facebook like buttons strange behaviour - facebook

We're using fb like buttons, which worked just fine. Lately it looks like clicking on it gives no indication after it was clicked (the button looks like it wasn't clicked, counter remains 0), though the operation is posted to the user facebook timeline as it suppose to.
I've test my page with facebook linter page and the page looks just fine.
I've test it with the facebook js test page and got the exact same behavior http://developers.facebook.com/tools/console/ (go to examples and choose the "does-like" example, then run it and you'll get an error that doesn't say nothing much).
Does anyone faced this problem lately?

We have same problem here so I think it might be facebook bug or their some recent changes. Clicking on like button generated with http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ gives no indication. If it is checked it won't uncheck, if it is unchecked it won't check. Facebook debug tool shows no errors or even warnings.
Button properties: Send button: unchecked, Layout Style: button_count, Show Faces: false
We use iframe code to place it on page.
Here you can find sample code we use:
I tested for XFBML instead of iframe and it seems to work. So this might be solution. On other hand I don't want change all iframe buttons that worked in previous week to XFBML in
all my apps.


Facebook XFBML Like Button Disappear After Unlike

Similar to a problem I have read here, but slightly different. I have added the XFBML version of the like button to a page I am working on in a development environment. It appeared just fine to begin with. I clicked like, viewed my Facebook profile, saw that it was shared on my timeline, I then clicked 'unlike' (which I had done before using the iframe version and experienced no problems).
After clicking 'unlike', the button completely disappeared from my page. Although the markup that was generated is still present.
To make this problem even stranger, when placing the like button on a different page I do not experience the same issue. On a separate (3rd) page, I do.
I feel like this is a long shot, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
edit: said 'screw this' and decided to use AddThis for all my buttons. The facebook like button provided through AddThis also does not appear. So confused.
Could you change the href attribute of the Facebook iframe and see if the button appears?

Facebook Like button doesn't increment count if user includes a comment

I've been working on this for two days straight now. I'm using Rails 3.1.
My setup is like the one Lopez42 spelled out at the bottom of the page at Facebook I like button not working all the time
Unlike the other posts here, my like buttons appear fine, my comment box pops up and my AJAX calls return success.
The problem:
If I click the Like button and leave the comment blank, everything seems to work fine. The like count is updated (I verified at https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select+url,total_count,like_count,comment_count,share_count,click_count+from+link_stat+where+url=my_url&format=json)
The post to the wall says "so-and-so Liked a link".
If, however, I enter a comment, the post to Wall says "so-and-so Shared a link" and no counts get updated (as per same test URL from above).
One other thing. I have quite a few Like buttons on the same page, each with their own URL. I've tried using both HTML5 div fb-like and the fbml tag fb:like.
Also, the facebook debug lint page gives good reports on all og tags, etc.
Anyone have any ideas?
TIA, Dan

Like Box Shows Error for liking blog page, but articles work fine

I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now. I have a simple wordpress blog. I've plugged in all the OG meta tags and run the page though the debugger many times and it shows no errors.
However when people click the Like button (generated from the Like Box plugin), they get the red error message suggesting that the page be run through the debugger.
I have generated other like buttons that live on individual blog posts, and so far these seem to be working fine, its only when trying to like page there is an issue.
Also note, that the facebook page was generated from the OG meta data after I had liked it. So this isn't from creating a page in Facebook and then trying to have people like it. I mention that just in case it matters.
The other thing of note, is that if I am already logged in (just me the admin), I can like and unlike it with no errors. If however I log out of facebook, and click the like button, after entering my facebook login, I see the error just as other users have.
I've been reading forum posts for days and have yet to find a solution. My blog URL is http://www.garrinball.com
Your http://www.garrinball.com/ parses just fine on the linter. However, this is only a small issue, you don't specify any og:image tag on http://www.garrinball.com/2011/10/christmas-card-shoot/.
What is strange is I don't see any errors. I like the christmas-card-shoot and the like button maintained my like even after page refresh.
I also logged out of facebook, went back to like it, and it prompted me for credentials as normal. I logged in, and was able to like the button. No errors.
I'm wondering if it is specific to your account you're using.
I'd suggest trying with an other fb account.
I have a fanpage tab application with a like button on it, and after a while testing I got the exact same error as you :
<!-- with the JS SDK included and inited -->
<div class="fb-like" data-href="//fanpage-url" data-send="false" data-width="100" data-show-faces="false"></div>
When refreshing, the like button is however detecting correctly the like status.
No error message shows up when using another account than my admin-dev one... maybe its an antispam function ?

Facebook like button not working

Facebook like button not working on my site.
It goes from like back to default as if it isn't passing some validation.
Once the problem is detected and solved, I'll edit the question to represent a minimal example that will benefit the SO community. Unfortunately I can't pull out the problem out yet as I'm not sure what it is..
Here is a screencast demonstrating the issue http://see.weareinto.com/8Hbq
I believe this is a problem happening on facebook's end. But, there is a way you can fix it... Just copy the URL of your page and enter it in the Facebook LINTER tool here:
Facebook LINTER -> https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
I'm not sure of the exact details of why this works, but from what I've been able to gather, when you run the LINTER tool on your URL it will also update the cache facebook has for your URL. The error with the button working is on the facebook side, so by running this tool and getting facebook to update their cached data for your page, the like button starts working again. I've seen this broken facebook button occur for a few different reasons, one being that a page used to use the old facebook share button. When you add the new like button to a page that used to use a share button, the like button won't work until you run the page through the linter.
Bottom line is doing this will fix your like button. If your facebook button doesn't work on a page, run it through the LINTER tool. Hope this helps!
If you are on Wordpress and you have the "Facebook Comments" plugin enabled, uncheck "Include OpenGraph Meta Information" at the very bottom of the Facebook Comments settings page. This was screwing it up for me.

FB like not working as expected

Creating a page with multiple "like" buttons on it. I'm using their XFBML syntax so when someone "likes" one of the items on the page they can post a message on their wall (default behaviour w/ XFMBL). Sometimes the pop-up shows up but sometimes it flashes away - can't seem to find a pattern why. I have tried this in Opera, IE, FF (latest released versions of each).
Eveything looks according to FB's documentation. See the page at: http://ncaa.rmingorance.mouse.engauge.com/bracket
(note, I can't use the iframe version because I can't give it enough width for the pop-up to work - the pop-up should always work with XFBML according to the docs)
I tried to reach the URL above but it returns a 500 error. Once you have it up again, please try using the Facebook linter to make sure everything is correct: