Smarty foreach:for every iteration add class - class

I have a foreach loop code in a tpl file like this:
[{foreach from=$oView->getArticleList() item=actionproduct name=test_articleList}]
[{include file="inc/product_alt.tpl" product=$actionproduct testid="action_"|cat:$actionproduct->oxarticles__oxid->value test_Cntr=$smarty.foreach.test_articleList.iteration}]
the included file product_alt.tpl in the foreach loop contains a simple div container and get displayed for each product. Now i am looking for a solutions to add to every second div container a extra class.
I google a bit and found out (i think so) that I must work with even and odd. But i stucked how to apply this exactly to the foreach loop with the goal that every secod div container get an extra class.

You are looking for cycle. What you can do for instance is assign an extra $class variable in your include statement, that gets changed by the assign, like so:
{cycle values='yourClass1,youClass2' assign='class'}
That's probably where your odd/even thought comes from: the manual says
{cycle values='odd,even' assign='class'}
But those are just values. Anyeay, your variable 'class' now has alternating "yourClass1" and "yourClass2" (or odd/even) as content. If you assign this to your include, and then add something like
<div class="{$class}">
You get alternating classes. One of them is the one you want. the other can be empty..
check out the cycle manual:


cakephp element not displaying

I have a number of form inputs inside an element as they are repeated in other forms, however it does not output the content of the element when i include it in a view. I can place "Die();" within the element and it will show everything up until that point including the inputs within the element. When checking the source code (without the "Die();") it seems to have disregarded everything within the element including formatting such as DIV's.
The only thing i can think is that cakephp does not like you setting a form in a view then including inputs to the form using elements, does any one know if this is the case, or know the actual reason why this is happening?
The answer is i'm an idiot and forgot to echo the element.... yeah.

Zend Form changing element type in controller

I have my Zend_Form, and sometimes, one of the fields should be hidden, and not seen by the user. Is there a way when I call the form in my controller, I could change one of the fields to be hidden?
You can remove the element using:
in the controller.
You could also create two forms, one overriding the other, in which the child calls $this->remove('my-element-name').
Or, you could make the form constructor accept a boolean $flag that determines whether to add the field to the form.
So, as you can see, lots of different ways to structure it.
To change that field to one of type "hidden" (i.e. <input type="hidden">) is a different thing, but I'm not sure that's what you mean/need/want.
The best solution I have for this is to add a specific class to the element when it needs to be hidden. It may not be the perfect solution, but let me explain.
First, its very difficult to switch from one element type to another in Zend Form. Your elements are actually classes. So the text is Zend_Form_Element_Text - so its not just as easy as changing the 'type' attribute.
If the element must remain on the form (so, not removing it like the answer above suggests), your only other option would be hiding it with CSS.
Try the following code when it needs to be hidden:
$element = $form->getElement('MyElement');
$newClass = trim($element->getAttrib('class') . ' hidden');
$element->setAttrib('class', $newClass);
Then, of course, create CSS for the .hidden class.
Hope this helps!

Prestashop - variables not accessible in header.tpl-$category class not available

