How to integrate "Recent Posts by Others" posts from Facebook's Timeline page to my site? - facebook

I'm trying to get "Recent Posts by Others" posts(/feeds) from Facebook's Timeline page and integrate to my site.
Previously i tried facebook comments plugin, then i realized it wasn't comments :(. But i like facebook comments plugins, it's easy.
For example, has "Recent Posts by Others" posts, and i want these posts add to my site, then users'll have opportunity to add their posts and comments. i can see posts as JSON from there: (or /spg/feed) I really don't want to work on JSON data, maybe facebook has some plugin or service to show these posts. Do you have any recommendations? (It would be best, if there solution like facebook comments plugins for posts)thanks

Sorry, but I think there is no such thing... The complete list of Facebook social plugins is documented here
You might have to work with JSON...


Is it possible to synchronize comments of the plugin Facebook Comments and comments on the Facebook post?

I have a page on the site with comments implemented by plugin Facebook Сomments Also, I have Facebook post with comments (like this -
Is it possible to synchronize comments of the plugin Facebook Сomments and comments on the Facebook post? I want to messages, added to the Facebook post, displayed on the web page with the plugin Facebook Comments. And vice versa.
That’s called Comment Mirroring – see docs for the plugin,
Be aware though that this will only work on new URLs, after you enabled it; it will not work for URLs that you already had the plugin on before.

Retrieve /feed or /tagged on facebook community pages

I am using FB graph API to fetch people's posts on community pages, such as this
I used the graph API explorer with url
However, if I try the /tagged url with a non community page such as this, I can retrieve people's posts on the page.
Do anyone know why /tagged only work in non community page?
Thank you!
Not really sure what do you mean with "Community pages" but this is a problem of permissions. Quoting the docs:
/{page-id}/tagged shows the posts to this page. It will also show some
posts in which the page has been tagged. It will only show tagged
posts where the person who made the post have installed the same app.
Link to the docs:
So probably you do not have permissions to see post for that particular page.
I hope it helps.

Facebook Like Box - Posts by others not appearing

I am trying to implement the Facebook like box onto my website to show posts by others onto my Facebook page, however it is only showing a feed of the posts the page has made to its timeline and not the posts of other Facebook users.
I'm not sure how I can get this to happen? I'm not bothered about having the page's posts appear but I definitely want other's posts to appear in the feed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Afaik the Plugin only shows posts "by the Page", so that is intentional. Think of it this way: If you get many User postings and only write a few Page postings, your Page postings would just not be very visible in the plugin.
You can only use the "force_checkin" parameter of the plugin to show checkins of friends, see Facebook docs:
If you want to get the posts of Users on a Page, you would have to use the Graph API:
The docs include some example code for most relevant languages and you will get User posts too. Of course you have to design it on your own, you just get data from the API.

How do I publish a blog post to facebook so that the likes and comments are merged?

I have a wordpress blog. Is it possible to publish a link to facebook so that the published link on my facebook business page has the same like counter as the one on the blog?
Also, can the comments section be the same? (i.e. if I post the link on facebook, when someone comments, it automatically updates the comments section of the blog post and vice versa?)
This is not possible, each set of likes and comments are independent. There is no way to perform a merge of this data currently.
The Facebook Wordpress plugin provides essentially most of what you can do currently to link Wordpress to the Facebook API
You can't link the like counter of your posts and pages to your Facebook page, why? They're all separate post and pages. It only makes sense.
What you can do? You can announce your post on Facebook (timeline or business page) and all can comment on it. You can add Facebook comments to your posts and pages. The commenter has the choice of that comment showing up in his Facebook timeline. People can "like" the post announcement, or the post itself if you have the Like button on it. They both act separately because for people to actually like your post, they have to visit the page. For analytics it makes sense because you want to know who is in your Facebook page and who actually clicks to visit your site. Both are not the same, and that's the point.
If you want to actually merge your site with Facebook, it will have to be in the form of a Facebook app. If that's the direction you want to take, I believe you can find some help here on the matter.

tight integration between blog and facebook page

I have a self-hosted wordpress blog that I would like to get some more interaction with facebook users. Of course I can import the RSS to the page, and people will be able to post comments on fb, or click on the RSS link and post comments on the blog.
However, I would like to have all comments always be appearing on the blog – and potentially post blog entries to facebook so they get posted in full, and not just as a link to an RSS feed.
How is that possible?
You could look into the Facebook comments for Wordpress, I haven't used the plugin yet but I think it offers the solution you're looking for.
To publish your full articles on Facbook, take a look at the Facebook Static FBML. This Facebook application lets you import rss feeds wile keeping control over the layout.
Don't know if this is what your looking for but I would go with some plugins and the Facebook app.