Is it possible to synchronize comments of the plugin Facebook Comments and comments on the Facebook post? - facebook

I have a page on the site with comments implemented by plugin Facebook Сomments Also, I have Facebook post with comments (like this -
Is it possible to synchronize comments of the plugin Facebook Сomments and comments on the Facebook post? I want to messages, added to the Facebook post, displayed on the web page with the plugin Facebook Comments. And vice versa.

That’s called Comment Mirroring – see docs for the plugin,
Be aware though that this will only work on new URLs, after you enabled it; it will not work for URLs that you already had the plugin on before.


Mirroring Facebook comments on website using Disqus comment system

I read about the possibility to mirror Facebook comments. The idea is that when you share a link from your website to your Facebook page, comments on your webpage will also appear as comments on your Facebook post and vice versa.
I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing using the Disqus comment system? That means for any Facebook post that is a link to my website, is it possible to show the comments on that post on my website too using the Disqus comment system?
I know it's possible with LiveFyre but I don't want to switch my comment system ...
No, that is not possible. The Facebook Comment Mirroring uses the Facebook Comments plugin. So the comments on your site, using the plugin, will also appear on the Facebook Post that the publisher has shared (and linked via a special API).
It is not possible to make the comments using the Disqus plugin appear on the Facebook post. They don't support that special integration.

How do I publish a blog post to facebook so that the likes and comments are merged?

I have a wordpress blog. Is it possible to publish a link to facebook so that the published link on my facebook business page has the same like counter as the one on the blog?
Also, can the comments section be the same? (i.e. if I post the link on facebook, when someone comments, it automatically updates the comments section of the blog post and vice versa?)
This is not possible, each set of likes and comments are independent. There is no way to perform a merge of this data currently.
The Facebook Wordpress plugin provides essentially most of what you can do currently to link Wordpress to the Facebook API
You can't link the like counter of your posts and pages to your Facebook page, why? They're all separate post and pages. It only makes sense.
What you can do? You can announce your post on Facebook (timeline or business page) and all can comment on it. You can add Facebook comments to your posts and pages. The commenter has the choice of that comment showing up in his Facebook timeline. People can "like" the post announcement, or the post itself if you have the Like button on it. They both act separately because for people to actually like your post, they have to visit the page. For analytics it makes sense because you want to know who is in your Facebook page and who actually clicks to visit your site. Both are not the same, and that's the point.
If you want to actually merge your site with Facebook, it will have to be in the form of a Facebook app. If that's the direction you want to take, I believe you can find some help here on the matter.

Comment through Facebook Plugins are posting on my website, but not on the Facebook page

I am trying to add a Facebook comments box on my webpage.
I have tried several different plugins and they all have the same problem: When I try to comment on the facebook page in question through my website, the comment shows up on my website, but not on the Facebook page.
I have inputted the correct Facebook app ID and facebook page URL into the plugins.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I am using Rapidweaver as a web design program. Please help (and note that I am very new to this and not a programmer).
The comments will never show up on your Facebook page.
The comments plugin is a social interaction on your site, so users comment on your site not your Facebook page. No plugin will double post comments unless you explicitly ask for access from the user to post on your Facebook page. From what I have seen so far, no such plugin exists.
For more info: Read

Comments box for facebook post

Is it possible to link a Comments Box to a (public) post on facebook?
I've tried several urls for the Comments Box:
none of them worked.
I know I could use the Graph API to get and post comments on the users behalf, but that requires the user to accept my application (which seems a bit like an overkill, just for commenting a post in facebook).
The comments plugin are for outside (of Facebook) URLs only. It is not possible to use the plugin for public posts on Facebook.

Facebook Comment Plugin Synced with Page?

I'm using the Facebook Comment plugin for comments on my site. I was hoping that comments made to links shared on my Facebook Page would also show up on my website.
For example, if I share a link to a blog post on my Facebook Page, and someone comments directly to that shared link, that comment does not also appear on the website.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to sync these two?
I think comments are self-contained. You could maybe use the API to build something that shares comments on your page with comments on your blog.