Plug-in for Eclipse - eclipse

I am developing a plug-in for eclipse for JSHOP2 language. For that i made a plug-in project with 'editor'. I have written the code for the neceessary syntax highlighting for JSHOP2 but I don't know how to integrate this types of plug-in with eclipse and then how to take use of it, so that while i write the JSHOP2 code the necessary syntax gets highlighted. Please help me with this.

So you have an editor that works correctly?
Then you need to make sure the files with your extension are opened with your editor. That is described in the Eclipse wiki.
To make sure your plugin is integrated to your version of Eclipse, either create an update site and import the plugin as you would do with any other plugin. Or export the plugin to a jar and copy the jar to the dropins catalog.

Since you are using eclipse to write java code (plug-in project). Create a new eclipse launch configuration. Menu Run -> Run Configuration. Location eclipse application. Right click -> Create new & Run. Hope this helps.


How can I use fxml in Eclipse?

I was wondering about using fxml in eclipse.
I watched a Video about JavaFX where the Creator handles the UI with a fxml File(He uses Eclipse too).
But my Eclipse doesnt recognize that I use fxml(Maybe doesnt have fxml?).
Is there any way I can add fxml to eclipse?
You can also get the e(fx)clipse plugin (which allows you to create fxmls) by opening Eclipse, clicking Help, scrolling down to the Eclipse Marketplace, and searching e(fx)clipse. Install, and then just restart Eclipse. To create a new JavaFX project, go to File->New->Project...->JavaFX->JavaFX Project, and you should be good to go (these instructions are based on using Eclipse Neon).

AEM error on real time

Is there a way to configure AEM into an IDE like IntelliJ,Eclipse...
So that the IDE shows the errors on my project before I compile it even if I put it outside the source folder like for example the components created.
If possible both the .java and .jsp
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by outside the source folder, but have you taken a look at adobe's documentation?
They have instructions for IntelliJ + AEM with Maven. It also instruct on jsp support as well. It's for 5.6.1 but it should be valid for 6.x as well.
Here's one for Eclipse
They also have a more generic set of instruction
Yes, you can maintain CRX data(AEM folders like /etc, /apps, /content, etc) in an IDE like eclipse. This will help you iron out all the compilation errors using features of IDE. Make use of this eclipse plugin called vaultclipse. You can install it from eclipse marketplace.
There is also another plugin called AEM plugin, details on how to use it here.

Eclipse Add Perspective to Runtime

I'm creating a content analysis plugin for Eclipse and I'm testing it in Eclipse by running Eclipse Application.
This worked well (since my plugin only had to work with a plain text editor), but now my company has stepped over to using oXygen as XML plugin in Eclipse for our technical writers. To test whether my plugin also works with oXygen in use, I need to have the oXygen XML Author plugin working in the Runtime.
I have oXygen working in my main Eclipse, but that is not what I want: I need it in my Runtime Environment.
So my question is: how can I add this oXygen plugin to the Eclipse Runtime Environment?
Go to your debug/run configuration -> Select the configuration in question.
Go to plug ins tab. Check if the Oxygen plugin is in the list. If not then add it explicitly and launch the runtime again.
Hope it helps.

Eclipse pom.xml content assistant

I'm new to Eclipse. I'm using Eclipse Kepler to create Maven project, everything works fine except when i'm working with pom.xml the content assistant doesn't give me auto complete just like Netbeans does. Below is the screenshot from Netbeans
My question is can Eclipse be like that in term of gives me auto complete on pom.xml?
Do i need plugin for it?
thank you
There are basically 2 ways for doing that:
Refer to the XML's DTD/XSD in its header, so the simple Eclipse XML editor can help you in a minimal way (e.g., check well-formedness, offers Ctrl+Space assist, etc.).
A better option is to install m2e which is the official Eclipse Maven integration plug-in. It should be available through the Install new software... menu item by default, just search for it. It has quite a heavy support for Maven projects (specific editors, repo browsers, it does update the project configuration automatically, helps you select the dependencies, hanldes multi-module projects, makes easier to import Maven-based projects, etc.)
How to Setup Maven AutoComplete:
1) Download and install the maven plugin into Eclipse. I think the link is this
2) In Eclipse, go to Windows tab -> Preferences
3) Got Maven folder from the left-hand menu. Make sure the three boxes I circled are checked. Click Ok
One of the boxes lets you do AutoComplete. I forget which one.
4) Right-click on your project and go to Maven -> Update Project.
5) You're now done! You should be able to do autocomplete by pressing Control+Spacebar:

Platform-specific dependency creeping into Eclipse plugin

I have implemented a graph editor with Eclipse EMF and GMF frameworks. After completing my project, I realized that this plugin shows dependencies (not explicitly added by me) on some OS-specific plugins.i.e:org.eclipse.ui.win32, org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86. And whenever I have tried to bypass this dependency at my update site something went wrong with the installation process of the plugin.
As such it is impossible to run my plugin in *nix environment or even win64 machines.This seems a very heavy constraint dependency to me. Am I doing something in a wrong way? Or is there no other way of building Eclipse plugins which are cross-platform other than building the project from scratch at each different OSs?
We created a similar style of plug-in in my project. Under "Plug-in Dependencies" in Package Explorer I can see org.eclipse.swt.win32 listed, but it is not listed in required plug-ins in plugin.xml.
We also successfully created an update site which works for Mac users without issue.
So, yes it is possible to have a cross-platform plug-in.
I would suggest you first try to to use "Export..." -> "Deployable plug-ins and fragments" to create a bunch of jar files for your plug-in. See if these can be successfully installed by copying into the drop-ins folder of a fresh eclipse installation. Do this first on a Win32 install, then try on another platform. Once you have that working, use the new Eclipse installation to create the Update site.