like count is updated (I verified at https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select+url,total_count,like_count,comment_count,share_count,click_count+from+link_stat+where+url=my_url&format=json)
The post to the wall says "so-and-so Liked a link".
If, however, I enter a comment, the post to Wall says "so-and-so Shared a link" and no counts get updated (as per same test URL from above).
One other thing. I have quite a few Like buttons on the same page, each with their own URL. I've tried using both HTML5 div fb-like and the fbml tag fb:like.
Also, the facebook debug lint page gives good reports on all og tags, etc.
Anyone have any ideas?
TIA, Dan


Facebook like button shows main domain like count on article pages

I ran into a strange problem with the Facebook Like Buttons. After implementing it on the articles pages in SOME cases, but most of them, it shows up the like count for the main page.
Article page example:
This article should have 0 to 5 likes, not 200+. The main URL has 200+ likes. After parsing it with Facebook's Linter tool, it works just fine! Shows 0 likes and the Facebook like button starts working on the article page too. It seems like it clears some kind of cache, or re-parses the URL and corrects its data.
Debugging the parsed Facebook like button, the data-href tag seems to be correct, showing up the current page URL, not the main page.
Where can be the problem and how could I solve it? Any ideas are welcome as I feel like I tried already everything...
I had this problem with some pages, it turned out that the pages had been published, then someone disabled them and reactivated them again later. While the pages were disabled, Facebook checked the page (they say they check pages every 24hrs to make sure the Page Title and other details are up to date) and got redirect to the home page, so used the 'like' count for that page. However, Facebook cached the redirect so never picked up again that the page had been re-enabled.
We resolved the problem by manually re-linting the pages using the Facebook debugger, as you have done already.
Your page does seem to have the correct Like count just now (3), so looks like you may have resolved the problem for now.

Facebook Like button - only 1 line whhen no comment

Im using Facebook's like button plugin on my own website product pages, also using opengraph tags
Everything seems to work fine, the problem is when people 'like' a product, the comment box shows up but if they leave it empty only single line is posted on their feed like:
Jon Doe has liked "title here".
But when they write that comment when they click Like or even post the the link manually all the image,text,description information is correctly displayed.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Well, that’s the basic difference between a like and a share. Since Facebook has merged these to functionalities into one social plugin, it’s up to the user which action he takes.
The old share button has been deprecated, so not much use in implementing it now, because even if it’s still possible(?) it will stop working eventually.
If you want shares instead of likes, your one alternative IMHO is implementing the Feed Dialog on your site, triggered by a click on a button of you own making.

Like Box Shows Error for liking blog page, but articles work fine

I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now. I have a simple wordpress blog. I've plugged in all the OG meta tags and run the page though the debugger many times and it shows no errors.
However when people click the Like button (generated from the Like Box plugin), they get the red error message suggesting that the page be run through the debugger.
I have generated other like buttons that live on individual blog posts, and so far these seem to be working fine, its only when trying to like page there is an issue.
Also note, that the facebook page was generated from the OG meta data after I had liked it. So this isn't from creating a page in Facebook and then trying to have people like it. I mention that just in case it matters.
The other thing of note, is that if I am already logged in (just me the admin), I can like and unlike it with no errors. If however I log out of facebook, and click the like button, after entering my facebook login, I see the error just as other users have.
I've been reading forum posts for days and have yet to find a solution. My blog URL is http://www.garrinball.com
Your http://www.garrinball.com/ parses just fine on the linter. However, this is only a small issue, you don't specify any og:image tag on http://www.garrinball.com/2011/10/christmas-card-shoot/.
What is strange is I don't see any errors. I like the christmas-card-shoot and the like button maintained my like even after page refresh.
I also logged out of facebook, went back to like it, and it prompted me for credentials as normal. I logged in, and was able to like the button. No errors.
I'm wondering if it is specific to your account you're using.
I'd suggest trying with an other fb account.
I have a fanpage tab application with a like button on it, and after a while testing I got the exact same error as you :
<!-- with the JS SDK included and inited -->
<div class="fb-like" data-href="//fanpage-url" data-send="false" data-width="100" data-show-faces="false"></div>
When refreshing, the like button is however detecting correctly the like status.
No error message shows up when using another account than my admin-dev one... maybe its an antispam function ?

Likes on home page are no longer showing

My homepage at http://www.kccurling.com no longer shows the likes. Though the other pages I set the ability to like is uneffected and does show their respective likes.
When I click the like button. rather than showing my facebook avatar I get a red "error". Clicking on the "red error", I get the following message
"There was an error liking the page. If you are the page owner, please try running your page through the linter on the Facebook devsite (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/) and fixing any errors."
I then go the link provided. Type in the url and can see the number of likes for that page. by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. I click on debug. but that appears to do nothing. I am not savey enough to understand or see why the likes are still no longer showing on this page only.
This happen about the time I set up a facebook fan page but I am not sure if the two are linked.
Any directions would be appreciated.
Its most likely a temporary error.
Its worth making sure your Open Graph tags are present and working as per the linter.
You may need to wait an hour before linting again.
If its still borked in a couple of hours then there is a problem.
I've seen today a strange behaviour on my site too. The like button doesn't seem to work any longer. Then I've tried to create again a new like button on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/. And this points in two directions. First I get a new app_id (but I don't know why). And second thing was, that I've had to verify my account by SMS or credit card. After that, all was fine...

Facebook Like Button Keeps Resetting

I'm trying to add a facebook "like" button to my page, and it is appearing just fine. My problem is that once it is clicked by a user, it says "Like NUMBER" then resets as if the request was canceled or something.
The weird thing is that if I try to like a page using my facebook account it works, but I tried letting a friend like some content and this behavior appeared.
I created a facebook app, specified the site url with a trailing slash, and site domain. I used the app ID with FB.init, and with the open graph tags. I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample page can be found at: http://wiseolive.com/en/doctors/3881-khalid-jamal-salaymeh
First, for the count to work correctly, Facebook needs to have access to the page (in other words a public page). Check your URL in the linter tool (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) to ensure it can been seen by Facebook.
Secondly, ensure your og: tags are correctly setup. Once again, you can use the linter tool to do that.
Facebook like buttons will show this behavior until they have been scraped by Facebook. That scraping (facebook like docs) will occur every 24 hours, when an admin clicks the like button or the url is put in the url debugger/linter. From what I can tell doing that will solve the problem for that specific link, but not any others you may have on your site.
I don't know of a generic solution for dynamically generated pages unfortunately.