I am currently learning template variables and trying to understand how they work and what they mean.
I've done a test on {$category->id_cms_category}, which I put in cms.tpl and I get a result 9, but when I put this in header.tpl or blockcms.tpl (left column), there is no results, it's blank.
Can somebody please explain how this works and how I can get the same result in different .tpl file?
I think the question is really how to assign $category class to for example header.tpl. Is it something to do with controllers?
Why can't I use certain variables everywhere? How does this work? I would be very happy if somebody explain this.
I am also still learning smarty.
Unfortunately you're hitting a common problem with smarty, and particularly how it's implemented within Prestashop.
Smarty variables are very much limited in scope within Prestashop and their scope is determined by which point the portion of code they are assigned in is run. In the case of {$category->id_cms_category} it is assigned within the CMSController at the point in which the main content (important stuff in the middle) is rendered, and so will be available within cms.tpl as you have demonstrated.
The reason it isn't available in the left column or in the header is due to the order in which each of these sections are rendered. This will be:
a) Header (top of page rather than the html header block specifically), then
b) Left Column, then
c) "Main" Content, then
d) Right Column, then
e) Footer
You should find that if you were to reference it in the right column or the footer of the page, then magically it will be available to you (on CMS pages only of course as we're relying on the CMSController being run and assigning it a value).
If you need to reference things like the cms category within the header of the page (maybe to set a highlight on horizontal navigation) then you're going to need to fetch the value and assign it to smarty yourself. You can do this in one of two ways:
1) Write a module which is hooked into the header and assign your variable there
2) Override the FrontController class and assign the smarty variable there (e.g. in the init function)
An example of 2) which you could try is to create a file /override/classes/FrontController.php containing:
class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
function init() {
$id_cms_category = (int)Tools::getValue('id_cms_category');
$id_cms_page = (int)Tools::getValue('id_cms');
'my_cms_category_id' => $id_cms_category,
'my_cms_page_id' => $id_cms_page
The above should allow you to display {my_cms_category_id} and {my_cms_page_id} anywhere in your theme (because we're setting the smarty variables before everything else is rendered). For a non-cms page they should both be 0, my_cms_category_id should be set non-zero on cms category pages, and {my_cms_page_id} should be non-zero when on a specific cms page.
Hope this goes some way to making it a little clearer!

Need to print out all links on a sidebar in selenium (xpath?)

I need to find any extra links and print them out. I started by doing:
and comparing it to the size of an array that holds the name of all the links for the sidebar. When the count is too high/low, I need to print out all the extra/missing links. I would like to make a list of the names so I can compare it to the array. I've tried a few things like get_text('//li/a'), which returns the name of the first. get_text('//li/a[1]) does the same, but any other index returns nothing.
Any ideas? Also, I need the name that's displayed on the link, not the actual href.
Edit* Also, i'm pretty new to selenium and Xpath. Please let me know if there's info I let out that is needed, or just any suggestions towards thew way I'm going about this.
I have been able to get this to work using CSS element locators. Since I use CSS selectors far more often than Xpath, I find it easier to always use them with Selenium as well.
$selenium->get_text("css=li a:nth-child(1)")
$selenium->get_text("css=li a:nth-child(2)")
$selenium->get_text("css=li a:nth-child(...)")
$selenium->get_text("css=li a:nth-child(n)")
this will get you the text of $someNumber-th //li/a in the XML document.
In order to know what values to use to substitute the $someNumber with, you need to know the total count of these elements:
This is in JAVA. You can use the same concept in perl
int totCountInPage=selenium.getXpathCount(//li/a);
for(int count=1;count<=totCountInPage;count++)
This should print text inside the anchor links under all li tag.

Can jQuery add a plugin function to future members of a .class?

Here's something I don't know if it's possible, but here's my question:
My jQuery application has dynamically added entry fields. For example, a button "Add New Customer" adds a new entry form after the current one. So far, so good!
However, I find myself needing to add the mask functions I want to every newly created field, like this:
zipcodeMask(...) is just an example function that checks to make sure the user's entered a correct zip code. Other similar masks for phone numbers, credit cards, etc. This part works great, but I have to set it for every newly created element I want to have a zip code mask.
I thought it would be awesome if there was something like .live() that could do the .zipcodeMask() call for every future instance of the zip code field.
I thought I'd make a class, such as "UseZipCodeMask", and do something like class="UseZipCodeMask" in every input field that needs a zip code mask.
When I do this:
This works fine - for every existing element that has this class. If I create a new field with this class, it's doesn't have the .zipcodeMask(...) function working.
Is there a way to make my zip code fields get .zipcodeMask(...) automatically set for it? It would clean up the code a bit, there's a lot of code that adds .zipcodeMask() and other related functions every time some new input fields are created.
Thanks very much!
What jquery version are you using?
You can use .delegate which means you would not have to "add the plugin" to newly created elements.