iOS upgrading issue [duplicate] - iphone

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
App Crashing after iOS upgrade
I upgraded my device from iOS 5.1.0 to iOS 5.1.1.
After up gradation my app were crashing on clicking the app icon. What can be the possible reasons for this?
I am using the following storage in my app.
- Using NSUserDefaults to read value from at app launch.
- Using keychain to store user credentials.
- Does User defaults and Keychain gets affected while iOS up gradation.

This is most likely happening because Apple changed the internal structure of the views. I have seen this when you loop through the subview and Apple made any significant changes to the view all that code is not going to work. Something similar is happening in your case.
This is what I would do, run application on your phone from xcode and keep breakpoints on, it should help you to narrow down the problem.


Xcode: Release app update for iPhone only? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Change targeted device family on existing iPhone/iPad app
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have made an app for both iPhone and iPad in the past, but the latest update it only intended for iPhone.
I switched Target Device Family to iPhone Only and archived and validated, but I get the error:
"This bundle does not support one or more of the devices supported by the previous app version"
Is there any way around this?
Your app is original a universal app, so all subsequent updates must also be universal.
There is nothing you can do in order to separate the update between iPhone and iPad - your app is one app.
The simple fact is that iPad users will receive an update, and nothing will change, while iPhone users will notice the differences.
This isn't an uncommon thing - it happens all the time. The answer is to not worry about it. Fix whatever you need to fix, submit the updated the app and be on your merry way.

Converting iPhone app to Universal app [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to create Universal apps in iPhone/iPad?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
As my iPhone app is working perfectly on iPhone with full screen but when i try to run the app in iPad it shows with the iphone screen. Is it possible to run the app in full screen without jailbreaking the iPad or using the double pixel method ?
Well, you need to actually create one version for iPad, with the corresponding XIB's and classes and other functionalities you might want to add. Remember that an iPad version is more than justa bigger version of the iPhone one...
This Question ask in earlier But read this Official Documentation This might be help flu for you..other option is Search in GOOGLE is best way for getting more ways for create Universal App.
Also This site is related to Your Question.

Can I use a jail broken device for iPhone app development [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
can Jailbroken iphone used for development
For example, testing in app purchase, game centre, icloud or notification.
Anyone have tested and verified if it work?
I had tried to call server data from the app in Jail Broken device. I am not able to call webservices from it. It always display error. On other had application is working fine in factory unlock device.
It works for the most part. Some things don't work perfectly. Sometimes Game Center won't automatch in Sandbox mode for example. But mostly it works.
I unjailbroken mine yesterday because it got stuck when I run the app. It said something like Locktalking so I restored it to iOS6 beta 3. The most of the 'cool' thinks of jailbreaking have a price (of course, they deserve it, but I don't need them so much) so it wasn't an advantage at all.

How to Access iPhone Call Log History on iOS5 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Accessing the iPhone's Call log with the iPhone SDK
I am currently doing an address book application, I want to have a 'Recents' call logs. I am now using Xcode 4.3.3 and developing app in iOS 5.1.0 and 5.1.1.. It seems that call_history.db was not already supported by apple in this version, I see some discussions regarding this matter.
Do you have any knowledge in call history logs where I can apply it in iOS 5?
I think there are no ways of doing it in iOS 5. and your App may get rejected by Apple also.
I think it is impossible in legal way, you can do it by using private framework, but your application will be rejected

Two iPhone Simulators at the same time? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to simulate multiple iphones using xcode/iphone sim?
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible to run the iphone app in two iphone simulator at the same time?
If Yes Let me know?Please.
Yes there is. Download the script here
and then run it before you open xcode in each users account. It will open the simulator in such a way that for every user you can run a simulator. Also, running multiple instances of xcode and debugging on multiple devices under the same user seems to work fine for me at the moment (XCode 4, ios 4.3.3) however I still havent managed to find a way to open more than one simulator for the same user though.