AEM error on real time - eclipse

Is there a way to configure AEM into an IDE like IntelliJ,Eclipse...
So that the IDE shows the errors on my project before I compile it even if I put it outside the source folder like for example the components created.
If possible both the .java and .jsp

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by outside the source folder, but have you taken a look at adobe's documentation?
They have instructions for IntelliJ + AEM with Maven. It also instruct on jsp support as well. It's for 5.6.1 but it should be valid for 6.x as well.
Here's one for Eclipse
They also have a more generic set of instruction

Yes, you can maintain CRX data(AEM folders like /etc, /apps, /content, etc) in an IDE like eclipse. This will help you iron out all the compilation errors using features of IDE. Make use of this eclipse plugin called vaultclipse. You can install it from eclipse marketplace.
There is also another plugin called AEM plugin, details on how to use it here.


GWT module not detected by IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to enable GWT debugging in IntelliJ 14 Ultimate for an old project.
I have enabled gwt support in IntelliJ, downloaded the GWT version that is used by the project (2.2.0) and created a facet that targets that path:
I set it to target the web facet. I then got a warning about how the gwt compiler output and gwt-user.jar were not part of the artifact so I added them to it:
As I created the facet I added to the main app module. Finally I created a run/debug configuration where I specified the app module and enabled "User Super Dev Mode" but the "GWT Modules to load" field is disabled.
I built/compiled the project and am not getting any errors however I still can't see any GWT modules in the project Facets or Module sections.
This JetBrains article seems to imply that I should add framework support for GWT however I do not see it as an option when i right click the project>Add Framework Support..
Thank you
SuperDevMode was added in GWT 2.5; with 2.2 you're forced to use the legacy DevMode, with browser plugins, which means Internet Explorer or an old Firefox.
Unlike support for other frameworks, I cannot see GWT when I right click project root in Project tab and select "Add Framework support".
However, It still works when I select
Project Structure → Facets → Add → GWT
After a few hours of trying a bunch of different things (updated IDE, change JDK, recreate project, etc) the "culprit" turned out to be my VCS: I copied a colleague's local version and it IntelliJ was able to recognize the GWT module.
I was surprised since I had run multiple pulls (well 'updates' to be more exact since it is Perforce we're talking about) yesterday so I tried a force pull and voila... the modules are now showing:
Thanks for your replies Vojtech and Thomas!
I just had to move the gwt XML, for ex to the folder where client and server folders are. And Intellij recognised it.

Platform-specific dependency creeping into Eclipse plugin

I have implemented a graph editor with Eclipse EMF and GMF frameworks. After completing my project, I realized that this plugin shows dependencies (not explicitly added by me) on some OS-specific plugins.i.e:org.eclipse.ui.win32, org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86. And whenever I have tried to bypass this dependency at my update site something went wrong with the installation process of the plugin.
As such it is impossible to run my plugin in *nix environment or even win64 machines.This seems a very heavy constraint dependency to me. Am I doing something in a wrong way? Or is there no other way of building Eclipse plugins which are cross-platform other than building the project from scratch at each different OSs?
We created a similar style of plug-in in my project. Under "Plug-in Dependencies" in Package Explorer I can see org.eclipse.swt.win32 listed, but it is not listed in required plug-ins in plugin.xml.
We also successfully created an update site which works for Mac users without issue.
So, yes it is possible to have a cross-platform plug-in.
I would suggest you first try to to use "Export..." -> "Deployable plug-ins and fragments" to create a bunch of jar files for your plug-in. See if these can be successfully installed by copying into the drop-ins folder of a fresh eclipse installation. Do this first on a Win32 install, then try on another platform. Once you have that working, use the new Eclipse installation to create the Update site.

