Eclipse Helios settings are gone everytime I restart it - eclipse

Everytime I restart my eclipse helios I see it having lost all its views, perspective and all its setting. And as I have a maven eclipse installed on it, it starts updating nexus-maven-repository-index central which seem to a decade to do its thing.
I was very happy with Galilio but I needed to work on a project that asked me to use helios or above. And I've been feeling burnt ever since I switched to Galileo.
Does eclipse helios has any incompatibilities with any of Java 6 versions. I am using jdk1.6.0_32.
Could someone please help me with these problems.

Worst case, once you have resetup all the preference, view & perspective, do the following
Export > general > Preferences > somename.epf
next time when you open eclipse and if the preference is wiped out, then you can
Import > general >preference>somename.epf.
It doesn't fix your problem, but will get you up running...


latest pydev "Invalidate title" memory leak issue?

I can't seem to find a support place for PyDev, so feel free to point me towards it.
When upgrading to the latest PyDev, I get a constantly increasing memory footprint for my window manager if I go into Window -> preferences. In addition, I when I click on subsections in the preferences window, the right side doesn't refresh. There is an "Invalidate title" task in the progress tab for eclipse that never seems to end. I've tried resetting all settings, downgrading eclipse, etc. Is there a way to grab an older version of PyDev?
PyDev for Eclipse
Eclipse 4.4.0 and 4.4.1
I use the C++ CDT install of eclipse and do have the dark style preferences selected (I do recall that PyDev would complain about a lack of a dark stylesheet before).
For PyDev the issue tracker has moved here. You can report your possible bug over there.
As for general support, you have chosen the right palce to come. The PyDev forum title asks everyone to go to Stackoverflow and ask with PyDev tag.
The "Invalidate Title" task seems to be meant to always run. It checks for duplicate editor names.
If you are looking for older PyDev versions, you can download them at the sourceforge project

Cannot import perspective in Eclipse Kepler

I used to share Eclipse CDT perspectives across machines and workspaces of the same machine by exporting preferences to a file and then importing it where needed.
It worked in Juno version but now when I am doing the same in Kepler the perspective simply is not listed though it appears in:
How can I debug this? Any logs to check?
I think this is probably covered by these Eclipse bugs 385920 and 378811. Scheduled to be fixed in Eclipse 4.4M5

Eclipse Helios seems to be corrupted

I am working on an application in Eclipse Helios and since yesterday every change in the code is not being applied when running the application. I have no idea what is going on. Is my Eclipse corrupted? Have some of you faced such situation? Many thaks.
You have probably disabled the automatic build, so Eclipse never compiles your changes. Check the main menu Project -> Build automatically.

Eclipse Plugins not appearing in Preferences, Views, or Perspective

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo, Java Developer IDE. I've installed Maven, RESTClient, e4HTTP. But, I do not see them in the Preferences, Views, Perspective. I've looked everywhere to figure out why and am completely lost. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a trick? Thanks... Thoroughly frustrated.
When you say you installed these products I assume you meant that you installed the plugins for those products in Eclipse and not just on your machine.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
Open the plugin registry view (Window -> Show View...) and make sure the plugins you installed are listed.
Invoke Eclipse with the -clean park. This will force Eclipse to refresh several chaches and this often fixes similar problems.
Open the Error Log view (Window -> Show View...) and click on the red X to clear the messages. Stop and start Eclipse to see if any informative or otherwise helpful messages appear in the log.

Problem installing Acceleo on eclipse 64bit

I've just installed Eclipse Helios 64bit but when i try to install Acceleo, te download seems endless and Eclipse seems blocked.
Is there someone that can help me?
Thank you
The very first install of anything in a new Eclipse tend to be extremely long (Eclipse usually contacts all of its available update sites and checks for update on every single installed plugin before doing anything).
Within a new Eclipse and with a lot of update sites available, the longest I've seen it take for a single install was about 10 minutes. You can usually check whether Eclipse is actually doing something by opening the "Progress" view (Window > Show View > Progress).
I am one of the member of the dev' team of Acceleo and I am always working on a 64bits Eclipse with a 64 bits virtual machine and there are no problems. If you are experiencing this problem it is because of a timeout of the update site. Right now, it is the release of the sixth milestone of all the Eclipse projects so the server tends to be overloaded. You can try it again or just wait a few hours. If you absolutely want Acceleo today, you can always download the zip version directly from here.