I was wondering about using fxml in eclipse.
I watched a Video about JavaFX where the Creator handles the UI with a fxml File(He uses Eclipse too).
But my Eclipse doesnt recognize that I use fxml(Maybe doesnt have fxml?).
Is there any way I can add fxml to eclipse?
You can also get the e(fx)clipse plugin (which allows you to create fxmls) by opening Eclipse, clicking Help, scrolling down to the Eclipse Marketplace, and searching e(fx)clipse. Install, and then just restart Eclipse. To create a new JavaFX project, go to File->New->Project...->JavaFX->JavaFX Project, and you should be good to go (these instructions are based on using Eclipse Neon).
I have created a non-RCP plugin project in eclipse. To run my eclipse plugin, the user must right clicks on a file and select my tool option from a popup menu. Is it possible to have a RCP for such a plugin? How can I provide a RCP distribution (zip) ready to be tested for such a plugin? Would you help me to find an appropriate manual for such a case?
I have an already existing netbeans project and i would like to have the possibility to add javaFX files from the netbeans menu. Is there any way to active JavaFx on an already existing project?
Javafx is always available for any project even a swing application. For integration of the two see this : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/interoperability-tutorial/swing-fx-interoperability.htm
I have to generate UML diagrams from a project in java.
I am familiar with eclipse as well as intelliJ IDE.
I am not able to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipse IDE.
In order to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipseIDE and other IDE based on eclipse, you have to view your project as set of packages in explorer
As shown in the image
instead for viewing it as set of a simple folders
i am making a java application using eclipse RCP.
i have build the project modules as separate plugin projects, now i want to link them using a main plugin project where i have the menu.i don't know how to add plugin projects to the main one.
Can anyone help me please, how to add them and make connecting the views possible ?
I am developing a plug-in for eclipse for JSHOP2 language. For that i made a plug-in project with 'editor'. I have written the code for the neceessary syntax highlighting for JSHOP2 but I don't know how to integrate this types of plug-in with eclipse and then how to take use of it, so that while i write the JSHOP2 code the necessary syntax gets highlighted. Please help me with this.
So you have an editor that works correctly?
Then you need to make sure the files with your extension are opened with your editor. That is described in the Eclipse wiki.
To make sure your plugin is integrated to your version of Eclipse, either create an update site and import the plugin as you would do with any other plugin. Or export the plugin to a jar and copy the jar to the dropins catalog.
Since you are using eclipse to write java code (plug-in project). Create a new eclipse launch configuration. Menu Run -> Run Configuration. Location eclipse application. Right click -> Create new & Run. Hope this helps.