Sandbox verify account? - paypal

I have created an business account through I'm currently trying to verify it so that I can accept payments, but it's refusing to accept any bank accounts I enter. I've also tried to create accounts through the developer portal, but those keep throwing an error and telling me to try again no matter what I do.
Any ideas on how I can make this work?

PayPal will recommend you to create a sandbox account from developer portal, I am able to create sandbox account from my developer portal. Please try to use different web browsers by removing cookies and cache. If you are still receiving an error from developer portal. Then file an MTS ticket at PayPal MTS portal with the error message screenshot, error page source code. Then you will get an assistance from PayPal MTS engineers directly. You may provide the unverified sandbox account (sandbox account was created via flow ) email address to the MTS team for getting that as verified account.


Mistakes when connect to sandbox account Paypal

I am in the process of integrating paypal payment into my site.
but when I want to connect via the sandbox to a test account (personal or buisness),
I have this mistake :
"Something went wrong. Your sandbox account could not be linked to your developer account. Try again.
I did follow these instructions:
create account test
Create application with buisness account linked.
I need help because I have been stuck for 1 week knowing that I asked for help on the paypal forum...
Use a different web browser and a different live account to log into the developer portal. Create one as needed.

Error creating Paypal sandbox buyer/seller accounts

I am struggling to get a PayPal Sandbox up and running.
I am following the PayPal tutorial
Every time that I create an account, in both personal and business modes, the status is error and the profile notification says
Your sandbox account could not be created. Delete it and try again.
This even happens for the standard buyer/seller account which the Sandbox website creates when you register on the site.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
I am also just now working on setting up paypal integration. The developer portal's create account is just flat out broken is all i can conclude. go to and create an account, then in your developer portal under accounts instead of clicking create account, underneath it, their should be some text with a link in it to link a sandbox account by logging into it, click that. now that it's linked to your developer account you can duplicate the account to add funds to it.
Good luck getting it verified though, as i'm struggling to figure out how to actually link a bank account. Hopefully this gets you started.

Sandbox test accounts working at all?

I'm trying to create Sandbox accounts and many times it says there are issue creating my account, other times it creates but it is unverified... (both cloning the 2 pre-created accounts or creating brand new ones).
Am I doing anything wrong? I need them verified to avoid limits and stuff... and obviously, I won't go through a verification process for a test account.
Any help?
You answered your own question.
You need a paypal account, with your real paypal account you log into the developers sandbox. There you can create test apps and users
It's not your fault, I also noticed the sandbox environment / developer dashboard / account creation process are full of errors.
Some hints:
Don't create test account using the developer dashboard, create directly from and add it to dashboard by clicking the link in "Want to link existing Sandbox Account with your developer account? Click Here and provide credentials of your sandbox account"
As it's a sandbox account, it won't send email to your real email address, instead, after you did Step 1, you can click on the sandbox test account list in developer dashboard, and access the "notifications". Which list the "emails" paypal sent. Be warned most of the emails are garbage as they are based64 encoded HTML, decoding them shows incomplete HTML code. You may try to setup your paypal account so that notification are sent in plain text, not HTML. You will need these email to get your account verified.
Even if your account has no money, try to send some and it should automatically create some for you.

Paypal Sandbox - Invalid Merchant Configuration error 10501?

I'm trying to do a DoDirectPayment with the Sandbox API
I have been testing with code that I know works but my API credentials are getting the following error back from the Sandbox API
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration
After looking up the error code I found that the problem "Occurs when the billing agreement is disabled or inactive."
I have searched Google intensively for how to Agree to the Billing Agreement in the sandbox but to no prevail
Has anyone had this issue and know how to switch it on?
Like the the other answers say, you need to to enable Payments Pro in your sandbox account. As of July 2013, you can do this with the steps below.
Login to your account
Go to Applications -> Sandbox Accounts
Click the sandbox account you want to upgrade to Pro, and then click 'profile'
There should be an Upgrade to Pro option in the dialog that pops up
Note the paypal developer website has been changing quite a bit recently, so your mileage may vary...
It means your sandbox test account is not set up for Payments Pro.
Go to > Test accounts > preconfigured and create a preconfigured US Website Payments Pro test account.
There was recently a redesign of the developer site.
I don't know about existing accounts, but for new accounts you cannot use the default "facilitator" sandbox test account for testing the classic api ... you have to make a new business sandbox test account and use the credentials from that. This is true even though the "facilitator" account is a business account.
The sandbox accounts are created in -> Applications -> Sandbox accounts (link on left side) -> Create Account (button on right side)
I got this same issue and wrote paypal about it, this was their response:
Thank you for contacting Merchant Technical Services.
Regarding to your issue with an error invalid merchant configuration, this error happened because of your sandbox account still in pending status. It happened when you changed from business to pro. This is bug in our system and kindly our engineer still in progress in fixing this bugs. By the way, you can try create new sandbox account and then upgrade to pro account as what you did before this.

PayPal API credentials for sandbox

I'm trying to implement recurring payments with PayPal in PHP. I found this example, which I'm looking into, but I need some API credentials. I created a PayPal sandbox account, and from there I created a merchant account. I'm trying to get the API credentials for that sandbox merchant account to replace the values in the example, but I can't find where. All the guides I find point to non-existant parts of the sandbox user interface. Does anyone know where I can find the API credential details for sandbox merchant accounts?
I'm beginning to I loathe PayPal. Spent an hour on their site looking for this, only to find it here on SO (works as of Oct-2014):
To get API credentials in sandbox you must use the API Credentials menu in sandbox itself, instead of logging into the sandboxed account.