Cannot import perspective in Eclipse Kepler - eclipse

I used to share Eclipse CDT perspectives across machines and workspaces of the same machine by exporting preferences to a file and then importing it where needed.
It worked in Juno version but now when I am doing the same in Kepler the perspective simply is not listed though it appears in:
How can I debug this? Any logs to check?

I think this is probably covered by these Eclipse bugs 385920 and 378811. Scheduled to be fixed in Eclipse 4.4M5


Eclipse error log view missing

I installed eclipse oxygen (4.7.0) "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".
After installation I mentioned that "error log" view is not available any more.
I restarted eclipse multiple times and used also other workspaces.
How can I get back the error log view?
Did you try resetting whichever perspective you are using ?
(Window -> Reset perspective...)
I have found a solution: Just install Eclipse SDK by
Help->Install New Software...
After this is done restart eclipse and you got back the error log view.
The Error Log View is missing on a default installation of the Eclipse Platform Runtime. I assume this was missing from the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package for Eclipse Oxygen either (I didn't test myself).
For sure, I'm experiencing this problem in 2018-09 and 2018-12 if I install the Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary (the bare-minimum Eclipse runtime I know of).
I opened bug 543120 for this.
I don't have tested the hexadez suggested workaround, because having to install the whole Eclipse SDK just to have this view is too much for me.
Another workaround I found is to install the bundle "Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE" from the 2018-09 or 2018-12 update sites: it's a much smaller compromise.

Eclipse saves configuration even when removed

I'm in trouble with Eclipse configuration. I had Eclipse Juno with a certain configuration (perspectives, opened views like Logcat, console, etc), I removed it from my system and downloaded Eclipse Luna.
When I opened it the first time and selected the Workspace, Eclipse loaded the perspectives used in Juno (for example Remote System Explorer) but those perspectives weren't installed in Eclipse.
This also happens with the Logcat view, Eclipse Luna hasn't installed ADT (Android) and Logcat wasn't available.
Why is this configuration loaded if I removed Eclipse completely?
The workspace contains the information about the perspectives, views, ... in use.
So if you install a version of Eclipse without some of the plugins you were previously using you should probably create a new workspace. You can import your projects from the old workspace (but if the projects reference any of the old plugins you may get errors).

Can I directly shift my project to Eclipse Luna from Eclipse Juno?

I am working on a project in eclipse Juno. And I see that Eclipse has a latest version as Luna.
Can I directly Shift my Juno Project to Luna.?
do I have to make some changes.?
This depends on how large your project is, and how many technologies it uses.
I did this for an enterprise project, and the steps were pretty straightforward:
Setup the Luna IDE (i.e. install all necessary software from update sites and such)
Copy-paste your Juno workspace (keep the old one)
Launch Luna IDE with pasted workspace. Check for any compile errors.
If all is okay, then switch JDK7 to JDK8, and change the workspace compiler to 1.8
I would suggest to import the project in a new workspace with Eclipse Luna, then try to install all the plugins you need and check the project setup so that everything works.
With this way you always can open the old working workspace with Eclipse Juno while you're doing the migration.

Installation of FindBugs plugin with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

I'm struggling to get the Eclipse FindBugs plugin to work and am sure there's a schoolboy error being made somewhere.
I extracted the file to a local folder C:\Program Files\findbugs-2.0.2-rc2 and running findbugs.bat, FindBugs works fine running it over a local Java (Eclipse) project.
I added the FindBugs update site, it found "FindBugs Feature," and installed it. Restarting, right-clicking on an open Java Project doesn't display the "FindBugs" option (that this video shows).
I looked in Window > Preferences to try to find a way to inform the plugin of the local FindBugs installation (in Program Files), but couldn't find anything.
Uninstalling "FindBug Feature", I tried extracting the FindBugs Eclipse plugin zip file into Eclipse's plugins folder, but after a restart, saw no difference.
Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software lists "FindBugs Feature".
Can anyone please offer a pointer on where I'm going wrong here? Thanks!
Windows 7, Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Juno SR1, JDK 1.7.0_09, FindBugs 2.0.2-rc2
As suggested above, problem is likely caused by not having appropriate write access to the C:\Program Files\Eclipse\plugins folder.
Close Eclipse. Restart Eclipse as Administrator (right click - Run as Administrator). Reinstall plugin. Restart Eclipse.
It looks like the Findbugs plugin wasn't installed properly and/or disabled by Eclipse. There can be several causes.
Multiple versions of the same plugin. To make sure this isn't the case, remove all Findbugs versions (installed manually and via the marketplace), and reinstall one (preferably via the marketplace). Watch for any warnings during installation.
There is a (dependency) conflict with another plugin. However, if this is the case I think Eclipse will warn in the log which other plugin is the cause of the conflict.
Rights problem. Make sure you have write permissions in the main Eclipse folder and all it's child folders.
I remember reading somewhere that installing Eclipse under the C:\Program Files\ in Windows can also be causing problems. Try moving Eclipse to a different folder, e.g. C:\Eclipse
Hi I also faced the similar problem but from my own experience i can suggest you the solution :-
Plz ensure that you are using eclipse version 3.6 or higher. findbugs 2.0 is not compatible with Eclipse 3.5(Eclipse Galileo).
1) Plz extract the findbugs zip file into eclipse folder(wher your eclipse is installed). This will automatically move findbug plugins into eclipse plugins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will find findbugs option on right clicking on project.
2) if 1 step does not work plz remove all the findbug jars for the eclipse plugins folder and place the complete folder into the eclipse dropins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will see the difference.
You can follow these step's to make findbugs work in your eclipse.
1.Install FireBug plugin from marketplace.
Help->Eclipse Marketplace ->then search for FindBugs
2.Configure FindBug for your project
using Maven Without Maven
This worked fine for me using eclipse juno.

Eclipse Helios settings are gone everytime I restart it

Everytime I restart my eclipse helios I see it having lost all its views, perspective and all its setting. And as I have a maven eclipse installed on it, it starts updating nexus-maven-repository-index central which seem to a decade to do its thing.
I was very happy with Galilio but I needed to work on a project that asked me to use helios or above. And I've been feeling burnt ever since I switched to Galileo.
Does eclipse helios has any incompatibilities with any of Java 6 versions. I am using jdk1.6.0_32.
Could someone please help me with these problems.
Worst case, once you have resetup all the preference, view & perspective, do the following
Export > general > Preferences > somename.epf
next time when you open eclipse and if the preference is wiped out, then you can
Import > general >preference>somename.epf.
It doesn't fix your problem, but will get you up running...