Can't access class in Eclipse plugin from a Java Project

In abstract, my problem is the following: I want to access a class contained in an Eclipse plugin from a Java Project. Is it possible? I've included that class in the "Exported Packages" of the plugin, which supposedly are "all the packages that this plug-in exposes to clients." Can my Java project be a "client" or only other plugins can be clients?
More concretely, I've encountered this problems when using XText. I built an editor for a language, and programs written with this language are stored in a text based format that follows the grammar defined with XText.
I want my users to be able to write Java programs that load and manipulate those xtext-based files. For that, they need to access all the classes that XText generated in the plugin project. However, I haven't been able to use those classes: in an Eclipse instance that is running the plugin with my editor, those classes are not visible.
How can I access them? The only solution I've found is to export my plugin as a jar and then include it in the Build Path of the Java project, in the other Eclipse instance, but this doesn't sound elegant.
Another way of looking at this problem is the following: I want a certain class to be available to any Java project built in an Eclipse instance where a certain plugin is loaded. How can I do it?
Thanks for your help.
PS. I'm launching the second Eclipse instance (the one where the plugin is loaded) from within the first Eclipse instance.
Once you generate your XText support, you need to make sure every package is exported from the Runtime tab by editing your MANIFEST.MF.
Then once you deploy your plugins into an eclipse, that eclipse environment will be able to see those classes.
But that would only help other plugin developers. Java apps can see classes that exist on the classpath (if you add the plugin jars, for example) but as most eclipse plugins depend on the eclipse lifecycle to work, it's unlikely that their java programs would run. That's not always the case (you can use JFace without a running eclipse) but only for plugins specifically designed that way.
If your plugin is installed, you can create a java project and add the plugin jar as an external jar, using *ECLIPSE_HOME* variable. If your plugin is a project in the workspace, you can depend on it (from the java build path) just like another java project. But since it's a plugin, that probably won't help them run.

Make Custom Project template in Eclipse IDE

I have been using Eclipse IDE for a long time. Its a really great IDE for Java/C/C++ (and other languages with its THOUSANDS of plugins). Every once in a while, I get the need for creating a Javax interface. To do this normally, I would setup the new java project then add what I need. But, wouldn't it be nice if I could just make a template project to automatically include the code for the files. How would I go about doing this? It it even possible? The Eclipse CDT can make a new project type. So can the Google ADT and Google App engine. So I would imagine it is possible. But how?
You must write your Eclipse plug-in that implements org.eclipse.ui.newWizards extension point. You can extend an existing "New Java Project" wizard, and provide your custom project layout implementation (see the API).
Regarding java projects you might be familiar with maven. Maven offers of project template mechanism called archetypes. I never created an own archetype but the explanation to do this (Guide to Creating Archetypes) does not seems to be so complicated.
So although this is not a special eclipse solution it might be helpful for you. Together with the m2eclipse plugin it also works nice together with eclipse.

JavaRebel with a Multi-module Enterprise Project in Maven

Does anybody have experience working with JavaRebel, specifically for a large web application built using Maven? There is a JavaRebel plugin for Maven that seems under-documented, does anybody have comments on how it works, can you really update one class in a Multi-module Enterprise Project and have it "automagically" change on your Server?
Are there any issues with different IDEs and this setup? For example NetBeans will not let you compile one class at a time in a Maven project (from what I can tell).
Disclaimer: I work for ZeroTurnaround.
JRebel (formerly JavaRebel) installation involves the application configuration file "rebel.xml" and modifying the container startup command line.
The Maven plugin is used to generate the "rebel.xml" file, that is used by the JRebel agent running in the container to find the files in the workspace. This allows to use IDE building to compile .java files and skip the Maven build process, as the changes to files will be picked up from the workspace. However as it relies on the IDE to compile the classes, it does depend on the IDE ability to compile efficiently. I know for sure that Eclipse will compile classes one at a time and am fairly sure you can configure NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA to do the same.
In addition to the Maven/rebel.xml configuration you also need to configure the container startup command line. You may also need to install and IDE plugin or do some additional configuration to have the best expirience with JRebel. Following through the steps of Installation manual ensures that.
Hope this helps.
Disclaimer: I've not actually used this plugin myself.
This tutorial implies that JavaRebel works well with Eclipse 3.4. If you are also using m2eclipse it should work ok with Maven projects as well (as long as you ensure that Maven and Eclipse are compiling to the same target folder so the Eclipse incremental compiler can be used to modify the class file).
According to this post, you should configure the javarebel-maven-plugin to generate the rebel.xml (used to mount external folders to the application classpath). There's also a general installation guide you may find useful.