Zend Form changing element type in controller - zend-framework

I have my Zend_Form, and sometimes, one of the fields should be hidden, and not seen by the user. Is there a way when I call the form in my controller, I could change one of the fields to be hidden?

You can remove the element using:
in the controller.
You could also create two forms, one overriding the other, in which the child calls $this->remove('my-element-name').
Or, you could make the form constructor accept a boolean $flag that determines whether to add the field to the form.
So, as you can see, lots of different ways to structure it.
To change that field to one of type "hidden" (i.e. <input type="hidden">) is a different thing, but I'm not sure that's what you mean/need/want.

The best solution I have for this is to add a specific class to the element when it needs to be hidden. It may not be the perfect solution, but let me explain.
First, its very difficult to switch from one element type to another in Zend Form. Your elements are actually classes. So the text is Zend_Form_Element_Text - so its not just as easy as changing the 'type' attribute.
If the element must remain on the form (so, not removing it like the answer above suggests), your only other option would be hiding it with CSS.
Try the following code when it needs to be hidden:
$element = $form->getElement('MyElement');
$newClass = trim($element->getAttrib('class') . ' hidden');
$element->setAttrib('class', $newClass);
Then, of course, create CSS for the .hidden class.
Hope this helps!


Element Checkbox got its label always to the left and needs a link

How can I change the positions of checkbox and label and how to implement a link into the label?
$acceptGTC = new Element\Checkbox('AGBs');
$acceptGTC->setLabel('I Accept the GTC (show it).');
I tried to overwrite the view helper for checkboxes.
added to module.config.php
'viewhelpers' => array('checkbox'=>'Application\View\Helper'),
But it still uses the original one...
Do I have to tell zend to use my FormCheckbox?
I don't exactly know the way you are rendering your Zend_Form_Element, but in order to enhance the rendering as you want you should build a custom decorator, and add it to this element.
You should read the Zend documentation on Zend_Form_Decorators, everything is quite well explained and should lead you to a fancy solution.

How can I get the Zend_Form object via the Zend_Form_Element child

I've built a Zend_Form_Decorator_Input class which extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract, so that I could customize my form inputs -- works great. I ran into a problem in the decorate class, in trying to get the form name of the element, so as to built a unique id for each field (in case there are multiple forms with identical field names).
There is no method like this: Zend_Form_Element::getForm(); It seems Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract doesn't have this ability either. Any ideas?
I don't think changing the id from the decorator is the right approach. At the time the decorator is called the element already has been rendered. Thus changing the id would have no effect to the source code. Additionally, as you already have pointed out, the relation between a form and its elements is unidirectional, i.e. (to my best knowledge) there is no direct way to access the form from the element.
So far the bad news.
The good news is, that there actually is a pretty easy solution to your problem: The Zend_Form option elementsBelongTo. It prevents that the same ID is assigned to two form elements that have the same name but belong to different forms:
$form1 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form1'));
$form1->addElement('Text', 'text1');
$form2 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form2'));
$form2->addElement('Text', 'text1');
Although both forms have a text field named 'text1', they have different ids: 'form1-text1' and 'form2-text1'. However, there is a major drawback to this: This also changes the name elements in such a way that they are in the format formname[elementname]. Therefore $this->getRequest()->getParam('formname') will return an associative array containing the form elements.

Drupal 7 - Hide certain form fields of a content edit form depending on the content data

