Paypal Sandbox - Invalid Merchant Configuration error 10501? - paypal

I'm trying to do a DoDirectPayment with the Sandbox API
I have been testing with code that I know works but my API credentials are getting the following error back from the Sandbox API
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration
After looking up the error code I found that the problem "Occurs when the billing agreement is disabled or inactive."
I have searched Google intensively for how to Agree to the Billing Agreement in the sandbox but to no prevail
Has anyone had this issue and know how to switch it on?

Like the the other answers say, you need to to enable Payments Pro in your sandbox account. As of July 2013, you can do this with the steps below.
Login to your account
Go to Applications -> Sandbox Accounts
Click the sandbox account you want to upgrade to Pro, and then click 'profile'
There should be an Upgrade to Pro option in the dialog that pops up
Note the paypal developer website has been changing quite a bit recently, so your mileage may vary...

It means your sandbox test account is not set up for Payments Pro.
Go to > Test accounts > preconfigured and create a preconfigured US Website Payments Pro test account.

There was recently a redesign of the developer site.
I don't know about existing accounts, but for new accounts you cannot use the default "facilitator" sandbox test account for testing the classic api ... you have to make a new business sandbox test account and use the credentials from that. This is true even though the "facilitator" account is a business account.
The sandbox accounts are created in -> Applications -> Sandbox accounts (link on left side) -> Create Account (button on right side)

I got this same issue and wrote paypal about it, this was their response:
Thank you for contacting Merchant Technical Services.
Regarding to your issue with an error invalid merchant configuration, this error happened because of your sandbox account still in pending status. It happened when you changed from business to pro. This is bug in our system and kindly our engineer still in progress in fixing this bugs. By the way, you can try create new sandbox account and then upgrade to pro account as what you did before this.


Paypal Sandbox Error #10548: Invalid Configuration

I setup a test Magento site with paypal payment pro on a sandbox account, sandbox account does have business-pro enable, when I test my first transaction, everything was good, order create and sandbox payment received, but when I'm testing again with same test credit number or others provided by paypal, I'm now getting this #10548: Invalid Configuration error.
I know that usually this error occur when the account is not business pro enabled, but I recheck again and it is enabled, I even create 2 more merchant test account with business pro enabled and still get the same error. Why did first transaction was OK and now it can't process?
To validate that this doesnt have anything to do with an isssue on your end, I would recommend you to use this site
Enter your sandbox API credentials, sandbox mode and choose DoDirectPayment API. If you didnt receive any error, the issue might be on your end.
If even using this site you still receive the error, can you post the full response?

Sandbox verify account?

I have created an business account through I'm currently trying to verify it so that I can accept payments, but it's refusing to accept any bank accounts I enter. I've also tried to create accounts through the developer portal, but those keep throwing an error and telling me to try again no matter what I do.
Any ideas on how I can make this work?
PayPal will recommend you to create a sandbox account from developer portal, I am able to create sandbox account from my developer portal. Please try to use different web browsers by removing cookies and cache. If you are still receiving an error from developer portal. Then file an MTS ticket at PayPal MTS portal with the error message screenshot, error page source code. Then you will get an assistance from PayPal MTS engineers directly. You may provide the unverified sandbox account (sandbox account was created via flow ) email address to the MTS team for getting that as verified account.

Paypal DG Express Cannot Use Sandbox. Live Account Works Fine

I have a Paypal Digital Goods Express payment form created using their wizard.
When I use our live account it works fine. But when I use the sandbox Business (Seller) account I created, when a user clicks on the 'Buy' button, the popup window appears with only this message:
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Short Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity Code:
I did some research and saw this article:
It suggests that our hosting company needs to update their PHP/TLS, but I did the Curl test and it properly returns a 200 OK.
I also saw this Stackoverflow article:
Paypal "SetExpressCheckout" API method has stopped working with sandbox seller account
...where the problem was the wrong sandbox endpoint, but I've made sure that the endpoint is indeed:
...and it still doesn't work.
I've tried clearing my browser cache, using different computers to test and all with the same result.
Any ideas?
did you enable Digital Goods feature on your sandbox accounts?
If you have not enabled it on your sandbox account, please contact MTS(Merchant Technical Support)
to toggle it for your sandbox account.

Paypal pro configuration issues in Opecart

I am develop site with Opencart. Integrate PayPal Website Payment Pro with test mode. Select Test Mode yes in admin panel.
But in front side when i go for payment and enter visa card number and other stuff and click confirm payment then display error This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
I follow below steps:
Log out Paypal account
clearing browser cache and cookies (I use firefox).
Go to and login with the real paypal account (not the Sandbox one)
Go to Applications
Click on Sandbox accounts
(Optional) Import your old accounts from your former Sandbox account after the redirect to the accounts page
Click on the account you want to log in to
Choose Sandbox site
Log in to that site using your test bussiness account
Go to My Profile
In Account information click on Request API Credentials
Still i have same issue. Before i got Secury header is not valid. I try lots of time but not getting proper mistake.
You don't really need to use Sandbox to do testing, there are other alternatives, such as to use another paypal and transact $0.01 via Authorization mode. (This way you can reject the payment)
Try using Paypal Express Checkout instead. All you need to do is to fill up the API credentials and everything will work.
You need to upgrade your Sandbox account to Business Pro.
Login to
Go to Dashboad and open Sandbox -> Accounts
Choose an account and click Profile
On the Profile tab click Upgrade to Pro.
Note that you should have a Business Sandbox account to be able to upgrade it to pro.

Drupal Commerce - Paypal Payment

I'm looking for a explanation about how the Paypal Sandbox works. Let's say I have a real Paypal account through which I receive payments and I want to configure it on Drupal Commerce's Paypal module, but also I want to test the payment workflow first before making it live and let my customers use it, I see the Paypal configuration on Drupal has the following options under the "PayPal server" section:
Sandbox - use for testing, requires a PayPal Sandbox account
Live - use for processing real transactions
I assume that if I want to do "dummy" transactions I must enable the "Sandbox" option on the Drupal side so my question is
Is enabling the 'Sandbox' option the only thing I need to do in order to avoid real transactions being charged to my Paypal account? or do I have to create another Paypal account (the Sandbox account) and configure it on the Drupal side instead of my real account?
I was just wondering if the Paypal Payment plugin on Drupal needs a "Sandbox account" (different from my real Paypal account) or if by just enabling the Sandbox option it somehow signals Paypal about it and any transactions are just ignored while that option is enabled.
I'll apreciate if someone clarifies this a bit for me, I'm just starting to develop Paypal related stuff.
I recommend using a sandbox account from here
You cannot test a dummy transaction with a real PayPal account on PayPal Sandbox. It requires Sandbox account. So, you need a Sandbox account AND change the Drupal option to Sandbox for testing.