In Drupal 7, is there a way to change the standard edit form for a content type based on a certain content?
For example:
I have a content type with a checkbox...once it it checked and the form is saved, I do not want this checkbox to be visible anymore...therefore based on the checkboxes value in the Database I want to hide form fields when showing the form.
I am building a small specific project site, where a company wants to add projects, and their customers are supposed to follow certain steps (upload some content, provide information etc.), and also should be able to check off certain requirements, and once these are checked off, they should not be visible/editable to them.
Also the displayed form fields should depend on an user's role, and then FURTHER be limited depending on the content's database entries.
Is there a module, which could achieve this behaviour? "rules" and "field/permissions" come close to what I need, but are not sufficient. Or did I just miss the option to change a form field's accessibility based on conditions?
What I need is some place to define a logic like "IF (VALUEOF(CHECKBOX_1) == TRUE) THEN DO_NOT_SHOW(CHECKBOX_1)"
hook_form_alter is the way to do this, as explained by Mihaela, but what options do you have inside that function?
If you want just to disable field (it will be visible, but user can't change it) you can do it like this:
$form['field_myfield']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
And if you want it to be hidden, but to keep value it has before editing the way to do that is:
$form['field_myfield']['#access'] = FALSE;
I.e. hiding it (somewhere I saw someone suggesting that):
really hides the field, but after that, when form is saved this field has empty value, validation fails, etc, so that's not a good way to do this. Hiding makes sense only if you want to print separately that field later, at some other place.
function your_module_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
switch($form_id) {
case 'nameOfTheNode_node_form':
//your code here. check the value from from_state.
In this case, I use module Conditional Fields https://www.drupal.org/project/conditional_fields
For example: If my Dependees field has a value, Dependent field can be visible/invisible, enabled/disabled, required/optional, checked/unchecked

Extjs 4 :Disable all the input elemets in an Extjs form at once

I have created a extjs form which is divided into 2 parts using column layout and have almost 10-15 input elements in it. How can i disable all these input elements at a time depending on a condition. Currently i have created a function which fetchs all the components in a form and using ext.each loop through each element to disable them
Here is the function that i use
function prepare_form_view(form){
var f=Ext.getCmp(form);
var els=f.query('component');
var xtype=o.getXType();
Is there any alternative way so that I can disable all elements without looping through each and every elements. I want to use this function with other forms too. I looking for something like 'setFieldDefult' function.
If you are using FormPanel in ExtJs 4.x this is what you are looking for -
The getForm() method returns the Ext.form.Basic object, with this class, you also could access to all the fields on this form with getFields(), then you could iterator all the fields to do anything.
Hope this helps and good luck:-)
What about panel's disable/enable method? This seems much easier.
Here is a suggestion.. Since, you say your form is divided into two parts why don't you put them in a FieldSet ? You can disable the fieldset as a whole with one method ie, setDisabled.
This will avoid the looping of components and disabling / enabling them one after the another.
You could use the cascade function of the form panel which is the ExtJs way to to do it but if you check the source code of the cascade function you will see that it uses a for loop also. The only benifit of using the cascade function is that it will work also for forms with nested panels. I think that your implementation will not work properly a case like that.

How to stop submit of all of fields in a div of a form?

I have divided form in to two sections: sec1 and sec2. Each section is part of a div named as sec1Div and sec2Div. Based upon some selection one of div is hidden. But the problem is that still fields in hidden section are submitted. Please suggest a way so that all of fields in a div are not submitted on submit.
There are several ways to do that. You can hook a function to the form submit's event, or you can remove the name attributes of the fields inside the hidden div. You can also disable the fields, by setting disabled="disabled".
If you are using jQuery, you can do those examples.
To disable all fields in the hidden div, you can do something like:
function hideDiv(el) {
$('input', el).each(function(){
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
And, the appropriate show div function:
function showDiv(el) {
$('input', el).each(function(){
Please remind that this is just a code example. But you can take the idea from that.
The reason this is happening is because the elements are still within the form element. Hiding a div using CSS won't change this - they're still present in the DOM.
It would likely be easiest to add a hidden input field to each div that can be used to identify server side which one you should be processing. You can then simply ignore the data from the hidden form.
If you really must stop the data from being posted, it's a little messy but you could move the hidden div's contents outside of the form element so that the fields won't be submitted. If you wanted to display the div again, you'd then need to move the fields back in. Depending on how complex your CSS is, this could cause problems in some browsers, so I'd advise using my first suggestion.